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Sealm 18

Sealm 17
Dauid sang þysne seofonteoþan sealm lytle ær his ende ymb swyðe lang þæs þe hine God alysed hæfde, ægðer ge æt Sawle ge æt eallum his feondum; and swa deð ælc þæra þe hine singð, þancað Gode his mundbyrde, þonne he hine of hwylcum earfoðum alysed hæfð, oþþe hine oððe þæne þe he hine fore singð; for þæm ylcan hine sang Crist, þonne he alysed wæs fram Iudea ehtnesse.
1Ic þe lufige, Drihten, for þæm þu eart min mægen.
2Drihten, Ăľu eart min trymenes and min friĂ°stow.
Ăžu eart min alysend and min God and min gefultumend;
to Ăľe ic hopige.
Þu eart min scyldere and se horn minre hælo;
Ăľu eart min fultumen.
3Herigende ic clypige to Ăľe, Drihten,
and fram minum feondum ic weorĂ°e ahredd.
4Me ymbhringdon sar and sorga and granung fulneah oĂ° deaĂ°,
and geotende stream unrihtwisnessa minra wiĂ°erweardra me gedrefdon.
5Me ymbhringdon sar and manigfeald witu fulneah anlic helle witum,
and deaĂ°es grynu me gefengon.
6And on eallum minum earfoĂ°um ic clypige to Drihtne,
and to minum Gode ic cige.
And he gehyrde of his Ăľam halgan temple mine stemne,
and min gehrop com beforan his ansyne,
and eac on his earan hit eode.
7And astyred wæs and acwacode seo eorðe minra feonda,
and se grundweall þara munta wæs tohrered
(þæt is, þæt mægen minra ofermodena feonda).
Hy wæron astyrede, for þam him wæs God yrre.
8For Ăľam astah smec for his yrre
and fyr blysede beforan his ansyne.
Gleda wæron onælde fram him.
9He onælde heofonas and astah me on fultum,
and seo eorðe wæs gesworcen and aðystrod under his fotum.
10And he astah eft ofer Cherubin, and he fleah;
and he fleah ofer winda fiĂ°eru.
11And let Ăľystru betwuh him and minum feondum
þæt he nære næfre gesewen fram him,
12and he wæs, þeah, swiðe leoht on his temple.
Þa hangode swiðe þystru wæter
on þam wolcnum and on þære lyfte.
13And Ăľa wolcnu urnan swa swa ligetu beforan his ansyne,
and he gemengde hagol and fyres gleda,
and worhte Ăľunorrada on heofonum;
and se hyhsta sealde his stemne.
14He sende his strælas and hi tostencte,
and gemanigfealdode his ligeta
and gedrefde hig mid Ăľy.
15And eorðan wæter ut fleowan,
and seo eorðe wæs astyred
and on manegum stowum gehroren,
for Ăľinum Ăľrean and for Ăľinum yrre.
16Drihten sende of his heanesse
and ahredde me æt þam ofermætum wæterum,
17and of minum strengestum feondum
and from eallum Ăľam Ăľe me hatedon,
for þam hig wæron gestrangode ofer me.
18Hie me bregdon swiĂ°e swiĂ°lice
on þam dagum þe ic geþræsted wæs.
And Drihten wæs geworden min scyld,
19and he me gelædde on rymet of minum nearonessum
and gedyde me halne, for Ăľam he me wolde.
20And he me geald æfter minre rihtwisnesse,
and æfter þære unscæðfulnesse minra handa he me geald,
21for Ăľam ic heold Godes wegas and his bebodu,
and ic ne dyde arleaslice ne unhyrsumlice wiĂ° minne Drihten.
22For Ăľam ealle his domas beoĂ° symle beforan minre ansyne
and his rihtwisnessa ic ne awearp fram me,
23for Ă°i ic weorĂ°e unwemme beforan him,
and ic me behealde wiĂ° min unriht.
24And me gylt Drihten æfter minre rihtwisnesse
and æfter þære unscæðfulnesse minra handa beforan his eagum.
25Ac beo Ăľu halig, Drihten, wiĂ° Ăľa halgan,
and unsceĂ°full wiĂ° Ăľa unsceĂ°fullan,
26and gecoren wiĂ° Ăľa gecorenan, and hwyrf Ăľe wiĂ° Ăľa forhwyrfdan,
27for þam ic wat þæt þu symle eadmod folc gehælst,
and Ăľa eagan Ăľara ofermodena Ă°u geeaĂ°metst.
28For þam þu onælest min leohtfæt,
Drihten, min God, onlyht mine Ăľystru.
29For þam ic weorðe fram þe alysed æt costingum;
and Ăľurh mines Godes fultum ic utgange ofer minre burge weall,
Ăľeah heo sy utan behringed mid minum feondum.
30Drihten, min God, unwemme synt Ăľine wegas;
Godes word synt amered on fyre;
he is gefriþiend ælces þara þe him to hopað.
31Hwylc ys God, butan uran Gode,
oĂ°Ă°e hwylc drihten, butan urum Drihtne?
32Se God me gegyrde mid mægnum and mid cræftum
and gesette mine wegas unwæmme.
33He gedyde mine fet swa geræde swa swa heorotum,
and me gesette ofer heanesse.
34He gelærde mine handa to gefeohte,
and he gedyde mine earmas swa strange swa ærene bogan.
35And þu, Drihten, sealdest me gescyldnesse þinre hælo,
and Ăľin swiĂ°re hand me underfeng, and Ăľin lar me getyde.
36Þu gebræddest mine stæpas under me,
þæt mine fet ne slideredon.
37Ic ehte minra feonda, and ic hie gefend,
and ic ne geswac ær hie forwurdon;
38ic hie gebigde þæt hie ne mihton gestandan ongean me,
ac feollon under mine fet.
39Þu me begyrdest mid mægenum and mid cræftum to wige.
Ăžu gedydest me underĂľeodde Ăľa Ăľe wiĂ° me upparison;
40and minra feonda bæc þu onwendest to me,
and me hine gesealdest;
and Ăľu tostenctest Ăľa Ăľe me hatedon.
41Hy clypodon, and næs nan þara þe hig gehælde;
hy clypodon to heora godum, and hy noldon gehyran.
42For þam ic hi todælde swa smæle swa swa dust beforan winde,
and hi adilgode swa swa wind deð dust on herestrætum.
43GefriĂ°a me, Drihten, wiĂ° Ăľises folces unhyrsumnesse,
for Ăľam Ăľu me gesettest him to heafde,
and eac oĂ°rum Ă°eodum.
And þæt folc me þeowode þæt ic næfre ne cuðe;
44hy onhyldan heora earan to minum wordum and gehyrdon me.
45Ac þa ælðeodgan bearn me oft lugon;
and Ăľeah hi forealdedon on minum Ă°eowdome,
hy healtodan on heora wegum,
for þam hi hyra willum ne heoldon Iudea æ.
46Min Drihten leofaĂ° symle, and he byĂ° symle gebletsad,
and he is upahafen, Drihten, min hælend.
47Ăžu eart soĂ° God, Ăľu Ăľe me sealdest
þæt ic meahte swylc wite don minum feondum,
and me swylc folc underĂľydes.
48Ăžu eart min alysend fram Ăľam Ăľeodum Ă°e wiĂ° me yrsiaĂ°,
and me uppahefst ofer Ă°a Ăľe arison wiĂ° me;
and fram Ăľam unrihtwisan were Ăľu me alysdest.
49For Ăľam ic Ă°e andette, Drihten, beforan folcum,
and on Ăľinum naman ic singe sealmas.
50Gemycla nu and gemonigfealda þa hælo þæs cynges
Ă°e Ă°u gesettest ofer folcum,
and do mildheortnesse Ăľinum gesmyredan
Dauide and his cynne on ecnesse.

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Sealm 18: ASPsa





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