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Bibeloversættelser (3327)
Sprog (2174)
Lydversioner (2035)
Ipili Nutestamene (ipi)
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Biblía Axweesantá Hhohho' ar Mungú 2004 (IRQW)
Bible Society of Tanzania
IBhayibhili Elingcwele LesiNdebele (BEN)
Biblica, Inc.
The New Testament in Islander Creole (NTIC)
Biblían (2007) (BIBLIAN07)
Icelandic Bible Society
New Testament in Mixe, Isthmus (mir)
Zapotec, Isthmus (zai)
El Nuevo Testamento (nhxMNT)
El Nuevo Testamento (nhxTNT)
Traduzione Interconfessionale in Lingua Corrente (ICL00D)
United Bible Societies
Parola del Signore - la Bibbia in lingua corrente (ICL00P)
Xo̱jo̱n eén Néná (MAIX)
Bible Society of Mexico
VIKAʼV IYOL QUBʼAAL TIUXH quyolbʼalxhtuʼ (ixlC)
Ixil Nebaj (ixlN)
Ixil, San Juan Cotzal (ixlSJC)
Iyo (nca)
Izere New Testament (izrNT)
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
BAYỊBURU Izii (Izii)
Éhe̱n Nti̱a̱ná (maj)
Di Jamiekan Nyuu Testiment (JNT)
Bible Society of the West Indies
Mixtec, Jamiltepec (mxt)
Hơdrôm Hră Rơgoh Hiam Hơnơ̆ng Đăr 2014 (JBSV14)
Jorai Bible Association
Jarawara (jaaR)
Jinghpaw Hanson Version Bible (JHVT3)
Bible Society of Myanmar