Mark 2
1Pe waght Jesus klatawa kopa Capernaum, pe tillicum kumtax yaka midlite kopa house.
2Pe klaska delate hiyu, wake kahta konaway klaska midlite kopa house. Pe yaka yiem kopa klaska.
3Pe lakit man klaska lolo ikt sick man kopa yaka, konaway yake itlwillie memaloost.
4Pe wake kahta klaska klap kah yaka midlite, kewa hiyu tillicum; pe klaska kokshut okoak house kopa saghalie, pe klaska mash keekwillie okoak bed, kah midlite okoak sick man.
5Jesus nanitch kahta klaska skookum tumtum, pe yaka wawa kopa okoak sick man, “Tenass, nika mash konaway mika tzeepie.”
6Pe scribes midlite yahwa, pe klaska mamook tumtum konamoxt.
7“Ikta mamook okoak man peshak wawa; wake klaxta mash nesika mesahtchie, kopet Sahalie Tyee.”
8Pe Jesus hyak kumtux kahta klaska mamook tumtum, pe yaka wawa kopa klaska, “ikta mamook mesika mamook tumtum kopa ikta nika wawa.
9Kahta elip wake hyas kull, spose nika wawa kopa okoak sick, nika mash mika tzeepie, or midwhit, iskim mika bed pe cooley?
10Kloosh mesika kumtux, okoak Saghalie Tyee tenass midlite skookum kopa okoak illahee, spose mash tillicum klaska mesatchie.”
11Kakwa yaka waght wahwa kopa okoak sick, “kloosh mika midwhit, iskim mika bed, pe klatawa kopa mika house.”
12Pe hyak yaka midwhit, pe iskim yaka bed, pe konaway klaska nanitch yaka cooley pe klaska kwah, pe wawa mahcie kopa Saghalie Tyee, “wake konsik nesika nanitch kakwa.”
13Pe Jesus waght cooley wake siah kopa lake, pe hiyu tillicum chako kopa yaka, pe yaka yiem kopa klaska.
14Pe yaka nanitch Levi, Alpheus yaka tenas, yaka iskim taxes kopa tillicum, pe Jesus wawa kopa yaka “chako kyimta nika.” Pe hyak yaka midwhit, pe cooley kyimta yaka.
15Pe alta Jesus iskim muck‐a‐muck kopa Levi house, pe hiyu publicans pe masat‐chie tillicums konamoxt yaka, pe yaka disciples; kewa klaska hiyu, pe klaska cooley kyimta kopa yaka.
16Pe okoak Scribes pe Pharisees klaska nanitch yaka muckamuck konamoxt okoak publicans pe masatchie tillicum, pe klaska wawa kopa yaka disciples, “ikta mamook yaka konamoxt muckamuck kopa okoak publicans pe masatchie tillicums?”
17Pe Jesus kwahlan, pe wawa klaska, “sick tillicums tikke doctor, wake okoak skookum; nika chako spose wawa okoak masatchie tillicums killipie klaska tumtum, wake okoak kloosh tillicums.”
18John yaka disciples, pe okoak Pharisees ikt ikt sun halo iskim muckamuck; pe klaska chako wawa yaka, “ikta mamook John yaka disciples pe okoak Pharisees halo quansum iskim muckamuck, pe mika disciples quansum muckamuck.”
19Pe Jesus wawa kopa klaska, “kahta spose halo muckamuck kah midlite chee married. Kahta laylee midlite okoak man chee married, wake kahta spose halo muckamuck.
20Pe alki ikt sun okoak chee married man klatawa, pe yahwa alki klaska halo iskim muckamuck.
21Wake kahta mamook sew chee sail kopa old iktas, alki waght kokshut okoat old iktas.
22Pe halo klaxta mamook midlite chee wine kopa old lipati, kewa hyak kokshut okoak lipati, pe okoak wine yaka lost, mamook midlite chee wine kopa chee lipati.”
23Pe Jesus cooley kopa okoak sapalil illahe kopa Sunday, pe yaka disciples iskim okoak sapalil.
24Pe okoak Pharisees wawa kopa yaka, “nanitch mika disciples kokshut okoak law?”
25Pe Jesus wawa kopa klaska, “halo mesika kumtux ikta David mamook pe yaka olo, pe okoak klaxta konamoxt yaka?
26Kahta yaka cooley kopa Sahalie tyee house, kopa ankuttee Abiathar yaka hyas laplet, pe yaka muckamuck okoak shew‐bread kopit laplet quansum muckamuck, pe yaka potlatch kopa okoak yaka konamoxt.”
27Pe Jesus wawa kopa klaska, “Saghalie Tyee halo mamook man spose kloosh kopa Sunday, yaka mamook Sunday spose kloosh kopa man.
28Pe waght Saghalie Tyee tenass yaka tyee kopa Sunday.”
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Mark 2: CHN1912

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First published by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1912.