Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Peter 2:9
1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
10 Days
Over the course of 10 days, alongside passages from 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World by Lydia Brownback, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.
Struggle & Triumph | What God Says I Have
10 days
As an athlete, you live in a world where others talk often about your life and performance. This 10-day plan helps you understand what God has provided for you, His adopted child, to have. He provides a life of Hope, Security, Peace and Help! Athletes equipped with these powerful and life changing ideas are different. This plan will help you apply these ideas to become a Total Athlete!
Chasing Wonder
10 Days
Feeling stuck in life? You can certainly survive without adventure. It's easier to stay on that treadmill of boredom, held back by fear. But God has designed life to surprise and wow us! He’s got more in store for you, you just have to be willing to look for it. In this 10 day study, learn practical steps to conquer fear, reject routine and enjoy the freedom of true adventure!
Speak to the Mountain - Engaging Lyrics With the Bible
10 Days
Before humans worshiped God on earth, the angels were glorifying Him in heaven. Since the beginning, worship as a daily action has been essential to understanding God’s relationship with humanity. The intelligible fact is through worship believers can access God’s power to speak to mountains and experience His miracles during every season of life. This 10-day worship plan is designed for you to engage the Bible practically and excitingly.
1 Peter: Odd Life, Good God
10 Days
If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for anyone. If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for you. Peter’s life was odd, but God was good. That is the secret to Peter’s success and this 10-day plan will help you study the book of 1 Peter to more deeply understand God’s goodness and faithfulness in the midst of confusion, condemnation, and persecution.
Apostles & Prophets: Their Roles in the Past, the Present, and the Last Days
10 Days
Ephesians 4:8 says that when Jesus ascended to Heaven, He gave gifts to men. These gifts are the ministry gifts of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Each one has a specific function and is necessary in building up the Body of Christ. This plan focuses on the vital but often misunderstood roles of the apostle and the prophet; what they are and what their purpose is.
Two Bookends : Fear of the Lord & Being Kept in His Love.
10 Days
Have you thought of what will keep you strong till the end? How can we ensure that we run our race in a manner that we will hear "well done good and faithful servant"? Here is a 10-day plan written by Navaz DCruz that helps us examine our hearts and reflect upon some truths.
Stand Firm: 10 Truths Every High School Girl Should Know
10 Days
High school is a critical stage where you will face peer pressure and cultural lies that attempt to undermine your identity, faith, and values. We created this 10-day devotional to help equip you with the unshakeable truth of God's Word as you embrace your identity in Christ, accept His grace, seek His will, and share His love! Great for groups or individuals wanting to firm up your faith.
The Fatherless Journey for Guys
10 Days
The Fatherless Journey Devotional Book is a must-have for every fatherless young man. It is a journey over your individual fatherless mountain. This life guide will help strengthen you to continue on with life despite your fatherless circumstances.
The Gospel for Life
11 Days
The word “Gospel” literally means, “Nearly too good to be true good news.” The Gospel is not just the message we need to know for our salvation. It is the life-saving, life-giving, and life-transforming message of our Almighty, Triune God! To study it, to know it, and to be able to articulate the Word of God is not so much our responsibility as it is our privilege!