Luik 6
Anent tha keepin o tha Sabbath day
1Cum twa Sabbaths eftèr thïs, Jesus wus gaun throu tha coarnfiels an hïs follaers pluckt tha heids aff tha coarn tae ait, giein thaim a rub atween thair hans. 2An some o tha Pharisees axt thaim, “Hoo cum yis ir daein whut's agin tha Laa on tha Sabbath day?” 3Jesus gien tha answer, “Hae ye no read whut Davit daen whaniver hïm an hïs freens wus hung'rie? 4Hoo he gaed ïntae tha Hoose o God, an tuk an et tha halie showbreid, an gien ït tae thaim that wus wi hïm forbye? Shair that wus agin tha Laa fer oniebodie but tha preeshts!” 5An he saed tae thaim, “Tha Sinn o Man ïs Loard o tha Sabbath anaa.”
6Then on anither Sabbath he gaed ïntae tha Meetin Hoose tae taich tha fowk, an thair wus a man thair an hïs richt han wus wuthert. 7Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees kep thair een on Jesus tae see wud he hail on tha Sabbath, sae as tae hae sumthin agin hïm. 8But he kent richt weel thair thochts an saed tae tha man wi tha baad han, “Stan up whar the' can aa see ye.” An up he got. 9Then Jesus saed tae thaim, “Daes tha Laa say ye shud dae guid or dae ïll on tha Sabbath? Shud ye save life or dae awa wi ït?” 10An lukkin roon at thaim aa, he saed tae tha man, “Streetch oot yer han!”; an he dïd, an hïs han cum as guid as tha ither yin. 11The' wur aa richt an maad an wur colloguin wi yin anither whut the' cud dae wi Jesus.
Tha twal possels pïckt oot
12Bye an bye Jesus went oot tae a muntin fer tae pray tae God, an he kep at ït tha hale nicht lang. 13An whaniver ït wus day, he caad hïs follaers tae hïm an he waaled oot twal o thaim, an gien thaim tha name o “Possels”: 14Simon, that he caad Petèr forbye, an hïs brither Andra; Jeames an Jhone; Phïlip an Bartholomew; 15Mattha an Tammas; Jeames, tha sinn o Alphaeus; Simon, tha yin the' caad a zealot; 16Judas, Jeames's sinn; an Judas Iscariot, tha yin that bethrayed Jesus latèr on.
Blissins an sorras
17An he cum doon frae tha muntin wi thaim, an tuk hïs stance on a flet bït o grun; an a hale crood o hïs follaers, alang wi a wile thrang o fowk oot o Judea, an Jerusalem, an frae alang tha shores o Tyre an Sidon, cum tae hear hïm an tae be cured o thair ailments. 18An tha yins vext sair wi ïll spïrits wus aa cured. 19An tha hale crood o fowks wantit tae touch hïm acause a pooer o guid wus cumin oot o hïm an curin thaim aa.
20An Jesus, wi hïs een on hïs follaers saed, “Blisst ir tha puir, fer yours ïs tha Kïngdom o God. 21Blisst ir you that's hung'rie noo, fer yis wull get yer fïll. Blisst ir you that's greetin noo, fer yis wull be lachin then. 22Blisst ir you whaniver fowk hait ye or gie ye tha coul shoodèr, baadmooth ye or blekin yer name, on accoont o tha Sinn o Man. 23Be richt gled on that day an gie a lep fer joy, fer yis hae a pooerfu reward waitin fer ye ïn heiven; fer thair faithers daen tha same tae tha proaphits. 24But sorra tae you weel-aff fowk, fer ye hae got aa ye ir gettin! 25Sorra tae you that's fu noo, fer yis wull be hung'rie. Sorra tae you that ir lachin, fer yis wull be greetin an sorrafu. 26Wae faa yis whan aa fowk spakes weel o ye, fer thair faithers daen tha same wi tha fauss proaphits.
Love yer enemies
27But A'm sayin tae yous that's lïstenin: Love yer faes, dae guid tae thaim that haits ye. 28Bliss thaim that curses ye, an pray fer thaim that wushes ye ïll wull. 29An ïf a bodie gies ye a slap on tha cheek, turn tha ither side til hïm forbye. An ïf a bodie ïs lukkin yer tap-cóat aff ye, let hïm hae yer shirt as weel. 30If oniebodie axes ye fer ocht, gie ït tae thaim, an dïnnae be lukkin ït bak. 31An jist dae tae ithers whut yis wud want thaim tae dae tae yersels.
32An ïf yis onlie love thaim at loves you, thair's naethin parteeclar aboot that. Even sïnners love tha yins that love thaim. 33An ïf yis dae guid tae thaim at dae guid tae yersels, whut credit ïs that tae yis? Sïnners dae jist tha same. 34An ïf yis onlie lenn tae thaim at yis ir hopin tae get ït bak frae, thair's nae thenks ïn that, fer even sïnners lenn tae sïnners, sae as tae get bak tha same agane. 35But love yer faes, dae guid an lenn, no hopin tae get oniethin bak; an yis wull hae great reward an wull be sinns o tha Maist Heich, fer he ïs kine tae tha ungratefu an tha wïckit. 36Sae be merciefu, jist as yer Faither ïs merciefu.
Judgin ithers
37Dïnnae judge ithers, an ye'll no be judged yersels; dïnnae condemn an yis'll no be condemned; forgie an yis'll be forgien. 38Gie an yis'll be gien tae; a guid misure, preest doon, shuk thegither an skailin ower wull be gien tae yis. Fer tha misure yis gie wull be tha misure yis get bak.”
39An Jesus spauk a parable tae thaim: “Can tha blin lead tha blin? Wull the' no baith faa ïntae tha sheuch? 40A follaer ïs no abain hïs taicher, but whaniver he ïs weel lairnt, he wull be jist laik hïs taicher. 41An why dae ye see tha skelf ïn yer brither's ee, but ye dïnnae see tha plenk ïn yer ain ee? 42Hoo can ye say tae yer brither, ‘Cum here brither, let me tak tha skelf oot o yer ee’, an yit ye cannae see tha plenk ïn yer ain ee? Ye oul hippycrate ye, pu tha plenk oot o yer ain ee furst, an then ye'll be able tae see proper, tae tak tha skelf oot o yer brither's ee!
A tree ïs knowed bi ïts ain fruit
43A guid tree daesnae gie rotten fruit, ner daes a rotten tree gie guid fruit. 44Ye know iverie tree bi ïts ain fruit. Ye dïnnae pïck fïgs frae a thoarn büsh ner grapes frae a blekberrie büsh. 45A guid man brïngs guid oot o tha guidness stored ïn hïs hairt, an a evil man brïngs evil oot o tha evil ïn hïs hairt. Fer whutiver hïs hairt ïs fu o, that's whut cums oot o hïs mooth.
Tha twa hoose biggers
46An why caa me ‘Loard, Loard’, an no dae whut A say? 47Whaiver cums tae me an hears these wurds o mine an heeds thaim, A'll show ye whut he ïs laik. 48He's laik a man that bigged hïs hoose, an he dug deep an set tha fïttins on a roak, an whaniver tha rïver wus ïn fu spate an swep agin tha hoose, ït cudnae shïft ït, fer ït wus set on a roak. 49But tha yin that hears whut A say an daesnae dae ït, ïs laik a man that bigged hïs hoose wi nae fundations ava, an whaniver tha rush o wattèr hut ït, tha hale hoose brauk apairt at yinst.”
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Luik 6: USNT
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© Ulster-Scots Language Society 2020
Luik 6
Anent tha keepin o tha Sabbath day
1Cum twa Sabbaths eftèr thïs, Jesus wus gaun throu tha coarnfiels an hïs follaers pluckt tha heids aff tha coarn tae ait, giein thaim a rub atween thair hans. 2An some o tha Pharisees axt thaim, “Hoo cum yis ir daein whut's agin tha Laa on tha Sabbath day?” 3Jesus gien tha answer, “Hae ye no read whut Davit daen whaniver hïm an hïs freens wus hung'rie? 4Hoo he gaed ïntae tha Hoose o God, an tuk an et tha halie showbreid, an gien ït tae thaim that wus wi hïm forbye? Shair that wus agin tha Laa fer oniebodie but tha preeshts!” 5An he saed tae thaim, “Tha Sinn o Man ïs Loard o tha Sabbath anaa.”
6Then on anither Sabbath he gaed ïntae tha Meetin Hoose tae taich tha fowk, an thair wus a man thair an hïs richt han wus wuthert. 7Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha Pharisees kep thair een on Jesus tae see wud he hail on tha Sabbath, sae as tae hae sumthin agin hïm. 8But he kent richt weel thair thochts an saed tae tha man wi tha baad han, “Stan up whar the' can aa see ye.” An up he got. 9Then Jesus saed tae thaim, “Daes tha Laa say ye shud dae guid or dae ïll on tha Sabbath? Shud ye save life or dae awa wi ït?” 10An lukkin roon at thaim aa, he saed tae tha man, “Streetch oot yer han!”; an he dïd, an hïs han cum as guid as tha ither yin. 11The' wur aa richt an maad an wur colloguin wi yin anither whut the' cud dae wi Jesus.
Tha twal possels pïckt oot
12Bye an bye Jesus went oot tae a muntin fer tae pray tae God, an he kep at ït tha hale nicht lang. 13An whaniver ït wus day, he caad hïs follaers tae hïm an he waaled oot twal o thaim, an gien thaim tha name o “Possels”: 14Simon, that he caad Petèr forbye, an hïs brither Andra; Jeames an Jhone; Phïlip an Bartholomew; 15Mattha an Tammas; Jeames, tha sinn o Alphaeus; Simon, tha yin the' caad a zealot; 16Judas, Jeames's sinn; an Judas Iscariot, tha yin that bethrayed Jesus latèr on.
Blissins an sorras
17An he cum doon frae tha muntin wi thaim, an tuk hïs stance on a flet bït o grun; an a hale crood o hïs follaers, alang wi a wile thrang o fowk oot o Judea, an Jerusalem, an frae alang tha shores o Tyre an Sidon, cum tae hear hïm an tae be cured o thair ailments. 18An tha yins vext sair wi ïll spïrits wus aa cured. 19An tha hale crood o fowks wantit tae touch hïm acause a pooer o guid wus cumin oot o hïm an curin thaim aa.
20An Jesus, wi hïs een on hïs follaers saed, “Blisst ir tha puir, fer yours ïs tha Kïngdom o God. 21Blisst ir you that's hung'rie noo, fer yis wull get yer fïll. Blisst ir you that's greetin noo, fer yis wull be lachin then. 22Blisst ir you whaniver fowk hait ye or gie ye tha coul shoodèr, baadmooth ye or blekin yer name, on accoont o tha Sinn o Man. 23Be richt gled on that day an gie a lep fer joy, fer yis hae a pooerfu reward waitin fer ye ïn heiven; fer thair faithers daen tha same tae tha proaphits. 24But sorra tae you weel-aff fowk, fer ye hae got aa ye ir gettin! 25Sorra tae you that's fu noo, fer yis wull be hung'rie. Sorra tae you that ir lachin, fer yis wull be greetin an sorrafu. 26Wae faa yis whan aa fowk spakes weel o ye, fer thair faithers daen tha same wi tha fauss proaphits.
Love yer enemies
27But A'm sayin tae yous that's lïstenin: Love yer faes, dae guid tae thaim that haits ye. 28Bliss thaim that curses ye, an pray fer thaim that wushes ye ïll wull. 29An ïf a bodie gies ye a slap on tha cheek, turn tha ither side til hïm forbye. An ïf a bodie ïs lukkin yer tap-cóat aff ye, let hïm hae yer shirt as weel. 30If oniebodie axes ye fer ocht, gie ït tae thaim, an dïnnae be lukkin ït bak. 31An jist dae tae ithers whut yis wud want thaim tae dae tae yersels.
32An ïf yis onlie love thaim at loves you, thair's naethin parteeclar aboot that. Even sïnners love tha yins that love thaim. 33An ïf yis dae guid tae thaim at dae guid tae yersels, whut credit ïs that tae yis? Sïnners dae jist tha same. 34An ïf yis onlie lenn tae thaim at yis ir hopin tae get ït bak frae, thair's nae thenks ïn that, fer even sïnners lenn tae sïnners, sae as tae get bak tha same agane. 35But love yer faes, dae guid an lenn, no hopin tae get oniethin bak; an yis wull hae great reward an wull be sinns o tha Maist Heich, fer he ïs kine tae tha ungratefu an tha wïckit. 36Sae be merciefu, jist as yer Faither ïs merciefu.
Judgin ithers
37Dïnnae judge ithers, an ye'll no be judged yersels; dïnnae condemn an yis'll no be condemned; forgie an yis'll be forgien. 38Gie an yis'll be gien tae; a guid misure, preest doon, shuk thegither an skailin ower wull be gien tae yis. Fer tha misure yis gie wull be tha misure yis get bak.”
39An Jesus spauk a parable tae thaim: “Can tha blin lead tha blin? Wull the' no baith faa ïntae tha sheuch? 40A follaer ïs no abain hïs taicher, but whaniver he ïs weel lairnt, he wull be jist laik hïs taicher. 41An why dae ye see tha skelf ïn yer brither's ee, but ye dïnnae see tha plenk ïn yer ain ee? 42Hoo can ye say tae yer brither, ‘Cum here brither, let me tak tha skelf oot o yer ee’, an yit ye cannae see tha plenk ïn yer ain ee? Ye oul hippycrate ye, pu tha plenk oot o yer ain ee furst, an then ye'll be able tae see proper, tae tak tha skelf oot o yer brither's ee!
A tree ïs knowed bi ïts ain fruit
43A guid tree daesnae gie rotten fruit, ner daes a rotten tree gie guid fruit. 44Ye know iverie tree bi ïts ain fruit. Ye dïnnae pïck fïgs frae a thoarn büsh ner grapes frae a blekberrie büsh. 45A guid man brïngs guid oot o tha guidness stored ïn hïs hairt, an a evil man brïngs evil oot o tha evil ïn hïs hairt. Fer whutiver hïs hairt ïs fu o, that's whut cums oot o hïs mooth.
Tha twa hoose biggers
46An why caa me ‘Loard, Loard’, an no dae whut A say? 47Whaiver cums tae me an hears these wurds o mine an heeds thaim, A'll show ye whut he ïs laik. 48He's laik a man that bigged hïs hoose, an he dug deep an set tha fïttins on a roak, an whaniver tha rïver wus ïn fu spate an swep agin tha hoose, ït cudnae shïft ït, fer ït wus set on a roak. 49But tha yin that hears whut A say an daesnae dae ït, ïs laik a man that bigged hïs hoose wi nae fundations ava, an whaniver tha rush o wattèr hut ït, tha hale hoose brauk apairt at yinst.”
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