پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە دووەم کۆرنسۆس 5:21

Great Expectations // Choosing Wisely
6 Days
Life is full of choices—what to eat, where to work, what church to attend. Our hearts face choices, too—when to trust, when to doubt, when to move closer to God (or not). Whatever we choose, God is still the same. He's ready to remind you that HE is the way. Read along and invite Holy Spirit to equip you to choose Him, over and over.

The Hero Of History By Pete Briscoe
6 days
Stories are a powerful part of the human experience. They make us laugh, they make us cry; they give us hope that happiness is real. And whether you realize it or not, you’re playing a role in the most powerful story ever told! In this 6-day reading plan, Pete Briscoe traces that Great Story of sin and salvation—ultimately showcasing the Great Hero of History, Jesus Christ.

When They Hurt Someone You Love
6 Days
Sometimes it’s easier to forgive people who have hurt us than it is to forgive people who have hurt someone we love. It’s easy to be offended and angry when our loved one is harmed or mistreated, but it’s a trap. These six lessons can show you (and your loved ones) how to get past the pain and walk in God’s peace and freedom.

Finding Jesus In Technology
6 Days
What do things like autocorrect, passwords, and getting hacked have to do with Jesus? Find out how everyday technology can remind you of God’s blessings for you.

Being Missional in Isolation
6 Days
In times of isolation, you may be tempted to think that there is nothing that you can do to make disciples, but the Apostle Paul, who wrote about half of the New Testament, did some of his best work from prison! The books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon were all written from a place of isolation. Even from isolation you can make disciples.

The Women Who Met Jesus
6 Days
Imagine meeting Jesus face-to-face. What questions would you ask Him? In this six-day reading plan, meet women from the Bible who encountered Jesus face-to-face. Find out how Jesus answers relevant questions such as, “Will Jesus forgive me?” or “Will Jesus acknowledge my suffering?” and how He offers hope to each woman in the midst of her circumstances.

Conquering Death
6 Days
Coming face to face with death can bring deep and fear-filled questions. Will I die alone? Will it be painful? What comes after death? When you’re gripped with this anxiety, you need to know there’s a God who understands and has gone before us to conquer death. This plan will share God’s hope-filled answers to help you make peace with death.

Made Whole #2 - When the Devil Wants to Destroy
6 Days
Superstition and inaccurate perceptions of power often lead people to believing that what the enemy has is greater than the authority given to us in Jesus Christ. It’s time to stop living lies. Instead, move into freedom and wholeness by surrendering to the finished work of Jesus on the cross.

The Old Testament: Backstory to Christmas
6 days
Most of us like hearing a good story and the really good stories usually have a backstory. Backstories provide context for the main story and help us understand how the various pieces of that story are connected. The backstories surrounding Jesus’ birth are no different. Understanding the backstories of Jesus’ birth makes the events surrounding His arrival even more wondrous and the best part is, this story is true!

We Were Sexual Before We Were Sinful
6 Days
You have been written into a wonderful story. God’s story is one that includes Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. However, our conversations surrounding sex often focus on the fall - in reality, we were sexual before we were sinful! In this plan, we'll look at what scripture says about God's creation and design for sex.