پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە مەتا 6:10

6 Days
The time has come to tear down the walls that have separated us and the religious spirit that has bound us. Racial Reconciliation and unity are possible in our day. The world is waiting for the Church to rise up and to be what God created her to be. This devotional will help you see the Church, and its divine purpose, through the eyes of Christ.

Doing Business With God: Building a Successful Kingdom Business
6 Days
God has created us with the gift of perfect vision, both physically and spiritually. But maybe you feel the vision you had for your business or ministry has died. What do we do with this? We look to the giver of dreams. This devotional takes you through a vision check, helps diagnose vision problems, and provides corrective lenses to see clearly what God has for you.

Biblical Leadership: God’s Will for Your Leadership
6 Days
As leaders, we are accustomed to making decisions, even when data is scarce. Such ability sometimes translates into thinking we may know God’s will for our leadership, also in the absence of adequate data. In these readings, we look at what God’s will for your leadership is, and more importantly, how you can know that you are fulfilling your calling in accordance with His Plan, not just yours.

How Then, Shall We Pray?
6 Days
Prayer is a mystery. How do we pray? What do we pray for? If God already knows everything, why do we pray? We know prayer is a crucial aspect of the life of a Christian, but it is often a challenge. Going through the example that Jesus gave us in the Lord’s Prayer, we will explore different elements of prayer and discover ways to develop our own prayer life.

Biblical Success - Running the Race of Life - Cross Fitness Training
6 Days
This study will be a deep dive into The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), one of Jesus' most direct and challenging teachings directed primarily to his disciples. We will ask the Holy Spirit to be our teacher as we read a chapter each day using only the Word as our devotion.

God in Three Persons: Embracing the Trinity
6 Days
The Trinity is a mystery but not one that is unsearchable. Throughout Scripture, we see God reveal Himself in distinct and unique ways through the three persons of the Godhead. This six-day plan will instruct the believer on who the Triune God is and who we are called to be in response. Jamey Webster is a former CEO in the oil industry and is currently studying at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Being a Part in the Great Commission
6 Days
The Great Commission is the most important mission a Christian can ever embrace. It’s a holistic mission encompassing careers, sports, entertainment, relationships, eternity, mental health, science, government, law, and education. Have you said “Yes” to the Great Commission? Will you go, give, serve, teach, and love?

The Kingdom of God
6 Days
As believers, we have been transferred from a kingdom of darkness into the glorious kingdom of the Son of God. This devotion will explore the King of the kingdom, the nature of his kingdom, the requirements of entry into the kingdom, what it means to be a member of the kingdom and our privilege to beckon others to enter this kingdom.

Kingdom Pictures: 5 Ways to See the Kingdom of God
6 Days
If you study the life of Jesus, you will find he had one message he proclaimed over and over again: the gospel of the Kingdom of God. What exactly is the Kingdom of God? In this plan, we will explore five pictures that help us see and understand what the Kingdom of God is all about and how this one message has the potential to transform your life.