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Luke 19

Zaccheus, unco rich afore, but unco richer noo! The punds to troke wiʼ! The humble triumph, and the saut, saut tears!
1And enterin, he was gaun throwe Jericho.
2And behauld! a man caʼd Zaccheus; and he was heid amang the tax‐men; and had muckle gear.
3And he was fain to see Jesus, wha he was? and he coudna for the thrang; for he was smaʼ in heicht.
4And he ran forrit, and speel t up intil a sycamore tree, that he micht see him; for he was comin that gate.
5And whan he cam to the place, Jesus lookit up, and says to him, “Zaccheus! haste ye, and come awa doon; for I maun bide at yere hoose the day!”
6And he hastit doon, and enterteenʼd him wiʼ unco joy.
7And aʼ saw it; and they war mutterin, sayin, “He has gane wiʼ a sinner to bide!”
8But, staunin afore him, Zaccheus said, “Lord! I gie the hauf oʼ my gear to the #19:8 This wasna a boast oʼ what he had aye been doin; but raither the vow oʼ a new convert, that frae this oot, he wad consecrate his gear to the Lord. Juist like Jaucob. See Gen. xxviii. 22.puir; and gin frae ony ane I hae taen by fause dealin, I gie him back fowr‐fauld!”
9And Jesus says to him, “Salvation has come to this hoose the day! forasmuckle as he too is a bairn oʼ Abraʼm!
10“For the Son oʼ Man cam to seek oot and save the anes that war forwanderʼt.”
11And whilst they war listenin to thir things, he addit and spak a parable, forasmuckle as they war nar Jerusalem, and they expeckit the Kingdom oʼ God was at ance to shine oot.
12He said thar‐for, “A particular nobleman gaed aff till a far‐awa land, to obtain for his sel the pooer oʼ a king, and to return.
13“And caʼin thegither ten servants oʼ his ain, he gied till them ten punds, and said to them, ‘Cairry on business till I come back!’
14“But the burgesses hatit him, and sent an embassage eftir him, sayin, ‘We winna hae this ane to reign ower us!’
15“And it cam aboot, that whan he was back again, eftir receivin the kingly pooer, he commandit thae servants to be caʼd, to wham he had gien the siller, that he micht tak tent oʼ the trokin they had dune.
16“And the first cam sayin, ‘Lord! yere pund has gained ten punds!’
17“And he said to him, ‘Weel dune, gude servant! ye hae been leal in a smaʼ maitter; hae ye rule ower ten cities!’
18“And the second cam, sayin, ‘Lord! yere pund has become fyve punds!’
19“And he said to him, as weel, ‘Hae ye rule ower fyve cities!’
20“And the ither ane cam, and quoʼ he, ‘Lord! tak tent oʼ yere pund, what I hae keepit, lyin‐by in a naipkin.
21“ ‘For I was fleyʼt oʼ ye, for that ye are an exactin man; ye tak up whaur ye pat‐na‐doon; and shear whaur ye dinna saw.’
22“He says to him, ‘Oot oʼ yere ain mouʼ wull I judge ye; ill servant! Ye ken I was an exactin man, takin‐up whaur I pat‐na‐doon, and shearin whaur I didna saw! —
23“ ‘And why gied‐ye‐na my siller to the trokers oʼ siller; that at my comin I coud hae demandit my ain, wiʼ interest?’
24“Than said he to them staunin by, ‘Tak awa the pund frae him, and gie till him that has the ten punds!’ ”
25(And they say to him, “Lord! he has ten punds!”)
26“ ‘For I say tʼye, till ilka ane that has, sal be gien; but frae him wha hasna, eʼen what he has sal be taen frae him.
27“ ‘But they, my faes, wha wadna hae me to be made King ower them, fesh ye here, and slay them afore me!’ ”
28And whan he had said thir things, he gaed on afore, gaun up to Jerusalem.
29And it cam aboot, as he cam nar to Bethphage and Bethanie, to the mountain caʼd “The Mount oʼ Olives,” he sent oot twa oʼ his disciples,
30Sayin, “Gang yere ways, to the clachan fornent ye; and as ye are enterin, ye sal finʼ a cowt tied, whauron nae man eʼer sat; lowse him and bring him.
31“And, gin ony ane quaisten ye, ‘Why are ye lowsin?’ ye sal say to him, ‘The Lord has need oʼ him.’ ”
32And gaun their ways, they that war sent faund eʼen as he tellʼt them.
33And as they war lowsin the cowt, his maister said to them, “Why lowse ye the cowt?”
34And they said, “For that the Lord has need oʼ him!”
35And they brocht him to Jesus; and, castin their manteels on the cowt, they sat Jesus thar‐on.
36And as he gaed on, they spread their manteels iʼ the way.
37And as he was drawin nar, and was come intil the doon‐gaun oʼ the Mount oʼ Olives, the hail multitude oʼ the disciples begude joyfully to praise God wiʼ a lood voice, for aʼ the great warks they had seen:
38Sayin, “Blessed is the comin King, iʼ the name oʼ the Lord! In Heeven peace; and glorie iʼ the heighest height!”
39And a wheen Pharisees oot oʼ the multitude said to him, “Maister! rebuke thy disciples!”
40And answerinʼ, quoʼ he to them, “I say tʼye, that gin aiblins thir be silent, the vera stanes wad cry oot!”
41And whan he drew nar, he lookit at the citie, and was greetin ower it, sayin,
42“Had thou but taʼen tent, eʼen thou, in this thy day, oʼ the things that are for thy peace! but e’noo they are hid frae thy eʼen!
43“For the days wull come upon thee, that thy faes sall bigg bulwarks roond thee, and steek thee in, and rink thee roon on ilka side;
44“And wull ding thee doon to the grunʼ, and thy bairns within thee; for that thou wadna tak tent oʼ the time oʼ thy visitation!”
45And, gaun intil the Temple, he begude to cast oot thae that trokit inʼt,
46Sayin tae them, “It is putten‐doon, ‘My Hoose sall be a hoose oʼ prayerʼ; but ye mak it a howff oʼ reivers!”
47And he was teachin ilka day iʼ the Temple: but the Heid‐priests, and the Writers, and the heids oʼ the nation, socht to destroy him;
48And coudna mak oot what they micht do; for the thrang, ane‐and‐aʼ, war hingin on him, listenin.

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Luke 19: SCO1904





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