Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 2 Corinthians 12:7
GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 6)
13 Days
Is our life progressively changing after encountering Christ? How can we build assets that last beyond life? How can we radiate joy, contentment, and peace in all situations? This, and much more, is addressed in Paul’s letters. Not only does he teach, he leads by example. As false teachings and leaders are fast penetrating, these letters rock churches into strong defense and action. Their undiluted truths continue to transform lives.
10 ENCOURAGING Reasons for Trials
13 Days
What if I told you that the trials you are facing may not be your fault? In this 13-day plan, we explore 10 reasons for affliction outside of punishment of your sin. Our trials have great value, and perhaps are even priceless, as there may be no greater teacher! Learn how God shows His loving hand by using your trials to bless you and to bless others.
New Creation: A Study in 2 Corinthians
13 Days
In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul encourages believers to live in the identity Christ has provided for them. Although as fragile and mundane as jars of clay, God’s people hold the inestimable treasure of the gospel in their lives (2 Corinthians 4:7). 2 Corinthians reminds us that we are ambassadors for Christ, tasked with showing and sharing God’s good news of reconciliation for all who believe (2 Corinthians 5:20).
Should Life Hurt This Bad?
14 Days
Surprised that life didn't turn into sunshiny meadows with butterflies nesting in your hair as soon as you got saved? Yeah, us too. Hopefully this plan will help give some insight on what was truly said about why life gets hard.
Unlimited Salvation
14 Days
Unlimited Salvation helps you fall in love with Jesus even more, by deepening your understanding of how great is the salvation that God offers you. This reading plan shows you how God has made salvation simple for you if you trust in Jesus, and how you are always safe in his hands. Unlimited Salvation powerfully encourages you with God’s promises that you can hold on to, with practical life applications.
The Heart Of Paul’s Theology: Paul and the Corinthians
14 Days
This reading plan explores the background to Paul's letters to the Corinthians, examines the structure and content of First and Second Corinthians, and reveals his eschatology.
Should Life Hurt This Bad? (Part 2)
16 Days
The Christian life isn't a fairytale. It hurts sometimes. There's suffering and pain. And Jesus knows this. He even warned us. But here's the good news. There's a reason for all of that pain and suffering. Check this reading plan out to discover more.
Born Free: 16 Principles to Help You Be Free
16 Days
Here are 16 biblical “power principles” to help you break free from the prisons of sin, guilt, failure, the past, self-abasement, perfectionism, fear, needing approval, obligation, rules, and religion. These principles can make a difference in your life. They are some of the foundational building blocks we can use to tear down our prisons and build up a house of joy and freedom.
A Little Talk With Jesus
17 Days
Life has many 'ups and downs'. When we find it difficult to walk through, a little talk with Jesus will make it right, alright. Watch and listen intently to this video series, and be blessed. Speaker: Rev. C.A. Benjamin, National Director, FEBA India.
Our Daily Bread: Picking Up the Pieces After Job Loss
20 Days
It doesn’t matter if you have been downsized, laid off or outsourced, let go or fired. The pain is real, and the terrible toll of fear, anger, confusion, and uncertainty that happens when a person’s world collapses around him or her is much more than a statistical reality. It is just real. We pray that these devotionals will be used by Him to bring you hope and encouragement.