"De andre seks" andagts serierUddrag
Personal Time with God // Section 2: Worship
Again, we’re presented with more passages about the idea of praising God through songs and singing. The very last phrase is important to catch: we are to sing to God with gratitude in our hearts. Just like we can do many things for God or for others out of simple routine and it not really mean anything to us, we can sing to God without having gratitude and thanksgiving in our hearts. As we enter worship this week, let’s check our hearts and make sure they’re filled with gratitude. Worship starts in the heart and spreads to the rest of our lives.
Practical Steps: Before you begin your day, spend some time listening to some worship music, and then after, pray for God to fill your heart with gratitude for the day.
Om denne plan
Denne 40 dage læse plan er designet til at undervise og vejlede de kristne gennem hvad det betyder at følge Jesus ikke kun på søndagen, men 'De andre seks' dage i ugen.