Mattha 1

Tha Forefaithers o Jesus tha Messiah
1Here ïs tha femlie line o Jesus Christ, tha sinn o Davit an o Abraham:
2Abraham wus tha faither o Isaac, Isaac tha faither o Jacob, Jacob tha faither o Judah an hïs brithers. 3An Judah wus tha faither o Perez an Zerah, an thair mither wus Tamar. Perez wus tha faither o Hezron, Hezron tha faither o Ram. 4Ram wus tha faither o Amminadab, Amminadab tha faither o Nahshon, an Nahshon tha faither o Salmon. 5Salmon wus tha faither o Boaz, an tha mither o Boaz wus Rahab. Boaz wus tha faither o Obed, an tha mither o Obed wus Ruth. Obed wus tha faither o Jesse, 6an Jesse tha faither o Kïng Davit. Davit wus tha faither o Solomon, bi hir that wus yinst tha wife o Uriah. 7Solomon wus tha faither o Rehoboam, Rehoboam tha faither o Abijah, Abijah tha faither o Asa, 8Asa tha faither o Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat tha faither o Jehoram, Jehoram tha faither o Uzziah. 9Uzziah wus tha faither o Jotham, Jotham tha faither o Ahaz, Ahaz tha faither o Hezekiah. 10Hezekiah wus tha faither o Manasseh, Manasseh tha faither o Amon, an Amon tha faither o Josiah. 11Josiah wus tha faither o Jeconiah an hïs brithers. That wus roon aboot tha time the' wur cairriet aff tae Babylon.
12An eftèr the' wur cairriet awa tae Babylon, Jeconiah becum tha faither o Shealtiel, an Shealtiel tha faither o Zerubbabel. 13Zerubbabel wus tha faither o Abiud, Abiud tha faither o Eliakim, an Eliakim tha faither o Azor. 14Azor wus tha faither o Zadok, Zadok tha faither o Akim, an Akim tha faither o Eliud. 15Eliud wus tha faither o Eleazar, Eleazar tha faither o Matthan, an Matthan tha faither o Jacob. 16An Jacob wus tha faither o Joseph, an Joseph wus merriet tae Mary. An Mary wus tha mither o Jesus, tha Yin caad Christ.
17That made fowerteen genèrations ïn aa frae Abraham tae Davit, fowerteen frae Davit til the' wur cairriet awa tae Babylon, an anither fowerteen frae that tae tha cumin o Christ.
Jesus tha Messiah ïs boarn
18An thïs ïs hoo tha birth o Jesus Christ cum aboot: hïs mither Mary wus promist tae Joseph, but afore the' cum thegither, she fun oot she wus wi a wean. An ït wus bi tha Halie Spïrit. 19Noo Joseph hir husban wus a dacent man an he dïdnae want hir tae be affrontit, sae he thocht tae senn hir awa on tha quait. 20He wus thïnkin aboot aa thïs, whan lo an behoul, an angel o tha Loard appeart tae hïm ïn a draim an saed, “Joseph, sinn o Davit, dïnnae be feart tae tak Mary fer yer wife, fer tha wean she's cairryin ïs o tha Halie Spïrit. 21She wull hae a sinn, an ye ir tae gie hïm tha name Jesus, fer he wull save hïs ain fowk#1.21 Israel frae thair wrangdaeins.” 22Noo aa thïs wus daen tae brïng aboot whut tha Loard haed saed throu tha proaphit:
23“A virgin wull cairrie a wean, a sinn,
an whan he's boarn, he'll be caad Immanuel”
- mainin “God ïs wi iz.”
24Whaniver Joseph waakent up, he daen whut tha angel o tha Loard haed toul hïm tae dae, an he tuk Mary hame fer tae be hïs wife. 25But he dïdnae sleep wi hir til eftèr tha wean wus boarn. An he caad hïm bi tha name Jesus.

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