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Genesis 8

1Ignore this; ensuring everything follows a verse.
141 EZR 1:1 116 para(m)|note(f)|char(ft)|char(sc)|STRING
1In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia,#1:1a The first year of Cyrus’s reign over Babylon was 538 b.c. the Lord fulfilled the prophecy he had given through Jeremiah.#1:1b See Jer 25:11-12; 29:10. He stirred the heart of Cyrus to put this proclamation in writing and to send it throughout his kingdom:
142 REV 2:2 116 para(pmo)|char(wj)|STRING
2 “I know all the things you do. I have seen your hard work and your patient endurance. I know you don’t tolerate evil people. You have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not. You have discovered they are liars. 3You have patiently suffered for me without quitting.
143 JHN 4:26 116 para(p)|char(wj)|char(nd)|STRING
26Then Jesus told her, I Am the Messiah!”#4:26 Or “The ‘I Am’ is here”; or “I am the Lord”; Greek reads “I am, the one speaking to you.” See Exod 3:14.
144 NEH 7:46 116 para(lim1)|verse(None), para(lim1)|STRING
46The descendants of the following Temple servants returned from exile:
Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,
145 NUM 2:3-4 116 table(None)|row(tr)|cell(tc3)|STRING, table(None)|row(tr)|cell(th3)|STRING
3-4“The divisions of Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun are to camp toward the sunrise on the east side of the Tabernacle, beneath their family banners. These are the names of the tribes, their leaders, and the numbers of their registered troops:
146 NEH 7:47 116 para(lim1)|verse(v), para(lim1)|note(f)|char(ft)|STRING, para(lim1)|note(f)|char(fr)|STRING, para(lim1)|note(f)|char(fqa)|STRING
47Keros, Siaha,#7:47 As in parallel text at Ezra 2:44; Hebrew reads Sia. Padon,
147 JHN 6:20 116 para(m)|note(f)|char(fqa)|char(nd)|STRING
16That evening Jesus’ disciples went down to the shore to wait for him. 17But as darkness fell and Jesus still hadn’t come back, they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward Capernaum. 18Soon a gale swept down upon them, and the sea grew very rough. 19They had rowed three or four miles#6:19 Greek 25 or 30 stadia [4.6 or 5.5 kilometers]. when suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat. They were terrified, 20but he called out to them, “Don’t be afraid. I am here!#6:20 Or The ‘I Am’ is here; Greek reads I am. See Exod 3:14. 21Then they were eager to let him in the boat, and immediately they arrived at their destination!
Jesus, the Bread of Life
148 1CH 27:16 116 table(None)|row(tr)|cell(th2)|STRING, table(None)|row(tr)|cell(th1)|STRING
16The following were the tribes of Israel and their leaders:
149 JHN 19:17 116 para(m)|char(it)|STRING
So they took Jesus away. 17Carrying the cross by himself, he went to the place called Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha). 18There they nailed him to the cross. Two others were crucified with him, one on either side, with Jesus between them. 19And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, “Jesus of Nazareth,#19:19 Or Jesus the Nazarene. the King of the Jews.” 20The place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, so that many people could read it.
150 1SA 15:3 116 para(m)|note(f)|char(ft)|char(nd)|STRING
1One day Samuel said to Saul, “It was the Lord who told me to anoint you as king of his people, Israel. Now listen to this message from the Lord! 2This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies has declared: I have decided to settle accounts with the nation of Amalek for opposing Israel when they came from Egypt. 3Now go and completely destroy#15:3 The Hebrew term used here refers to the complete consecration of things or people to the Lord, either by destroying them or by giving them as an offering; also in 15:8, 9, 15, 18, 20, 21. the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys.”
151 2CO 12:4 116 para(m)|note(f)|char(fv)|STRING
1This boasting will do no good, but I must go on. I will reluctantly tell about visions and revelations from the Lord. 2I#12:2 Greek I know a man in Christ who. was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago. Whether I was in my body or out of my body, I don’t know—only God knows. 3Yes, only God knows whether I was in my body or outside my body. But I do know 4that I was caught up#12:3-4 Greek But I know such a man, 4that he was caught up. to paradise and heard things so astounding that they cannot be expressed in words, things no human is allowed to tell.
152 JHN 13:19 116 para(m)|char(wj)|char(nd)|STRING
18 “I am not saying these things to all of you; I know the ones I have chosen. But this fulfills the Scripture that says, ‘The one who eats my food has turned against me.’ # 13:18 Ps 41:9. 19I tell you this beforehand, so that when it happens you will believe that I Am the Messiah.#13:19 Or that the ‘I Am’ has come; or that I am the Lord; Greek reads that I am. See Exod 3:14. 20I tell you the truth, anyone who welcomes my messenger is welcoming me, and anyone who welcomes me is welcoming the Father who sent me.”
153 DAN 5:26 116 para(li1)|char(it)|STRING
25“This is the message that was written: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin. 26This is what these words mean:
Mene means ‘numbered’—God has numbered the days of your reign and has brought it to an end.
154 DAN 4:17 116 para(qm1)|note(f)|char(ft)|STRING, para(qm1)|note(f)|char(fr)|STRING, para(qm1)|note(f)|char(fqa)|STRING
17For this has been decreed by the messengers#4:17 Aramaic the watchers.;
it is commanded by the holy ones,
so that everyone may know
that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world.
He gives them to anyone he chooses—
even to the lowliest of people.”
155 REV 2:26 116 para(qm1)|char(wj)|STRING, para(qm1)|verse(None)
24 “But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed this false teaching (‘deeper truths,’ as they call them—depths of Satan, actually). I will ask nothing more of you 25except that you hold tightly to what you have until I come. 26To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end,
To them I will give authority over all the nations.
156 JHN 7:52 116 para(pc)|char(it)|STRING
52They replied, “Are you from Galilee, too? Search the Scriptures and see for yourself—no prophet ever comes#7:52 Some manuscripts read the prophet does not come. from Galilee!”
[The most ancient Greek manuscripts do not include John 7:53–8:11.]
157 MRK 5:41 116 para(p)|char(wj)|char(it)|STRING
40The crowd laughed at him. But he made them all leave, and he took the girl’s father and mother and his three disciples into the room where the girl was lying. 41Holding her hand, he said to her, “Talitha koum,” which means “Little girl, get up!” 42And the girl, who was twelve years old, immediately stood up and walked around! They were overwhelmed and totally amazed. 43Jesus gave them strict orders not to tell anyone what had happened, and then he told them to give her something to eat.
158 MAT 27:46 116 para(m)|char(wj)|char(it)|STRING
45At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock. 46At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,#27:46a Some manuscripts read Eloi, Eloi. lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”#27:46b Ps 22:1.
159 NUM 2:14-15 116 table(None)|row(tr)|cell(tc2)|note(f)|char(ft)|STRING, table(None)|row(tr)|cell(tc2)|note(f)|char(fr)|STRING, table(None)|row(tr)|cell(tc2)|note(f)|char(fqa)|STRING
Tribe Leader Number
Reuben Elizur son of Shedeur 46,500
12-13Simeon Shelumiel son of Zurishaddai 59,300
14-15Gad Eliasaph son of Deuel#2:14-15 As in many Hebrew manuscripts, Samaritan Pentateuch, and Latin Vulgate (see also 1:14); most Hebrew manuscripts read son of Reuel. 45,650
160 SNG 1:1 116 para(sp)|note(f)|char(fr)|STRING
1This is Solomon’s song of songs, more wonderful than any other.
Young Woman#1:1 The headings identifying the speakers are not in the original text, though the Hebrew usually gives clues by means of the gender of the person speaking.

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Genesis 8: XXX





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