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Luke 2

Exiit edictum a cesare augusto
1Soðlice on þam dagen wæs geworðen gebod fram þan caisere auguste. þæt eall ymbhwyrft wære tomærcod. 2Ðeos tomearcednysse wæs ærest geworðen. fram þan deman syrige cyrino. 3⁊ealle hyo eoden ⁊syndrie ferden on heore ceastre. 4Ða ferde ioseph fram galilea. of þare ceastre nazareht. on iudeissce ceastre. dauiðes syo is genemned bethleem. for þan þe he wæs of dauiðes huse ⁊hyrde 5þæt he ferde mid marian þe hym gewedded wæs ⁊wæs geeacnod. 6Soðlice wæs geworðan þa hyo þær wæren. hyre dages wæren gefyllede þæt hyo kende 7⁊hyo þa akende hire frumkennedan sunu ⁊hine mid cyldclaþen bewand ⁊hine on binne alegde. for þan þe hyo næfden rum on cumene huse. 8Ænd heordas wæren on þam ylcan riche wakiende ⁊nihtwæccen healdende ofer heore heorda. 9Þa stod drihtnes ængel wið hyo ⁊godes brihtnysse heom ymbescan; ⁊hyo heom mychel eige adredden. 10⁊se engel heom to cwæð. Nelle ge eow ondræden. soðlice nu ich eow bodige mychele blisse syo beoð eallen folce. 11for þan to dayg eow is hælend akenned. se is drihten crist on dauiðes ceastre. 12And þis taken eow beoð. Ge findað an chyld ræglen bewunden ⁊on binne aleigð. 13And þa wæs færinge geworðan mid þam ængle myceles heofenlices weredes god heriendra ⁊þus cweðende 14gode syo wuldor on heahnysse ⁊on eorðan sibbe mannen godes willan. 15⁊hyt wæs geworðen þa þa ængles to heofene ferden. Þa heordan heom betweonen spræcen ⁊cwæðen. Vton faren to bethleem ⁊geseon þæt word þe geworðen ys. þæt drihten us atywede. 16⁊hyo efstende comen ⁊gemetton marian ⁊Ioseph ænd þæt chyld on binne aleigd. 17Ða hyo þæt geseagen þa oncneowen hyo be þam worden þe heom gesæd wæs. be þam chylde. 18Ænd ealle þa þe geherden wundreden be þam. þe heom þa heordes saigdon. 19Maria geheold ealle þas word on hire heorte smeagende. 20Ða gewenden ham þa heordes god wuldriende ⁊heriende on eallen þan þe hyo geherden ⁊geseagen. Swa to heom gecweðen wæs.
Postquam impleti sunt dies octo
21Æfter þam þe ehta dages gefelde wæren þt þæt chyld embsnyðen wære. Hys nama wæs hælend. Se wæs fram ængle genemned ær he on innoðe geeacned wære.
Postquam impleti sunt dies purgationis Marie
22Æfter þam þe hire clænsingdages gefelde wæren. æfter moyses lage. hyo lædden hine on ierusalem þæt hyo hine gode setton 23swa swa on drihtnes lage awriten ys. Ðæt ælc wæpnyd gecyndlym untynende beoð drihtenes halig genemned. 24⁊þæt hyo offrunge sealden. æfter þan þe drihtnes læge gecweðen is. twa turtlan. oððe twa culfran briddes. 25Ænd þa wæs an man on ierusalem þas name wæs symeon ⁊þes man wæs rihtwis ⁊mid israele frofren geanbadiende ⁊halig gast him on wæs. 26⁊he andswere of þam halgen gaste onfeng. þæt he deað ne geseage buton he ær drihten crist geseage. 27Ænd on gaste he on þæt tempel com ⁊þa his mæges læddon þanne hælend. þt hyo for hym æfter þare læge gewunan dyden. 28Heo onfeng hine mid hys handen ⁊god bletsede ⁊cwæð. 29Drihten nu þu lætst þinne þeow æfter þine worde on sibbe. 30for þam mine eagen geseagen þine hæle. 31þa þu gegearwudest beforan alre folce ansiene. 32leoht to þeoda awrigenysse ⁊to þines folces wuldre israele.
Erat pater domini ⁊mater mirantes super his que dicebantur de illo
33Þa wæs hys fæder ⁊hys moder wundriende be þam þe be hym gesaigde wæren. 34And þa gebletsede hyo symeon ⁊cwæð to marian hys moder. loca nu þes is on hryre ⁊on arist gesett. manegre on israele ⁊on taken þam þe wiðcweðen byð. 35Ænd his sweord þine sawle þurhferð. þæt geþohtes seon awrigene of manegen heorten. 36And anna wæs witegestre fanueles dohter of asseres mægðe. þeos wunede manigene daig ⁊hye lefede mid hire were sefe gear on hire femnehade 37⁊hyo wæs wudewe oð feower ⁊hundeahtetig geare. Seo of þam temple ne gewat daiges ne nihtes. þeowiende on fæstene ⁊on halsunge. 38And þeos þare tide becumende drihtne andette ⁊be hym spræc. eallen þan þe geanbideden ierusalem alysednysse. 39⁊þa hyo ealle þing gefeldon æfter drihtenes lage. hyo hwurfon on galilee on hire ceastre nazareth. 40Soðlice þæt chyld weox ⁊wæs gestranged wisdomes full ⁊godes geue wæs on him. 41⁊his mæges ferden ælche geare to ierusalem on eastre daiges freolstide.
Cum factum esset iesus annorum duodecim
42Ða he wæs twelf wintre. hyo foren to ierusalem to þam easterlicen freolse. æfter hyre gewunenen (sic). 43⁊þa gefylleden dagen. þa hyo agen gehwurfon belaf se hælend on ierusalem ⁊hys mæges þæt nyston. 44wende þæt he on heore geferrede wære. Ða comen hyo anes daiges feor ⁊hyo hine sohte betwe oxe his mæges ⁊hys cuðan. 45þa hyo hine ne funden; hyo gewenton to ierusalem hine sechende. 46Ða æfter þreom dagen. hyo funden hine on þam temple sittende. on middan þam lareowan. hlystende ⁊hyo axiende. 47Ða wundredon hyo ealle þe gehyrden be his gleawscype; ⁊his ændsweren. 48Ða cwæð his moder to him. Sune hwi dydest þu unc þus. þin fæder ⁊ïc sarigende þe sohten. 49Þa cwæð he to heom. hwæt is þæt gyt me sohten. nyste gyt þæt me gebyred to beonne on þam þingen þe mines fæder synde. 50Ða ne ongeaton hyo þa word þe he to heom spræc. 51Ða ferde he mid heom ⁊com to nazareth ⁊wæs heom underþeod. And hys moder geheold ealle þas word on hire heorte smeagende. 52Ænd se hælend þeah on wisdome ⁊on ylde ⁊mid gyfe mid gode ⁊mid mannen.

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Luke 2: ASxG





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