Mattha 2

Tha spaemen frae tha East
1Eftèr Jesus wus boarn ïn Bethlehem ïn Judea, durin tha time that Herod wus Kïng, spaemen frae tha East cum tae Jerusalem 2an the' axt, “Whar ïs tha yin that haes bin boarn Kïng o tha Jews? Fer we hae saen hïs starn ïn tha East an hae cum fer tae woarship hïm.” 3Whaniver Kïng Herod heerd thïs, he wus baadlie püt aboot, an aa Jerusalem wi hïm. 4Sae he brocht thegither aa tha Jewish fowk's heid preeshts an maistèrs o tha Laa, an he axt thaim whar tha Christ wus tae be boarn. 5“In Bethlehem o Judea,” the' saed, “fer thïs ïs whut tha proaphit writ: 6‘But you, Bethlehem, ïn tha lan o Judah, ye ir bi nae mains tha laist amang tha rulers o Judah; fer oot o you wull cum a ruler that wull herd ma fowk Israel.’ ”
7Then Herod caad tha wise men thegither on tha quait, an he fun oot frae thaim whan ït wus that tha starn haed cum ïntae sicht. 8He sent thaim tae Bethlehem an he toul thaim, “Luk ïn iverie airt fer tha wean. As shuin as yis fin hïm, wud ye brïng me wurd, sae as A can gae an woarship hïm as weel!” 9Eftèr the' haed heerd whut tha kïng haed tae say, the' set aff on thair wye, an lo an behoul, tha starn the' haed saen ïn tha East went aheid o thaim, til ït stapt richt ower tha place whar tha wean wus. 10Whaniver the' saa tha starn, the' wur hairt gled. 11The' cum ïntae tha hoose, the' saen tha wee wean wi hïs mither Mary, an the' bood doon an wurshipt hïm. Then the' apent thair kïsts an the' set afore hïm thair gifts o gowld an frankincense an myrrh. 12An bein warnt ïn a draim no tae gae bak tae Herod, the' tuk anither róad bak hame.
Joseph an Mary flee awa tae Egypt
13An eftèr the' went awa, an angel o tha Loard appeart tae Joseph ïn a draim. “Git up,” he toul hïm, “tak aff tae Egypt wi tha wean an hïs mither. Bide thair til A gie ye tha wurd, fer Herod ïs aboot tae hunt oot tha wean fer tae dae awa wi hïm.” 14Sae up Joseph got, he tuk tha wean an hïs mither wi hïm ïn tha mïddle o tha nicht, an he set aff fer Egypt. 15He stapt thair til Herod deed. An aa thïs brocht aboot whut tha Loard haed saed throu tha proaphit: “Oot o Egypt A hae caad ma sinn.”
16Whaniver Herod fun oot he'd bin haad, he wus rïppin, an he gien oardèrs fer tae kïll aa tha weechils ïn Bethlehem an roon aboot, thaim at wus twa yeir oul an unnèr, takkin ïntae accoont tha time he haed bin telt bi tha spaemen. 17Then whut tha proaphit Jeremiah saed aforehan wud happen cum aboot: 18“A voice wus heerd ïn Ramah, greetin an lamentin. It wus Rachel greetin fer hir weans; an she niver devalved, acause hir weans wus nae lang'r wi hir.”
Tha femlie cums bak tae Nazareth
19But whaniver Herod deed, lo an behoul, an angel o tha Loard appeart ïn a draim tae Joseph ïn Egypt 20an he saed, “Git up, tak tha wean an hïs mither awa tae tha lan o Israel, fer tha yins that wus gaun tae kïll tha wean ïs deid.” 21Sae Joseph upt an tuk tha wean an hïs mither an he went ïntae tha lan o Israel. 22But whan he heerd that Archelaus wus tha Kïng o Judea ïn tha ruim o hïs faither Herod, he wus feart tae gae thair. Bein warnt ïn a draim, he pued bak tae tha dïstrict o Galilee, 23an he went an settelt doon ïn a toon caad Nazareth. An sae ït cum tae pass whut wus saed bi tha proaphits: “He wull be caad a Nazarene.”

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