پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە یۆحەنا 3:16

More Than a Carpenter
14 Days
Is Jesus really the Lord he claimed to be? In this thought-provoking two-week devotional, featuring insights from the modern classic More Than a Carpenter, you’ll read key arguments for faith from a skeptic turned believer. Josh McDowell set out to disprove the claims of Jesus Christ. But the evidence he found suggested exactly the opposite. So weigh the facts. Experience God’s love. And then watch what happens.
Stories Behind Popular Hymns: Gaither Homecoming
14 Days
This 14-day reading plan includes the stories behind some of the world’s most popular hymns and gospel songs. Readings are drawn from the Gaither Homecoming Bible.

14 Days
Ever wanted to invite a friend or family member to church, but just couldn't find the words to say? This plan is designed to help you understand why inviting people to church is so important, and then give you the resources to know how, where, and when to invite them. Learn how to be a bringer and start this plan today!

Unlimited Love
14 Days
Unlimited Love will inspire you with the proven power of God’s love in action. Written by Dr Desmond Ford and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, it is their prayer that Unlimited Love will take you deeper into God’s promises of His unlimited love for you. Each day also includes personal reflections designed to apply practical lessons to your daily life.

Unlimited Salvation
14 Days
Unlimited Salvation helps you fall in love with Jesus even more, by deepening your understanding of how great is the salvation that God offers you. This reading plan shows you how God has made salvation simple for you if you trust in Jesus, and how you are always safe in his hands. Unlimited Salvation powerfully encourages you with God’s promises that you can hold on to, with practical life applications.

Unlimited Life
14 Days
Unlimited Life helps you to see the incredible gift that God has for you, through Jesus’ death and resurrection. By exploring his gift of life and all that it means for you right now, you can deepen your understanding of how to live your life to the full in his love.

Victorious Christian Living
14 Days
Do you desire to live victoriously as a Christian, but find you fail time and time again? When we choose to walk with God and seek Him in all we do, we are slated for victory. The more we depend on God, the more other areas of our lives get straightened up. Seek Him through this fourteen-day prayer from Find Rest My Soul by Preethi Alice Jacob

Freedom From Addiction
14 Days
God created you to live free in His presence, not chained by addiction. This 14-day devotional is filled with biblical truths, prayer tips, videos, and life tips that will empower you to walk with Jesus free from addiction—guided by Erik Frederickson, who has walked in freedom from addiction with Jesus for over 14 years. Enjoy!

Becoming Like a Child
14 Days
We tend to tell our children it’s time to grow up. Jesus tells adults it’s time to become like little children in order to enter His Kingdom. What does Jesus mean by this? What does it imply to be like a child, more specifically to be a child of God? Sign up for this reading plan to find out.