San Lucas 2
Ayin Jesús
1Ta hich ora la yal mandar te ajwalil Augusto César te ya me x'och ta ahtayel spisil ants-winiquetic. 2Ha shahchel ta ahtayel a te bin ora ay ta gobernador ta sq'uinal Siria a te Cirenio. 3Spisilic baht yac' sbahic ta ahtayel ta jujun slumalic.
4Hich te José loc' hahchel ta Nazaret ta sq'uinal Galilea, mo bahel ta Judea, ta pueblo yu'un David, te Belén sbihil, como ha sts'umbal soc ha patil al-nich'anil yu'un David. 5Baht yac' sba ta ahtayel soc te María te macbil yu'un, te swoloj yal a. 6C'alal tey ayic a, la sta sc'ahc'alel te ayin te yale. 7Hich ayin te sba-al, la smey ta mehyil pac', la smehtsan ta scanoa wacax, como mayuc lugar yu'unic ta na banti ya xwayic.
Te ch'ul a'batetic soc jcanan-tuminchijetic
8Ay jcanan-tuminchijetic nopol tey a, yaquic ta scanantayel stuminchijic ta ahc'abal. 9Chicnaj ta stojolic jtuhl ch'ul a'bat yu'un Dios, te sts'anabul Dios hul stihltes sba ta sjoyobalic; bayel xiwic yu'un. 10Pero halbotic yu'un te ch'ul a'bat: Ma xiwex, ya calbeyex awa'iyic bin yach'il c'ohem ta pasel te bayel yutsil-o'tanil yu'un, te ha yu'un spisil ants-winiquetic: 11Yo'tic ayinemix ta pueblo yu'un David jtuhl Jcoltaywanej, ha te Cajwaltic Cristo. 12Ha me seña awu'unic ini: Meyel ta smehyil pac' soc metsel ta scanoa wacax ya xc'oht atahic, xchi.
13Ora nax chicnaj xan tsobol ch'ul a'batetic talemic ta ch'ulchan te yac yalbelic bayel yutsil te Diose, hich yac yalbelic:
14¡Bayel yutsil te Dios ay ta toyol,
soc ay lamal q'uinal ta bahlumilal,
ay yutsil yo'tan Dios
ta stojol te ants-winiquetique! xchihic.
15C'alal suhtic bahel ta ch'ulchan te ch'ul a'batetic, te jcanan-tuminchijetic hich la yalbe sbahic: Conic ta Belén, con quiltic te bin c'ohtix ta pasel te la yaq'uix jna'tic te Cajwaltique, xchihic.
16Hich bahtic ta ora, c'oht stahic te María soc José, soc te alal metsel ta scanoa wacax. 17C'alal la yilic, la spuquic ta halel te bin halbotic sc'oblal ta scuenta te alale. 18Spisil te mach'atic la ya'iyic xcham yo'tanic yu'un te bin halbotic yu'un te jcanan-tuminchijetique. 19Pero te María la sq'uej ta yo'tan spisil te bintic c'oht ta pasel, soc xhulhon ta yo'tan.
20Suhtic bahel te jcanan-tuminchijetic, yac sc'ayojtaybelic bahel te Diose, soc yac yalbebelic bahel bayel wocol yu'un spisil bintic c'ohtix ta pasel te la ya'iyic soc te la yilic, hich te bin ut'il halbotic ya'iyique.
Jesús ac'ot ta stojol Dios ta Templo
21C'alal ts'acay te waxaqueb c'ahc'al, ha te bin ora ya yich' circuncisión te alale, Jesús sbihil la ya'beyic, hich nix sbihil c'oht te bin ut'il la yal te ch'ul a'bat te c'alal ma to hahchemuc a te alale.
22Soc te c'alal ts'acay te jayeb c'ahc'al ya yich'ic lecubtesel, hich te bin ut'il ya yal te Ley yu'un Moisés, la yiq'uic tal ta Jerusalén te alal yu'un ya ya'beyic ta stojol te Cajwaltique, 23(como hich ay te ts'ihbabil ta Ley yu'un Dios: Spisil alal querem te ya sjam te yawil alal, ch'ultesbil ya xc'oht yu'un Dios, te xchihe), 24soc talic yu'un ya ya'beyic smahtan Dios hich te bin ut'il ya yal ta Ley yu'un te Cajwaltic: Cha'coht xpuliwoc o cha'coht stsuhmut, te xchihe.
25Ay jtuhl winic ta Jerusalén, Simeón sbihil, toj ta winiquil soc jun yo'tan ta stojol Dios, soc yac smahliybel te ya xmuc'ubtesbot q'uinal ya'iy te Israel; soc cuentahimbil yu'un te Ch'ul Espíritu. 26A'bot sna' yu'un te Ch'ul Espíritu te ma ba ya xcham ha to teme la yilbe sit te mach'a Tsahbil yu'un Dios. 27Tijbot yo'tan yu'un te Espíritu, hich tal ta Templo. C'alal ic'bil c'ohel ta Templo yu'un sme'stat te alal Jesús, yu'un hich ya spasic te bin halbil ta Ley, 28te Simeón la spet te alal soc la yalbe yutsil sc'oblal te Diose, hich la yal:
29Yo'tic, Cajwal,
lamaluc q'uinal ac'a wayuquix sbaq'uetal
te a'bat awu'un, hich te bin ut'il awaloj;
30como la yilix jsit te colel awu'un,
31te la achahpanix ta stojol spisil nacionetic.
32Ha luz te ya sacubtes q'uinal
ta stojol jyanlumetic,
soc ha yutsilal te Israel
te pueblo awu'une, xchi.
33Te José soc te snan te Jesús xcham yo'tanic yu'un spisil te bin la yal te Simeón yu'un te alale. 34Te Simeón la ya'be bendición ta stojolic, soc hich la yalbe te María te snan te alale: Ha'i alal ini hich chapal yu'un te ya yac' yahluc soc ya yac' hahchuc tsobol ta Israel, soc ha señahil te ya yich' contrahinel ta c'op, 35hich ya xna'ot bin ut'il ay yo'tanic tsobolic. Soc te ha'at ya me slowbat sohlel awo'tan ta espada, xchi.
36Soc tey ay jtuhl jalwanej-ants, Ana sbihil, yantsil-nich'an Fanuel, yu'un te jchahp yu'un Aser; mero me'elix a. Huqueb ha'bil ay smamalal te c'alal ich'ot ta yach'ixlel, 37hil ta me'ba'antsil, ayix chaneb yo'winic (84) ha'bil. Spisil ora ay ta Templo, c'ahc'al ahc'abal la sch'uhuntay te Dios ta scuenta sc'oponel Dios soc scomel swe'el. 38Ha yorahil a te c'oht te Ana, hahch yalbe bayel wocol te Diose, soc la yalticlambe sc'oblal te alal spisil te mach'atic yac smahliybelic te colel yu'un Jerusalén.
Suhtic bahel ta Nazaret
39C'alal ts'acay ta pasel yu'unic spisil te bin ya yal ta Ley yu'un Dios, suhtic bahel ta sq'uinal Galilea, ta Nazaret te slumalique. 40Behbe muc'ubel te alal, behbe yich'bel yip, yac ta nojel ta sp'ijil yo'tan, soc te yutsil yo'tan Dios ay ta stojol.
Te tut querem Jesús ta Templo
41Jujun ha'bil ya xbahtic ta yilel te Q'uin Pascua ta Jerusalén te sme'stat te Jesús. 42Te c'alal ayix lahchayeb (12) ya'bilal a te Jesús, mohic bahel ta Jerusalén, hich te bin ut'il ya spasulanic. 43C'alal c'axemix a te Q'uine, suhtic bahel, pero hil ta Jerusalén stuquel te querem Jesús. Te José soc te snan ma ba la sna'ic teme hile. 44La scuyic te sjoquinej talel te yantique, hich behenic bahel jun c'ahc'al, patil la slehic ta yohlil te smohlol sts'ahquilic soc te yamigotac; 45pero ma ba la stahic, hich suhtic bahel ta Jerusalén ta slehel.
46Yoxebalix c'ahc'al a, c'oht stahic ta Templo, hucul ta yohlil te maestrohetic yu'un te Ley, yac ya'iylambel soc yac sjoc'oylambel. 47Spisil te mach'atic yac ya'iybelic, xcham yo'tanic yu'un te sp'ijil yo'tan soc te suhtib yu'une. 48Xcham yo'tanic te sme'stat yu'un te c'alal la yilic; hich la yal te snane: Cal, ¿bin yu'un hich la apasbotcotic? Te atat soc ho'on ay jwocolcotic yac jlehbelatcotic, xchi.
49Ha yu'un hich halbotic yu'un te Jesús: ¿Bin yu'un yac alehbelonic? ¿Yu'un bal ma xana'ic te ya sc'an te ya jpasbe ya'tel te Jtate? xchi yu'un.
50Pero ma ba la sna'beyic scuentahil te bin halbotic yu'un. 51Hich te Jesús la sjoquin suhtel ta Nazaret soc la yac' sba ta cuentahinel yu'unic. Te snan la sq'uej ta yo'tan spisil te bin c'ohtix ta pasel. 52Te Jesús behbe yac stahbel sp'ijil yo'tan soc xquechet ta muc'ubel, soc behbe tohyel yutsil sc'oblal ta stojol Dios soc ta stojol ants-winiquetic.
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San Lucas 2: TZH
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Biblia Tzeltal Bachajon © Sociedad Bíblica de México, A.C., 2006.
San Lucas 2
Ayin Jesús
1Ta hich ora la yal mandar te ajwalil Augusto César te ya me x'och ta ahtayel spisil ants-winiquetic. 2Ha shahchel ta ahtayel a te bin ora ay ta gobernador ta sq'uinal Siria a te Cirenio. 3Spisilic baht yac' sbahic ta ahtayel ta jujun slumalic.
4Hich te José loc' hahchel ta Nazaret ta sq'uinal Galilea, mo bahel ta Judea, ta pueblo yu'un David, te Belén sbihil, como ha sts'umbal soc ha patil al-nich'anil yu'un David. 5Baht yac' sba ta ahtayel soc te María te macbil yu'un, te swoloj yal a. 6C'alal tey ayic a, la sta sc'ahc'alel te ayin te yale. 7Hich ayin te sba-al, la smey ta mehyil pac', la smehtsan ta scanoa wacax, como mayuc lugar yu'unic ta na banti ya xwayic.
Te ch'ul a'batetic soc jcanan-tuminchijetic
8Ay jcanan-tuminchijetic nopol tey a, yaquic ta scanantayel stuminchijic ta ahc'abal. 9Chicnaj ta stojolic jtuhl ch'ul a'bat yu'un Dios, te sts'anabul Dios hul stihltes sba ta sjoyobalic; bayel xiwic yu'un. 10Pero halbotic yu'un te ch'ul a'bat: Ma xiwex, ya calbeyex awa'iyic bin yach'il c'ohem ta pasel te bayel yutsil-o'tanil yu'un, te ha yu'un spisil ants-winiquetic: 11Yo'tic ayinemix ta pueblo yu'un David jtuhl Jcoltaywanej, ha te Cajwaltic Cristo. 12Ha me seña awu'unic ini: Meyel ta smehyil pac' soc metsel ta scanoa wacax ya xc'oht atahic, xchi.
13Ora nax chicnaj xan tsobol ch'ul a'batetic talemic ta ch'ulchan te yac yalbelic bayel yutsil te Diose, hich yac yalbelic:
14¡Bayel yutsil te Dios ay ta toyol,
soc ay lamal q'uinal ta bahlumilal,
ay yutsil yo'tan Dios
ta stojol te ants-winiquetique! xchihic.
15C'alal suhtic bahel ta ch'ulchan te ch'ul a'batetic, te jcanan-tuminchijetic hich la yalbe sbahic: Conic ta Belén, con quiltic te bin c'ohtix ta pasel te la yaq'uix jna'tic te Cajwaltique, xchihic.
16Hich bahtic ta ora, c'oht stahic te María soc José, soc te alal metsel ta scanoa wacax. 17C'alal la yilic, la spuquic ta halel te bin halbotic sc'oblal ta scuenta te alale. 18Spisil te mach'atic la ya'iyic xcham yo'tanic yu'un te bin halbotic yu'un te jcanan-tuminchijetique. 19Pero te María la sq'uej ta yo'tan spisil te bintic c'oht ta pasel, soc xhulhon ta yo'tan.
20Suhtic bahel te jcanan-tuminchijetic, yac sc'ayojtaybelic bahel te Diose, soc yac yalbebelic bahel bayel wocol yu'un spisil bintic c'ohtix ta pasel te la ya'iyic soc te la yilic, hich te bin ut'il halbotic ya'iyique.
Jesús ac'ot ta stojol Dios ta Templo
21C'alal ts'acay te waxaqueb c'ahc'al, ha te bin ora ya yich' circuncisión te alale, Jesús sbihil la ya'beyic, hich nix sbihil c'oht te bin ut'il la yal te ch'ul a'bat te c'alal ma to hahchemuc a te alale.
22Soc te c'alal ts'acay te jayeb c'ahc'al ya yich'ic lecubtesel, hich te bin ut'il ya yal te Ley yu'un Moisés, la yiq'uic tal ta Jerusalén te alal yu'un ya ya'beyic ta stojol te Cajwaltique, 23(como hich ay te ts'ihbabil ta Ley yu'un Dios: Spisil alal querem te ya sjam te yawil alal, ch'ultesbil ya xc'oht yu'un Dios, te xchihe), 24soc talic yu'un ya ya'beyic smahtan Dios hich te bin ut'il ya yal ta Ley yu'un te Cajwaltic: Cha'coht xpuliwoc o cha'coht stsuhmut, te xchihe.
25Ay jtuhl winic ta Jerusalén, Simeón sbihil, toj ta winiquil soc jun yo'tan ta stojol Dios, soc yac smahliybel te ya xmuc'ubtesbot q'uinal ya'iy te Israel; soc cuentahimbil yu'un te Ch'ul Espíritu. 26A'bot sna' yu'un te Ch'ul Espíritu te ma ba ya xcham ha to teme la yilbe sit te mach'a Tsahbil yu'un Dios. 27Tijbot yo'tan yu'un te Espíritu, hich tal ta Templo. C'alal ic'bil c'ohel ta Templo yu'un sme'stat te alal Jesús, yu'un hich ya spasic te bin halbil ta Ley, 28te Simeón la spet te alal soc la yalbe yutsil sc'oblal te Diose, hich la yal:
29Yo'tic, Cajwal,
lamaluc q'uinal ac'a wayuquix sbaq'uetal
te a'bat awu'un, hich te bin ut'il awaloj;
30como la yilix jsit te colel awu'un,
31te la achahpanix ta stojol spisil nacionetic.
32Ha luz te ya sacubtes q'uinal
ta stojol jyanlumetic,
soc ha yutsilal te Israel
te pueblo awu'une, xchi.
33Te José soc te snan te Jesús xcham yo'tanic yu'un spisil te bin la yal te Simeón yu'un te alale. 34Te Simeón la ya'be bendición ta stojolic, soc hich la yalbe te María te snan te alale: Ha'i alal ini hich chapal yu'un te ya yac' yahluc soc ya yac' hahchuc tsobol ta Israel, soc ha señahil te ya yich' contrahinel ta c'op, 35hich ya xna'ot bin ut'il ay yo'tanic tsobolic. Soc te ha'at ya me slowbat sohlel awo'tan ta espada, xchi.
36Soc tey ay jtuhl jalwanej-ants, Ana sbihil, yantsil-nich'an Fanuel, yu'un te jchahp yu'un Aser; mero me'elix a. Huqueb ha'bil ay smamalal te c'alal ich'ot ta yach'ixlel, 37hil ta me'ba'antsil, ayix chaneb yo'winic (84) ha'bil. Spisil ora ay ta Templo, c'ahc'al ahc'abal la sch'uhuntay te Dios ta scuenta sc'oponel Dios soc scomel swe'el. 38Ha yorahil a te c'oht te Ana, hahch yalbe bayel wocol te Diose, soc la yalticlambe sc'oblal te alal spisil te mach'atic yac smahliybelic te colel yu'un Jerusalén.
Suhtic bahel ta Nazaret
39C'alal ts'acay ta pasel yu'unic spisil te bin ya yal ta Ley yu'un Dios, suhtic bahel ta sq'uinal Galilea, ta Nazaret te slumalique. 40Behbe muc'ubel te alal, behbe yich'bel yip, yac ta nojel ta sp'ijil yo'tan, soc te yutsil yo'tan Dios ay ta stojol.
Te tut querem Jesús ta Templo
41Jujun ha'bil ya xbahtic ta yilel te Q'uin Pascua ta Jerusalén te sme'stat te Jesús. 42Te c'alal ayix lahchayeb (12) ya'bilal a te Jesús, mohic bahel ta Jerusalén, hich te bin ut'il ya spasulanic. 43C'alal c'axemix a te Q'uine, suhtic bahel, pero hil ta Jerusalén stuquel te querem Jesús. Te José soc te snan ma ba la sna'ic teme hile. 44La scuyic te sjoquinej talel te yantique, hich behenic bahel jun c'ahc'al, patil la slehic ta yohlil te smohlol sts'ahquilic soc te yamigotac; 45pero ma ba la stahic, hich suhtic bahel ta Jerusalén ta slehel.
46Yoxebalix c'ahc'al a, c'oht stahic ta Templo, hucul ta yohlil te maestrohetic yu'un te Ley, yac ya'iylambel soc yac sjoc'oylambel. 47Spisil te mach'atic yac ya'iybelic, xcham yo'tanic yu'un te sp'ijil yo'tan soc te suhtib yu'une. 48Xcham yo'tanic te sme'stat yu'un te c'alal la yilic; hich la yal te snane: Cal, ¿bin yu'un hich la apasbotcotic? Te atat soc ho'on ay jwocolcotic yac jlehbelatcotic, xchi.
49Ha yu'un hich halbotic yu'un te Jesús: ¿Bin yu'un yac alehbelonic? ¿Yu'un bal ma xana'ic te ya sc'an te ya jpasbe ya'tel te Jtate? xchi yu'un.
50Pero ma ba la sna'beyic scuentahil te bin halbotic yu'un. 51Hich te Jesús la sjoquin suhtel ta Nazaret soc la yac' sba ta cuentahinel yu'unic. Te snan la sq'uej ta yo'tan spisil te bin c'ohtix ta pasel. 52Te Jesús behbe yac stahbel sp'ijil yo'tan soc xquechet ta muc'ubel, soc behbe tohyel yutsil sc'oblal ta stojol Dios soc ta stojol ants-winiquetic.
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Biblia Tzeltal Bachajon © Sociedad Bíblica de México, A.C., 2006.