John 11
Lazarus We Ye Mes
1Ye mel semal mal le Lazarus idal le yema mel woal Bethany le ye tomay. Bethany ila sew haplom le yema mel Mary mo Martha we bisil iyang.#Lk 10:38–39 2(Iye Mary we ye chalfi mokwe pechel Samol ngal loy we ngo yesa hapalpale ngal mokwe yael chemal. Iy mengal Lazarus we ye tomay.)#Jn 12:3 3Mokwe mengal Lazarus resa fangloh hapatpat irel Jesus le re sor bo: “Samol, molwe maryarem we ho hachangi ila yesa tomay.”
4Yodwe Jesus yela rongrong molwe ngo yesa sor bo, “Tomay le yael Lazarus ila te iye mele be mes iyang. Yesa weldoh mele bo mil mala yebe fang hapingping ngal Deus. Ngo ye wol fang hapingping ngal mala Lol Deus.”
5Jesus ye hachangi Martha mo molwe bisil Martha mo Lazarus. 6Yodwe Jesus yela rongrong bo yesa tomay Lazarus, ngo rural le ye mel chog loboswe ye mel iyang. 7Iwe ngo yesa kangalur mokwe redabeyal bo, “Siya tefael ngal Judea.”
8Iwe ngo mokwe redabeyal resa sor bo, “Sensey, ted sulay yael yarmat luluwaley bo rebe hacchufug mo lobola, ngo hosa wol sor bo hobe tefael loh iyang?”
9Jesus yesa sor bo, “Te ma seg mo ruwow awa yal rael? Te tugul semal le yebe darloh lerral ngo towe cheprag bo ye wiri mala hawrel faileng. 10Iwe ngo hare ye darloh llobong ngo yebe cheprag bo tor hatawerel.” 11Jesus ye sor molwe ngo yesa wol sor bo, “Lazarus we maryarech ila yesa masor. Iwe ngo iy bele loh bo iy bela fanglu.”
12Mokwe redabeyal resa hatefaeli ngo resa sor bo, “Samol, hare yesa masor ila ngo bele chuy yal tomay.”
13Fael molwe Jesus ye sor bo yesa masor Lazarus, ila Jesus ye kekangalur le Lazarus ila yesa mes. Iwe ngo ir re kachog bo iy ye sor bo Lazarus ila ye masor. 14Jesus yesa moch hamdefa ngalir le ye sor bo, “Lazarus ila yesa mes. 15Iwe ngo yesa momay depey irel mala iy tamel irel ngo yesa mes le mil mala hami habe chepar. Hami siya roloh irel.”
16Thomas (we rema ffesangu bo Libbey) sa kangalur mokwe chilal bo, “Pangach ngo sibe dabey Sensey le yach, ila ngo be yoh le sibe dabey irel maes!”
Jesus Mele Molow Mo Molow Tefael Mo Irel Maes
17Yela hola doh loboswe ngo sa fabong yar leba loh Lazarus. 18Bethany ila ye teyoh sew mile ddawal tang Jerusalem. 19Ngo ye cholop yarmetal Judea le re budoh irel Martha mo Mary bo rebe mel ngalir tot irel yodwe yesa mes molwe menger.
20Yodwe Martha yela rongrong bo yesa budoh Jesus, ngo yesa loh bo re bela werfengal. Iwe ngo Mary ye mel chog lal imw we. 21Martha yesa kangalu Jesus bo, “Hare ho mel ho Samol, ila ngo towe mes molwe mengay! 22Ngo ligdi bo ngang igula le igla mwo ngo te tugul mele hobe dongor ngal Deus ngo iy yebe fang ngalug.”
23Jesus yesa kangalu bo, “Mala mengam ila yebe molow tefael mo irel maes.”
24Martha yesa hatefaeli ngo yesa sor bo, “Ngang igula le bela miril faileng ngo yebe molow tefael mo irel maes.”
25Iwe ngo Jesus yesa kangalu bo, “Ngang mele molow mo molow tefael mo irel maes. Te tugul semal le ye chepar irey ngo ila mwo yesa mes, ngo yebe molow tefael mo irel maes; 26iwe ngo semal le ye chil molow ngo ye chepar irey ila tor fael sew le yebe mes. Ho chepar irel mele?”
27Martha yesa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Ila sengal ho Samol. Ichepar le gel Kristus we Lol Deus, we hobe budoh lal faileng le.”
Jesus Ye Tang
28Wol miril yael Martha sor molwe ngo yesa tefael loh sala fesangu Mary we bisil sala ir loh chog. Yesa kangalu bo, “Yesa budoh Sensey we ngo ye kekasiy gel.” 29Yodwe Mary ye rongrong chog molwe ngo yesa sudah sa hamdaloh bo re bela werfengal mo Jesus. 30(Jesus ye ted bulong luwul haplom we bo ye chil mel chog loboswe re werfengal mo Martha mo iyang.) 31Rechokwe re mel irel Mary lal imw we resa dabewey irel yodwe re wiri le ye buyoy le ye nngat. Ir re kachog bo Mary ye bele loh irel pewe bo bela tang mo iyang.
32Yodwe Mary yela hola doh loboswe ngo sa wiri Jesus. Yesa hasubgudiy mo imol Jesus ngo yesa sor bo, “Samol, hare ho mel ila ngo towe mes molwe mengay!”
33Jesus yesa wiri Mary we ye tetang ngo ye wirir rechokwe re dabedoh we re wol tetang ngo iy yesa tayikof lal depal. 34Iwe ngo yesa kasiyar bo, “Iya mele ha leba iyang?”
Iwe ngo ir resa sor bo, “Samol, budoh bo ho bela wiri.”
35Iwe ngo Jesus yesa tang. 36Yarmat resa sor bo, “Ha kemahoy lepal yal hachangi Lazarus!”
37Iwe ngo tot mo luwulur resa sor bo, “Te iy mele ye hachuya yael mal we metafis? Ila ngo medal bo towe wol yoh le yebe foru bo ye towe mes Lazarus?”
Lazarus We Ye Molow Tefael Mo Irel Maes
38Yesa wol ddidoh tayikofel depel Jesus, iwe sa loh irel pewe. Iwe ngo pewe ila ye kkil long mo wol pegil sew hohyal iwe ngo ye pelat ngal sedep porow. 39Jesus yesa sor bo, “Ha hachuya porow la!”
Martha we mengal mes we yesa sor bo, “Samol, ye bele tayikof bol. Yesa faral yal liblib!”
40Jesus yesa kangalu bo, “Ited kangalug mwo le hare hobe chepar ngo hobe wiri falmay la yael Deus?” 41Iwe resa hachuya porow we. Jesus sa kaledah wol laeng ngo yesa sor bo, “Temay Deus, hosa hachigchig irel yam ma talenga yaloy. 42Ngang igula le pangal yad ngo homa talenga yaloy, ngo ikapta mele bo fael mala rechoka re ppaoy iga rebe chepar le gel mele ho fangdoh ngang.” 43Wol miril yal sor molwe ngo yesa fofos le ye hapalingi yalol le ye sor bo, “Lazarus, buyoy!” 44Yela buyoy Lazarus ngo ye dudug mokwe paol mo pechel irel mengag kowe rema dugmi ngal maes ngo ye wol dugdugloh molwe metal ngal sedep mengag. Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Ha taldiloh mengag kala mo uwol bo yebe tal.”
Yar Mekada Jesus
(Matthew 26:1–5; Mark 14:1–2; Luke 22:1–2)
45Ye cholop rechokwe re budoh bo rebe tefael mo irel Mary le re wiri molwe Jesus ye foru. Iwe ngo resa chepar irel. 46Iwe ngo yor tot ir le re tefael loh re sala kangalur Pharisees kowe molwe Jesus ye foru. 47Pharisees kowe mo tamol temarong kowe resa loh irel chol Ttey we yar resa kangalur bo, “Meda mele si bele foru? Ha kemahoy lepal kkemal kala mal le yesa foru! 48Hare sibe ligdi yeramtale le be iye sengal chog ila ngo pangal yarmat ngo re bele chepar irel. Iwe ngo bele tagul mala amel Roma sa hatawsi Templum le yach mo mele faluyach!”
49Ye mel semal le Caiaphas idal le iy mele Llulupal Temarong irel raeg la. Iy Caiaphas ye sor bo, “Tor mele hami ha gola! 50Ha te luluwaley le ye far momay le yebe mes semal yarmat bo yaglir yarmat cholop mo imol mala rebe lir loh chol sew fuluy?” 51Yete kapta molwe le yal chog luluwal bo mil molwe iy mele Llulupal Temarong irel raeg la, iwe yesa kapta le Jesus ila yebe mes bo yiglir yarmetal Jews. 52Mele ila te fal ngalir chog Jews, bo wol fal ngalir panger mekla lol Deus le resa rol medardar fedal lal faileng le bo rebe hofag fengal.
53Ye chap chog ralla sa loh le tamol kowe yar Jews resa luluwaley mele rebe foru ngo yesa yoh le rebe limeseloh Jesus. 54Iwe Jesus ye tay ma halehaloh yal malekah fedal wol Judea. Yesa chuy mo loboswe yesa loh lengchel solbos le ye tolmay loh irel sew haplom le Ephraim idal ye sala mel irer mokwe redabeyal.
55Yodla ngo yesa harep molwe Bungul Paska, ngo ye cholop yarmat le resa bibidah Jerusalem le re bela hachuya tab mo uwor bo yigil mala rebe fel mo irel Deus. Mele ila faesul kkor le rema foru mo imol bong le. 56Iwe resa memeri fedaley Jesus. Rela ttey fengal mo lal Templum we ngo resa rol kasiy fengal bo, “Meda yami luluwal? Ye tugul le towe budoh yeramtale irel bong le, hare yebe budoh?” 57Tamol temarong kowe mo Pharisees kowe resa fang yalor le semal le yebe gola lobosle ye mel Jesus iyang ngo yesa budoh kangalur, bo hare be yoh le re bela ddorfi bo rebe hasi.
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