پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە یاقوب 3:3

Journal ~ James
25 Days
For James, Christians (that is, followers of his half-brother) should reflect the character of their God. And what we find in this letter is not works and more works as sometimes thought to be. On the contrary it is a letter infused by God’s character, with the intention of making God-shaped people living in the world.

Love God Greatly: Words Matter
26 days
In this 4 week study, we will dig into God’s Word and learn what He says about the words we speak to ourselves, to others, and words that change the world. We will learn to honor God and others with the words that we speak. We pray this study gives us great insight into how we can consistently speak words that give life and transform lives.

Love God Greatly James
27 Days
James often is compact in length but overflows with powerful lessons on godly living. In this Love God Greatly study, take a look into God’s wisdom when it comes to suffering, the power of prayer, the importance of controlling the tongue, and the danger of wealth. James challenges us to not only talk the talk, but walk the walk; to live out our faith in a bold pursuit of holiness.

The Pursuit: Chasing After Your New Life in Christ
28 Days
Now that you are a Christian, you may be asking questions. What just happened? How do I learn more about God? If you will plan to spend at least five or ten minutes a day alone with God reading this short Bible study, you will learn a lot about God and what has just happened in your life.

Over the Top
28 Days
Have you ever seen an action movie where the stunts became more and more outrageous? Each stunt gets more extreme as the movie continues to push the limits of what to expect. What if that same mindset inspired us to live differently in our lives? What if we looked to God for ways to be extreme and do the unexpected in places like generosity?
Stories of Faith- James
28 Days
Your story is not defined by what has happened to you, you are defined by who God has called you to be.

Anchoring Time - James
28 Days
What is an Anchoring Time? It's time spent focused on encountering God through reading the Bible. Join us as we read through James! This New Testament letter is filled with wisdom for living that helps us be more like Jesus.

The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan
30 Days
This 30-day reading plan covers many critical leadership topics with excerpts offered from John C. Maxwell. Dr. Maxwell has spent decades equipping others for leadership with his major source of leadership principles being offered from the Bible. Use this reading plan as a resource to learn what a godly leader is and how God is glorified when we accept our roles as leaders and empower others to do the same.