پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە ئەفەسۆس 2:20

Understanding the Kingdom of God
21 Days
Embark on a 21-day journey through the Bible to uncover the glorious story of the coming of God's Kingdom. Since the beginning, God revealed Himself as the Ruler over all Creation. He chose to extend His good reign to all who follow His voice. Come and see how you can also be part of this story.

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting With Rock City Church
21 Days
Over the next 21 days we invite you to participate in an intentional time of prayer and fasting with Rock City Church. This devotional will guide you through 21 topics to cultivate a deeper prayer life and relationship with God and those around you. Through highlighted scripture, discussion questions, and prayer, we believe you will experience peace, healing, and a renewed desire to seek God with all of your heart.

21 Days of Stretch
21 Days
This devotional was written to support your 21 days of prayer and fasting. If you are looking to be stretched in your walk with Christ and to see growth and expansion in your life then this devotional is for you.

Jesus Changes Everything: A Study of Ephesians
21 Days
Do you want to be blessed? Get saved? Put bad habits to death? Honor God with your life? Be a better husband/wife/child/parent/employee/boss/Christian/ human? Jesus can help with all of that! Ephesians is a short, power-packed letter that reminds us how everything changes once we are “in Christ.” Slow down, think deeply about each verse, and let Jesus change everything about everything.

Ephesians: Tear Down These Walls
23 Days
Join us as we explore God's vision for a new humanity in the letter to the Ephesians. We'll see what God has done in Jesus to deal with the divisions that keep us apart and create one new humanity. This plan will help you see your new identity in Christ and live into God's purpose for your life.

Spend Christmas Together
25 Days
It's so easy to get caught up in all the hall decking and merry making that we forget what Christmas is all about - a baby in a manger who changes everything! So before Christmas slips away and the new year dawns, we invite you to slow down and take some time to prepare your heart for the celebration “God with us.”

The Greatest Gifts
25 Days
No trips on donkeys. No angels singing. Not even a baby in a manger. Yet, there are still 25 gifts God wants to give you for Christmas. We can find them in a little, six-chapter book halfway through the New Testament. These are The Greatest Gifts, as revealed in Ephesians. Along the way, you'll find the gift of love, the gift of salvation, the gift of unity, and many more. Prepare your heart in a special way this Christmas season by receiving, and giving, God's greatest gifts.

What the New Testament Says About the Attributes of God
25 Days
Get to know God through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through the Attributes of God.

What the New Testament Says About Who I Am
25 Days
Get to know who you are through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through your identity in Christ.

Expecting the One With Many Names
27 Days
Jesus was born over 2000 years ago! His Mother, Mary, was expecting the birth of her son Incarnate! Today, we too are 'expecting' Jesus, not as a baby, but as the One honored with so many names. In this 27-day Advent Devotional, let us go more profound as we discover Jesus through His many names that reveal His character! He is our soon-coming King!