پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە لۆقا 22:51

Come Alive: Easter in Everyday Life
9 Days
Easter can feel like another day on the calendar instead of a defining moment that impacts how we see every other day of our lives. Starting with Palm Sunday, this plan walks you through each day of Holy Week and draws out themes that remind us that with Jesus we don't experience new life just once a year, but every single day.

Friendship With God
9 Days
Friendship with God is all about growing your relationship with God. Throughout scripture God has many names. Comforter, Lord, Protector, Provider and on. One of the things He called Himself that really hit me hard was that He called Himself my friend. What could life look like if we live like God was actually our friend? This changed my life and I hope it will change yours as well!

The Characters of Easter: Simon Peter
10 Days
Peter was just a fisherman from backwater Galilee, but he was pursued by Jesus and became the rock upon which the church was built. He witnessed the pivotal moment of the cross and empty tomb. Join author Daniel Darling on this 10-day plan to discover the life of Simon Peter, an unlikely character caught up in the story of Jesus.

First Priority Follow-Up Guide: The Story of Jesus and The Story of The Church Community
10 Days
This follow- up guide is designed to help you take one person or a group of friends through the Story of Jesus and the Story of the Church Community from the book of Luke and the book of Acts. This is a great way to help a friend who is curious about faith or a new follower of Jesus take their next steps in their spiritual journey.

Unlikely Fighter
10 Days
Ever doubt God could use you—with your shortcomings, failures, busy schedule…whatever your obstacles may be—to do anything big for His Kingdom? Good news: God specializes in the unlikely. The Scriptures offer ample examples of unlikely fighters—people God used in huge ways, despite (or even because of!) their imperfections. Meet 10 of these unlikely fighters, and discover how the Lord can use you to do mighty things.

Our Daily Bread: Voices of Faith
10 Days
Learn about and celebrate Black History Month with this 10-day devotional inspired by the persevering hope of Africans throughout history and around the world.

Step by Step: Walk With Jesus on Holy Week
10 Days
Walk step-by-step with Jesus in the events, places, and emotions He felt each day leading up to Easter, and beyond.

Journey Through Luke: Jesus' Death And Resurrection
12 Days
Journey through the book of Luke with Christian author Mike Raiter and meet our Lord Jesus. Read about Jesus' journey to the cross, His death and resurrection 3 days after! Be amazed at His authority over disease and death and hear His call to surrender, repent and be forgiven of our sin, following Him into a renewed relationship with God our Father.

Journey to the Cross Through COVID
12 Days
Reflecting on events leading to the cross has long been a tradition of the church, especially at Easter. These 12 daily devotions follow Luke’s account of the final 24 hours of Jesus’ life, from the Last Supper to His death, burial and resurrection. They particularly seek to relate Jesus’ cross journey to the challenges we are facing in a world plagued with COVID-19.