Mattha 3

Jhone tha Baptiser maks tha wye readie fer Jesus
1In thaim days Jhone tha Baptiser cum praichin ïn tha wiles o Judea 2an sayin, “Turn awa frae yer sïns, fer tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs nearhan.” 3Jhone ïs tha yin tha proaphit Isaiah spauk aboot, tellin: “Thair's a voice cryin oot ïn tha wiles, ‘Mak tha wye readie fer tha Loard, mak hïs pads strecht fer hïm!’ ” 4Jhone's claes wus made o kemel's hair, an he haed a leather belt roon hïs mïddle. An he leeved bi aitin gresshoppers an wile honey. 5Croods gaed oot tae hïm frae Jerusalem alang wi aa tha fowk frae Judea an tha hale dïstrict o tha rïver Joardan. 6An thaim at confesst thair sïns wur baptised bi hïm ïn tha Joardan rïver.
7But whan he saa a wheen o Pharisees an Sadducees cumin tae whar he wus baptisin, he saed tae thaim, “Ye sleekit shooer o vipers! Wha telt ye tae rin frae tha wrath o God that's cumin? 8Ye maun show bi tha wye ye leeve that ye hae turnt awa frae yer sïns. 9An dïnnae be thïnkin tae yersels, ‘We hae Abraham fer oor faither’ an hae daen wi that. A tell ye that oot o thon stanes God can mak weans fer Abraham. 10God's hatchit ïs noo at tha ruit o tha trees, an thaim that dïnnae gie guid fruit wull be fellt, an pïtcht ïntae tha fire.
11A'm baptisin yis wi wattèr fer tae show yis hae repentit. But thair's yin cumin eftèr me that ïs michtier ner me. A'm no fït tae cairrie hïs buits. He wull baptise ye wi tha Halie Spïrit an wi fire. 12Hïs winnowin fork ïs ïn hïs han, an he wull redd up hïs thrashin-flure, getherin hïs wheat ïntae hïs barn an burnin tha caff wi a fire ye cannae pit oot.”
Jesus baptised bi Jhone
13Then Jesus cum frae Galilee tae tha Joardan fer tae be baptised bi Jhone. 14But Jhone tried tae pit hïm aff, sayin, “It's me that needs tae be baptised bi you, an you ir cumin tae me?” 15Jesus saed, “Jist dae thïs fer noo; fer thïs ïs tha richt thïng fer iz tae dae, tae cairrie oot tha wull o God.” Sae Jhone gien ïn. 16Tha mïnit Jesus wus baptised, he ris up oot o tha wattèr, an jist wi that tha heivens apent, an he saa tha Spïrit o God cumin doon laik a doo an lichtin on hïm. 17An a voice cum frae heiven sayin, “Thïs ïs ma Sinn, ma hairt's delicht; A'm weel plaised wi hïm.”

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