Mattityahu 1

1the book of the pedigree of Yehoshua the Moshiach, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2Abraham has fathered Isaac, and Isaac has fathered Jacob, and Jacob has fathered Yehudah and his brothers. 3and Yehudah has fathered Perez and Zerach from Tamar. and Perez has fathered Hetsron, and Hetsron has fathered Ram. 4and Ram has fathered Amminadav, and Amminadav has fathered Nachshon, and Nachshon has fathered Salmon, 5and Salmon has fathered Boaz from Rachab, and Boaz has fathered Obed from Ruth, and Obed has fathered Jesse, 6and Jesse has fathered David the king.
and David has fathered Solomon from Uriyah's wife, 7and Solomon has fathered Rechavam, and Rechavam has fathered Aviyah, and Aviyah has fathered Asa, 8and Asa has fathered Yehoshafat, and Yehoshafat has fathered Yoram, and Yoram has fathered Uzziah, 9and Uzziah has fathered Yotam, and Yotam has fathered Achaz, and Achaz has fathered Y'chizkiyahu, 10and Y'chizkiyahu has fathered Menasheh, and Menasheh has fathered Amon, and Amon has fathered Yoshiyahu, 11and Yoshiyahu has fathered Yechanyahu and his brothers, to the time of the deportation (to) Babylon.
12and after the being taken away to Babylon has Yechanyahu fathered Shealtiel, and Shealtiel has fathered Zerubavel, 13and Zerubavel has fathered Avihud, and Avihud has fathered Elikim, and Elikim has fathered Azur, 14and Azur has fathered Tsadok, and Tsadok has fathered Yachin, and Yachin has fathered Elihud, 15and Elihud has fathered El'azar, and El'azar has fathered Mattan, and Mattan has fathered Jacob, 16and Jacob has fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, of which there is born become Yehoshua, who is called Moshiach.
17and in this way are all generations from Abraham until David fourteen generations; and from David until to the deportation (to) Babylon fourteen generations; and from the deportation (to) Babylon until to the Moshiach fourteen generations.
18and the birth of Yehoshua the Moshiach is happened on such way: when his mother Mary was engaged to Joseph, before they were themselves come together, is she found having become pregnant from the Spirit the Holy. 19Joseph, her husband, has however been a righteous person, and has her not wanted to put on any shame, has he plan had, quietly with her themselves to separate. 20and thinking in this way about the matter, look, an angel of the L-rd (Hashem) has himself shown to him in a dream, in this way to say: Joseph son of David, fear you not to take Mary, your wife; because this, which is in her conceived become, is from the Spirit the Holy. 21and she will bear a son, and you (SG) you shall call his name Yehoshua; because he will save his people from their sins. 22and this all is happening, so that it may fulfilled to be, which it is said become from the L-rd (Hashem) through the prophet, in this way to say:
23look the virgin will progress in to carry,
and bear a son,
and one will call his name Emmanuel,
(Yeshayah 7, 14)
which the meaning of it is: Hashem with us. 24and when Joseph is woken up from sleep, has he done, as the angel of the L-rd (G-d) has him commanded, and he has taken to himself his wife; 25and has himself with her not had marital relations, until she had borne a son, and he has called his name Yehoshua.

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