Acts 2
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2Suddenly a noise came from heaven. It sounded like a strong wind blowing. This noise filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3They saw something that looked like flames of fire. The flames were separated and stood over each person there. 4They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak different languages. The Holy Spirit was giving them the power to do this.
5There were some godly Jews in Jerusalem at this time. They were from every country in the world. 6A large crowd came together because they heard the noise. They were surprised because, as the apostles were speaking, everyone heard in their own language.
7They were all amazed at this. They did not understand how the apostles could do this. They said, “Look! These men we hear speaking are all from Galilee.#2:7 from Galilee The people thought men from Galilee could speak only their own language. 8But we hear them in our own languages. How is this possible? We are from all these different places: 9Parthia, Media, Elam, Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia, 10Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, the areas of Libya near the city of Cyrene, Rome, 11Crete, and Arabia. Some of us were born Jews, and others have changed their religion to worship God like Jews. We are from these different countries, but we can hear these men in our own languages! We can all understand the great things they are saying about God.”
12The people were all amazed and confused. They asked each other, “What is happening?” 13But others were laughing at the apostles, saying they were drunk from too much wine.
Peter Speaks to the People
14Then Peter stood up with the other eleven apostles. He spoke loudly so that all the people could hear. He said, “My Jewish brothers and all of you who live in Jerusalem, listen to me. I will tell you something you need to know. Listen carefully. 15These men are not drunk as you think; it’s only nine o’clock in the morning. 16But Joel the prophet wrote about what you see happening here today. This is what he wrote:
17‘God says: In the last days
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy.
Your young men will see visions.
Your old men will have special dreams.
18In those days I will pour out my Spirit
on my servants, men and women,
and they will prophesy.
19I will work wonders in the sky above.
I will cause miraculous signs on the earth below.
There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke.
20The sun will be changed into darkness,
and the moon will be as red as blood.
Then the great and glorious day of the Lord will come.
21And everyone who trusts in the Lord#2:21 who trusts in the Lord Literally, “who calls on the name of the Lord,” meaning to show faith in him by worshiping him or praying to him for help. will be saved.’ Joel 2:28-32
22“My fellow Israelites, listen to these words: Jesus from Nazareth was a very special man. God clearly showed this to you. He proved it by the miracles, wonders, and miraculous signs he did through Jesus. You all saw these things, so you know this is true. 23Jesus was handed over to you, and you killed him. With the help of evil men, you nailed him to a cross. But God knew all this would happen. It was his plan—a plan he made long ago. 24Jesus suffered the pain of death, but God made him free. He raised him from death. There was no way for death to hold him. 25David said this about him:
‘I saw the Lord before me always;
he is at my right side to keep me safe.
26So my heart is happy,
and the words I speak are words of joy.
Yes, even my body will live with hope,
27because you will not leave me in the place of death.#2:27 place of death Literally, “Hades.” Also in verse 31.
You will not let the body of your Holy One rot in the grave.
28You taught me how to live.
You will come close to me and give me great joy.’ Psalm 16:8-11
29“My brothers, I can tell you for sure about David, our great ancestor. He died, was buried, and his tomb is still here with us today. 30He was a prophet and knew something that God had said. God had promised David that someone from his own family would sit on David’s throne as king.#2:30 God had promised … as king See 2 Sam. 7:12, 13 and Ps. 132:11. 31David knew this before it happened. That is why he said this about that future king:
‘He was not left in the place of death.
His body did not rot in the grave.’
David was talking about the Messiah rising from death. 32So Jesus is the one God raised from death. We are all witnesses of this. We saw him. 33Jesus was lifted up to heaven. Now he is with God, at God’s right side. The Father has given the Holy Spirit to him, as he promised. So Jesus has now poured out that Spirit. This is what you see and hear. 34David was not the one who was lifted up to heaven. David himself said,
‘The Lord God said to my Lord:
Sit at my right side,
35until I put your enemies under your power.#2:35 until I put … power Literally, “until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.”’ Psalm 110:1
36“So, all the people of Israel should know this for certain: God has made Jesus to be Lord and Messiah. He is the man you nailed to the cross!”
37When the people heard this, they felt very, very sorry. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
38Peter said to them, “Change your hearts and lives and be baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ. Then God will forgive your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39This promise is for you. It is also for your children and for the people who are far away. It is for everyone the Lord our God calls to himself.”
40Peter warned them with many other words; he begged them, “Save yourselves from the evil of the people who live now!” 41Then those who accepted what Peter said were baptized. On that day about 3000 people were added to the group of believers.
The Believers Share
42The believers spent their time listening to the teaching of the apostles. They shared everything with each other. They ate#2:42 ate Literally, “broke bread.” This may mean a meal or the Lord’s Supper, the special meal Jesus told his followers to eat to remember him. Also in verse 46. See Lk. 22:14-20. together and prayed together. 43Many wonders and miraculous signs were happening through the apostles, and everyone felt great respect for God. 44All the believers stayed together and shared everything. 45They sold their land and the things they owned. Then they divided the money and gave it to those who needed it. 46The believers shared a common purpose, and every day they spent much of their time together in the Temple area. They also ate together in their homes. They were happy to share their food and ate with joyful hearts. 47The believers praised God and were respected by all the people. More and more people were being saved every day, and the Lord was adding them to their group.
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