پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە عیبرانییەکان 11:11

What Is Faith?
6 Days
The Bible tells us that faith is the assurance of things we hope for and the conviction of things we cannot see (Heb. 11:1). But what exactly are we as Christians hoping for? And how can we have conviction about the unseen? This six-day study looks to Scripture to define faith and its role in our lives as we seek to walk in obedience to God day by day.

My Best Hope
6 Days
Hope is more than wishing for something. Hope inspires action. The kind of hope you’ll learn about in this Bible Plan is different from just wishing. This kind of hope is your best hope—it’s a living hope! This hope is anchored to the unchanging love and faithfulness of Jesus. Start this six-day Bible Plan today and fill yourself with the very best hope.

Faith Your Way Through Your Day!
6 Days
It can be easy to settle into the thought pattern of "this is just how life will be." There will always be things that will attempt to destroy our faith in God. Your faith must be rooted in the word of God if you're going to maintain peace in the storm. Prayerfully, this devotional will be a fresh perspective, and you will faith your way through your days!

Come Home: Tracing God's Promise of Home Through Scripture
6 Days
From humanity’s first home to our eternal one, we see God drawing near to abide with us. In this 6-day reading plan from Caroline Saunders, you will find that even the best aspects of home here are just a glimmer of what God is building for us through Christ. Our longing for home is good and purposeful, pointing us to our truest home found in Him.

Becoming Healthy Humans
6 Days
You were created by God to be healthy, whole, full of life, and free from anxiety—for your sake and the sake of others. Because your purpose is bigger than you. It’s about loving God with your whole self and loving your neighbor as yourself. But that’s really hard to do well when we’re emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically unwell. So, let’s embark on a journey to become healthy humans.

Seeking Refuge: God's Heart For Refugees
7 Days
The Bible speaks repeatedly to God’s heart for those who are refugees—individuals who have been forced by persecution to flee their country of origin and take up residence in a new land. This reading plan is adapted from Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis.

Faith Of Our Fathers
7 Days
What does true, genuine faith look like? Go deeper in your faith by studying a different person from faith's "Hall of Fame" in Hebrews 11. Examine the fearful, reverent faith of Noah; the obedient, hopeful faith of Abraham; the impossible faith of Sarah; the worshipping faith of Jacob; the self-denying faith of Moses; and the saving faith of Rahab.

George Smiles From Jane's Marmalade
7 Days
What's most important in your life? As a Christian, your first answer is hopefully, "God", but after that, does it get muddled? If you're married, does your spouse come next? Or do you find your kids taking over that spot? Or does your job always get in the way of family time? And then try balancing personal life with ministries. In "GSFJM", you'll discover ways to help you keep what's important in your life in its proper piace

Into The Breach – Being A Christian Man
7 Days
Being a Christian man is not at all easy. God’s Word offers help as you seek stand out from the “run of the mill” existence and be the best possible version of yourself. Written by Stephen Binz based on teachings by Bishop Thomas Olmstead of the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.

Counting Stars In An Empty Sky By Michael Youssef
7 Days
Have you ever wondered, Has God abandoned me? Will He keep His promises? Four thousand years ago, Abraham wondered the same thing. Yet his faith was not in vain, and neither is yours. In this week’s devotional, we’ll be exploring what it means to have faith in God’s promises when circumstances tell us to give up. Because God always keeps his promises.