Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Peter 3:15
The Greatest Helper, the Holy Spirit Guides, Strengthens and Comforts Believers
10 Days
The Lord Jesus went back to heaven after His resurrection. But He did not leave His followers alone. He is with them every day through His Holy Spirit. This reading plan shows you how this Spirit gives believers the strength, comfort, and help they need daily.
Being Loved by God
11 Days
What is in the way of our belief that God loves us? Healing the heart is our Father’s first imperative work and our introduction to training. Training? Yes, training, learning how to experience being a Beloved Son. In the midst of battle, the enemy counts on a man never experiencing that he is a Beloved Son. Join us on the journey to belovedness.
The Gospel for Life
11 Days
The word “Gospel” literally means, “Nearly too good to be true good news.” The Gospel is not just the message we need to know for our salvation. It is the life-saving, life-giving, and life-transforming message of our Almighty, Triune God! To study it, to know it, and to be able to articulate the Word of God is not so much our responsibility as it is our privilege!
The Least of These
11 Days
Widows, Orphans, Handicapped, Disabled, children, pre-born children, abused, lower class, homeless people, prisoners…the list goes on. In every society and culture, certain types of people are looked down on or disregarded. How does God see all these special people? Walk with us through scripture and some true stories from disabled believers who help us live as He desires we do.
Heavy Theology | The Hardest Concepts in Christian Thought
12 Days
This plan will dive headlong into the deep thoughts that have inspired Christians for centuries. We'll get at the assumptions behind the creeds and delve into territory unexplored by most Christians.
The Six Foundation Teachings of Christianity
12 Days
There are six foundation teachings identified by the writer of Hebrews. Understanding these and building a strong foundation as a Christian is fundamental to growth and maturity in Jesus Christ. This Bible Plan will provide an insight that will assist Christians to seek and grow in Jesus Christ.
Do Not Be Ashamed
12 Days
Feelings of shame can have an enormous impact on your life. Sometimes these feelings are justified, but often they are not, for example when you feel ashamed of your faith in Jesus. This reading plan presents some important Biblical truths about this topic and shows you why a child of God does not need to be ashamed in front of the Lord God or in front of other people.
So You Think You're Not Good Enough?
12 Days
Have you ever thought, “I’m not good enough?” What about any of these other thoughts? I’m not worthy of being a Christian. Other people are better Christians than I am. I’m the worst sinner ever. God could never forgive what I have done. God isn’t listening to my prayers. These are attacks of the devil. This plan will show how to defeat them all and more.
Not of This World
12 Days
The world we are living in is transient and temporal. As believers, we are passengers in transit on Earth and our destination is our eternity with Christ. As such, how do we remember our identity as God’s holy people while navigating the fallen world we are in? Journey with us and learn how we can live differently, as people not of this world.