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Mattityahu 6

chapter six
1give attention, that you (PL) shall not do your alms charity before others, so as by them seen to be; and if not, have you (PL) not any reward by your Father, who is in heaven. 2therefore when you (SG) you do a generosity of grace, let not to trumpet out before you (SG), as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, so that praised to be from people. truly say I you (PL), they have already their reward. 3you (SG) however when you (SG) you do a generosity of grace shall your left hand not know, what the right one does, 4in order that your generosities of grace shall remain secret; and your Father, who sees in secrecy, will you (SG) repay.
5and when you (PL) do prayer, shall you (PL) not do as the hypocrites, because they have love prayer to do when they stand in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, so that themselves to be seen before people. truly tell I you (PL), they have already their reward. 6you (SG) but, when you (SG) you do prayer, go into in your inner room, and shut the door, and make prayer to your Father, who is hidden, and your Father, who sees in secret, will you (SG) repay. 7and prayer doing, shall you (PL) not babble like the nations (of the world); because they think, that through a many words their, will they heard become. 8therefore be not like as them! because Hashem, your Father, knows what you (PL) need, before you (PL) ask him. 9therefore shall you (PL) in this way prayer do:
our Father, who you (SG) are in heaven,
holy shall to be your Name.
10may your kingdom come.
may your will to happen,
as in heaven, just as also on the earth.
11our daily bread give us today.
12and forgive us our debts,
as also we have forgiven the (ones), who are to us in debt.
13and bring us not to any temptation,
but do us save from evil
(because yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for eternity! Amen.)
14because if you (PL) forgive the people their errors, will your heavenly Father you (PL) also forgive. 15when however you (PL) forgive the people not, will your Father you (PL) also not forgive your (PL) transgressions.
16and when you (PL) fast, shall you (PL) not be as the hypocrites, with a sour face; because they make bitter their faces, so that themselves to show before people, that they fast. in truth tell I you (PL), they have already their reward. 17you (SG) however, when you (SG) fast, anoint you (SG) the head with oil, and wash you (SG) up the face; 18so that you shall not seen become by people, that you (SG) fast, only for your Father, who is concealed; and your Father, who sees in secrecy, will you (SG) render payment.
19gathers you (PL) not one any treasures on the earth, where moth and rust corrupt, and where thieves dig under and steal away. 20but gathers you (PL) one treasures in heaven, where not the moth not the rust corrupt, and where thieves dig not under and steal not away. 21because where your treasure is, there will also your heart be. 22the light of the body is the eye. 23if therefore your eye is healthy, will your entire body be light. when however your eye is evil, will your entire body be dark. therefore if the light, which is in you (SG), is dark, how great is the darkness! 24anyone can not serve two masters; because either he will the one hatred have, and love have the other, or he will himself hold by one, and the other despise. you (PL) can not serve Hashem and money. 25therefore say I you (PL): worry not for your lives, what you (PL) shall eat, or what you (PL) shall drink; and also not for your body, what you (PL) shall put on. (question) is then not the life more than the food, and the body more than the clothing? 26look at the birds of sky, that they sow not, and reap not, and gather also not in barns inside; and your heavenly Father feeds them. (question) are you (PL) then not much more worth than they? 27and who of you (PL) worrying, can add a cubit to his stature? 28and why worry you (PL) yourselves about a clothing? teach yourselves off from the lilies of field, how they grow; they work not and spin not; 29I say (to) you (PL) however, that Solomon with his whole glory is not was in this way dressed, as one of the these. 30and if Hashem puts clothes in this way on the grass of field, which today is it here, and tomorrow is it thrown in furnace into, will he then not much more you (PL) (clothe), you (PL) small believers? 31therefore shall you (PL) not worry, so to say: what will we eat, or what will we drink, or with what will we ourselves clothe? 32because the nations (of the world) seek this all; yes, your heavenly Father knows, that you (PL) need yourselves in these all. 33seek however to the first of all his kingdom, and his righteousness; and the all will you (PL) given to be. 34worry then not about tomorrow; because the tomorrow's day will worry for itself alone. the day has enough its own evil.

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Mattityahu 6: OYBCENGL





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