Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Corinthians 15:51
Jesus Is Stronger
6 Days
The world is a battlefield. Not only literally, when people groups or countries are fighting, but also spiritually. Satan has declared war on God and God’s people. This sounds terrifying, and therefore it is important to know that Jesus is stronger. He is stronger than sin, stronger than Satan, and stronger even than death itself. And if you belong to Him, you share in His victory!
Before the Cross
7 Days
It is before the cross where we see who we really are, and who God really is. This 7-day devotional will walk you through a journey from the beginning, as we are all sinful, through redemption and what Jesus has done for us, all the way to Christ’s return and the glory of God.
Fear And The Goodness Of God
7 Days
Inspired by Hannah Grieser's experiences when her son was diagnosed with cancer and by many other situations when fear threatened to overwhelm her. Based on her memoir The Clouds Ye So Much Dread , this 7 day reading plan is about trusting in God and not in our understanding. A meaningful, gospel-centered study for mothers and anyone else struggling with anxiety, fear, and trusting God
Joshua - Inheritance
7 Days
Joshua and the Israelites were given a Promised Land inheritance. God gave it to them when He made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. We also have a promised inheritance. This week we will explore the Spiritual inheritance we have in Jesus. A promise worth fighting for. This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 8 of a 10 part series.
GO2020 | ENGAGE: June Week 4 - ABIDE
7 Days
As members of the body of Christ, we are called to finish the race set before us, filled with joy and love, as we give witness to the power of the gospel that changes our lives. God’s kingdom embraces differences that the world sets up as barriers to Christian unity. Especially in these times, it is important for all believers to understand the oneness we have in Christ.
A Fourth-Day Man: Death Undone
7 Days
Spend seven days with Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, as he offers pastoral insights on the reality of death. Though each of us is certain to face death, a Christian’s hope is in Christ—he who lives and believes in Him will never die. Do you believe this?
Anchorage: The Storm of Loss | Part 7 of 8
7 Days
Spikenard designed 'Anchorage: The Storm of Loss,' for individuals, small groups, and families to navigate mental health and wellness topics. This seven-day plan incorporates character discussions, reflective questions, and prayers to help participants explore biblical examples of how these realities help us victoriously overcome the storms of life.
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
7 Days
When life doesn’t make sense or we’re confronted with unforeseen pain or tragedy, it can shake our faith and leave us wondering, Why? In this 7-day Study, Joyce tackles the big question with answers from God’s Word…and shares encouragement to help you weather all of life’s storms.
Eternal Life
9 Days
When Jesus speaks about his ministry, He says that his goal is to give people abundant life. That’s the reason why He has come to this earth: “that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). What is this abundant, eternal life like? Let’s read what the Bible tells us about this topic.