پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە کردار 4:8

Lifelines That Last
5 Days
Life can be hard and messy. Without a lifeline, it is easy to get overwhelmed and buried in all of the chaos. The early church was devoted to gathering. They recognized if they were going to survive, they needed a lifeline. That lifeline came by gathering, linking arms, and leaning in. In this 5-day plan, we explore the lifelines of the early church and how they help us today.

Acts 4:1-31 | Unashamed
5 Days
Acts shows us the boldness of those first believers in the face of threat. It shows their pride in identifying with Jesus. It shows them unashamed. This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

The Last Apostle | John 14: The Way to the Father
5 Days
Near the end of his life, John was the last of the living apostles and wrote a story about Jesus. It’s his testimony of who Jesus is, what he said, what he did, and who he claimed to be. Jesus has a story. He invites us to make it our story. When we make Jesus’s story our story, we have life in his name. This plan focuses on John 14 and Jesus's words of encouragement in the face of suffering, death, and separation of what awaits. It is part of an ongoing series through John.

A.D. The Bible Continues: Episode 4
6 Days
A.D. The Bible Continues is the epic 12-episode series now airing on NBC. Fearful of the crowd after the beggar’s miraculous healing, temple leaders are forced to release Peter and John. When Ananias and Sapphira compromise their integrity before the assembly, each one dies.

6 Days
When you serve more, you take less. When you give more, you need less. When you thank more, you want less. When there’s more of God, you’re selfless. If you’re ready for more of God, start this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Selfless.

When Pigs Fly
6 Days
Are you searching for hope? Do you believe in miracles? Maybe when pigs fly? Take a leap of faith and start this Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, When Pigs Fly.

Prayer & Perseverance
6 Days
What happens when God’s people pray? How ready are you to stop what you are doing and minister to someone in need? Or to justify the way you live to others? How about when situations are difficult? How do we respond? In this study, we’ll dive into a story in Acts to see how God worked in an unexpected situation and how it applies to us today.

Exploring the Book of Acts: The Holy Spirit
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan, anchored in Jesus' promise of 'power from on high' for His followers. Delve into key moments where the Holy Spirit empowers the apostles, breaks barriers, and confirms that Jesus Christ is Lord. Learn how mission and the Kingdom's advance rely on the Spirit's dynamic power, and find practical applications for your own faith journey.

Exploring the Book of Acts: Persecution
6 Days
Explore the Book of Acts in a 6-day plan and gain a fresh perspective on persecution in the New Testament. Understand how early Christians viewed challenges, not as hindrances, but as opportunities to advance the gospel. Learn from their response of prayer, perseverance, and bold witnessing transforming trials into triumphs for God's kingdom. This devotional plan redefines the concept of persecution, encouraging a proactive and empowered approach to faith.