Luik 5
Tha furst follaers gets tha cal
1Yin day, Jesus wus stannin bi tha Loch o Gennesaret#5.1 Or: Galilee., an aa tha fowk wus croodit roon hïm, püshin an shuvin fer tae hear tha Wurd o God. 2An he saa twa bóats pued up bi tha wattèr's edge. But tha fïshermen wus awa oot o thaim, an the' wur waashin thair neyts. 3An Jesus got ïntae yin o tha bóats, whut belanged tae Simon, an axt hïm tae pit oot a weethin frae tha lan. An he sut doon an taicht tha fowk frae tha bóat. 4Noo whan he haed daen taakin tae tha fowk, he toul Simon, “Pit oot tae tha deep wattèr, an let doon yer neyts fer a haal.” 5Simon saed, “Dominie, we hae wrocht aa nicht an tuk naethin. But nanethaless, A'll dae as ye bïd me an let doon tha neyts.” 6An whan the' haed daen thïs, the' catched a pooerfu lock o fïsh. Thair wus that monie that tha nettin stairtit tae cum apairt. 7Sae the' waved tae thair nighbers ïn tha ither bóat tae cum an gie thaim a han, an the' fïllt baith bóats sae fu that the' near sunk. 8Whaniver Simon Petèr saa thïs, he faad on hïs knees afore Jesus an saed, “G'awa frae me, Loard, fer A'm a sïnfu man.” 9Whaniver hïm an aa that wur wi hïm saa tha haal o fïsh, the' cud harlie tak ït ïn. 10An nether cud Jeames an Jhone, tha sinns o Zebedee, that wur nighberin wi Simon. Jesus saed tae Simon, “Dïnnae be feart. Frae noo on, ït's men ye'll be ketchin.” 11Whaniver the' haed brocht thair bóats tae lan, the' left aa an the' follaed eftèr Jesus.
A leper hailt
12Anither time, whan Jesus wus ïn yin o tha toons, thair wus thïs man wile baad wi leprosie. Whaniver he saen Jesus he faad doon afore hïm an begged hïm, “Loard, ïf ye hae a mine tae, ye can mak me clain.” 13An he püt hïs han oot an toucht hïm, sayin, “A wull shairlie. Be clain!” An richt awa tha leprosie wus gan frae hïm. 14An he chairged hïm tae tell naebodie, but bïd hïm gang an show hissel tae tha preesht. “Gie an offerin fer yer cleansin,” saed Jesus, “as Moses telt iz ïn tha Laa, fer a wutness tae yin an aa that ye'r weel agane!” 15But fer aa thïs, tha hale kintrieside taakt aboot hïm aa tha mair, an cum tae hear hïm ïn thair droves, an tae be cured o thair ailments. 16Then Jesus tuk hissel awa frae thaim ïntae a quait place fer tae pray, as he wus ïn tha habit o daein.
A paralysed man waaks hame
17Anither day, as he wus lairnin tha fowk, thair wus Pharisees an taichers o tha Laa sïttin bye. The' haed cum frae aa tha vïllages roon aboot, oot o Galilee, an Judea an Jerusalem, an tha pooer o tha Loard wus thair fer tae hail thaim. 18An luk see! - a wheen o men wus brïngin a paralysed man on a bed; an the' wur lukkin fer a wye fer tae brïng hïm ïntae tha hoose tae lay hïm doon afore Jesus. 19An whan the' cudnae fin a róad ïn acause o aa tha thrang, the' went up on tae tha tap o tha hoose, an lut hïm doon on hïs bed throu tha ruif, ïn amang tha fowk, richt fornent Jesus. 20Whaniver he saa thair faith, he saed, “Ma freen, yer sïns ïs aa forgien.” 21Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees stairtit taakin amang thairsels. “Wha daes he thïnk he ïs, taakin sitch blesphemie? Wha can forgie sïns but God alane?” 22Jesus knowed whut thair thochts wur, an saed tae thaim, “Hoo cum yis ir thïnkin laik thïs? 23Is ït aisier tae say, ‘Yer sïns ir forgien’, or tae say ‘Get up an waak’? 24But noo ye'll see that tha Sinn o Man haes tha pooer tae forgie sïns here on irth.” Jesus then saed tae tha man that haed bin paralysed, “Get up, tak yer bed wi ye, an gang awa hame!” 25An richt awa he got up afore thaim, gethert up hïs beddin, an went aff hame, praisin God. 26The' cud harlie believe ït, an the' gien glorie tae God, yit at tha same time the' felt feart an saed, “We hae saen thïngs theday that ir ower ocht!”
Levi gets tha cal
27Eftèr thïs, Jesus went oot an saa a tex man bi tha name o Levi, sïttin ïn hïs hut. An Jesus saed tae hïm, “Follae me!” 28Levi ris up, left aa behin hïm, an follaed Jesus. 29An Levi layed on a bïg spreed ïn hïs ain hoose fer Jesus, an thair wus a hale lock o tex men an tha laik thair, roon tha table wi thaim. 30But tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees wus muttèrin tae tha follaers o Jesus, “Fer why ir ye aitin an drïnkin wi tex men an sïnners?” 31An Jesus saed tae thaim, “Fowk that ir hale an hairtie dïnnae need a doctèr, but seeck fowk dae! 32A hinnae cum fer tae caa guid leevin fowk tae repentance, but A hae cum tae caa sïnners.”
Tae fast or no tae fast
33Some fowk saed tae hïm, “Jhone's follaers ir aye fastin an prayin, an sae dae tha follaers o tha Pharisees, but your yins ïs aye aitin an drïnkin!” 34But Jesus saed tae thaim, “Ye cannae mak waddin guests fast while tha bridegruim ïs wi thaim. 35Thair'll cum a day but, whaniver tha bridegruim wull be tuk awa frae thaim, an that'll be tha time the' wull fast.” 36He toul thaim anither parable: “Naebodie taks a piece o claith frae a new cóat tae patch an oul yin. If he daes, tha new patch wull pu awa frae tha oul, an forbye the' wudnae match. 37An naebodie pits new wine ïntae oul wineskïns. Fer ïf ye dae, tha new wine wull brust tha oul skïns, tha wine wull spïll oot an tha skïns wull be ruint. 38Na, ye hae tae pit new wine ïntae new skïns, [then baith wull be aa richt]. 39Forbye, naebodie eftèr haein drunk oul wine, wud richt awa be lukkin new wine. Fer he wud say, ‘Tha oul wine ïs bettèr.’ ”
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Luik 5: USNT
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© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020
Luik 5
Tha furst follaers gets tha cal
1Yin day, Jesus wus stannin bi tha Loch o Gennesaret#5.1 Or: Galilee., an aa tha fowk wus croodit roon hïm, püshin an shuvin fer tae hear tha Wurd o God. 2An he saa twa bóats pued up bi tha wattèr's edge. But tha fïshermen wus awa oot o thaim, an the' wur waashin thair neyts. 3An Jesus got ïntae yin o tha bóats, whut belanged tae Simon, an axt hïm tae pit oot a weethin frae tha lan. An he sut doon an taicht tha fowk frae tha bóat. 4Noo whan he haed daen taakin tae tha fowk, he toul Simon, “Pit oot tae tha deep wattèr, an let doon yer neyts fer a haal.” 5Simon saed, “Dominie, we hae wrocht aa nicht an tuk naethin. But nanethaless, A'll dae as ye bïd me an let doon tha neyts.” 6An whan the' haed daen thïs, the' catched a pooerfu lock o fïsh. Thair wus that monie that tha nettin stairtit tae cum apairt. 7Sae the' waved tae thair nighbers ïn tha ither bóat tae cum an gie thaim a han, an the' fïllt baith bóats sae fu that the' near sunk. 8Whaniver Simon Petèr saa thïs, he faad on hïs knees afore Jesus an saed, “G'awa frae me, Loard, fer A'm a sïnfu man.” 9Whaniver hïm an aa that wur wi hïm saa tha haal o fïsh, the' cud harlie tak ït ïn. 10An nether cud Jeames an Jhone, tha sinns o Zebedee, that wur nighberin wi Simon. Jesus saed tae Simon, “Dïnnae be feart. Frae noo on, ït's men ye'll be ketchin.” 11Whaniver the' haed brocht thair bóats tae lan, the' left aa an the' follaed eftèr Jesus.
A leper hailt
12Anither time, whan Jesus wus ïn yin o tha toons, thair wus thïs man wile baad wi leprosie. Whaniver he saen Jesus he faad doon afore hïm an begged hïm, “Loard, ïf ye hae a mine tae, ye can mak me clain.” 13An he püt hïs han oot an toucht hïm, sayin, “A wull shairlie. Be clain!” An richt awa tha leprosie wus gan frae hïm. 14An he chairged hïm tae tell naebodie, but bïd hïm gang an show hissel tae tha preesht. “Gie an offerin fer yer cleansin,” saed Jesus, “as Moses telt iz ïn tha Laa, fer a wutness tae yin an aa that ye'r weel agane!” 15But fer aa thïs, tha hale kintrieside taakt aboot hïm aa tha mair, an cum tae hear hïm ïn thair droves, an tae be cured o thair ailments. 16Then Jesus tuk hissel awa frae thaim ïntae a quait place fer tae pray, as he wus ïn tha habit o daein.
A paralysed man waaks hame
17Anither day, as he wus lairnin tha fowk, thair wus Pharisees an taichers o tha Laa sïttin bye. The' haed cum frae aa tha vïllages roon aboot, oot o Galilee, an Judea an Jerusalem, an tha pooer o tha Loard wus thair fer tae hail thaim. 18An luk see! - a wheen o men wus brïngin a paralysed man on a bed; an the' wur lukkin fer a wye fer tae brïng hïm ïntae tha hoose tae lay hïm doon afore Jesus. 19An whan the' cudnae fin a róad ïn acause o aa tha thrang, the' went up on tae tha tap o tha hoose, an lut hïm doon on hïs bed throu tha ruif, ïn amang tha fowk, richt fornent Jesus. 20Whaniver he saa thair faith, he saed, “Ma freen, yer sïns ïs aa forgien.” 21Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees stairtit taakin amang thairsels. “Wha daes he thïnk he ïs, taakin sitch blesphemie? Wha can forgie sïns but God alane?” 22Jesus knowed whut thair thochts wur, an saed tae thaim, “Hoo cum yis ir thïnkin laik thïs? 23Is ït aisier tae say, ‘Yer sïns ir forgien’, or tae say ‘Get up an waak’? 24But noo ye'll see that tha Sinn o Man haes tha pooer tae forgie sïns here on irth.” Jesus then saed tae tha man that haed bin paralysed, “Get up, tak yer bed wi ye, an gang awa hame!” 25An richt awa he got up afore thaim, gethert up hïs beddin, an went aff hame, praisin God. 26The' cud harlie believe ït, an the' gien glorie tae God, yit at tha same time the' felt feart an saed, “We hae saen thïngs theday that ir ower ocht!”
Levi gets tha cal
27Eftèr thïs, Jesus went oot an saa a tex man bi tha name o Levi, sïttin ïn hïs hut. An Jesus saed tae hïm, “Follae me!” 28Levi ris up, left aa behin hïm, an follaed Jesus. 29An Levi layed on a bïg spreed ïn hïs ain hoose fer Jesus, an thair wus a hale lock o tex men an tha laik thair, roon tha table wi thaim. 30But tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees wus muttèrin tae tha follaers o Jesus, “Fer why ir ye aitin an drïnkin wi tex men an sïnners?” 31An Jesus saed tae thaim, “Fowk that ir hale an hairtie dïnnae need a doctèr, but seeck fowk dae! 32A hinnae cum fer tae caa guid leevin fowk tae repentance, but A hae cum tae caa sïnners.”
Tae fast or no tae fast
33Some fowk saed tae hïm, “Jhone's follaers ir aye fastin an prayin, an sae dae tha follaers o tha Pharisees, but your yins ïs aye aitin an drïnkin!” 34But Jesus saed tae thaim, “Ye cannae mak waddin guests fast while tha bridegruim ïs wi thaim. 35Thair'll cum a day but, whaniver tha bridegruim wull be tuk awa frae thaim, an that'll be tha time the' wull fast.” 36He toul thaim anither parable: “Naebodie taks a piece o claith frae a new cóat tae patch an oul yin. If he daes, tha new patch wull pu awa frae tha oul, an forbye the' wudnae match. 37An naebodie pits new wine ïntae oul wineskïns. Fer ïf ye dae, tha new wine wull brust tha oul skïns, tha wine wull spïll oot an tha skïns wull be ruint. 38Na, ye hae tae pit new wine ïntae new skïns, [then baith wull be aa richt]. 39Forbye, naebodie eftèr haein drunk oul wine, wud richt awa be lukkin new wine. Fer he wud say, ‘Tha oul wine ïs bettèr.’ ”
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