Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 2 Timothy 3:12
Victory to Victory | 7 Day Devotional
7 Days
This 7-day reading plan will share how to walk from victory to victory and apply biblical truths in your everyday life. When we are aware of the promises of God in His word and meditate on His word day and night, our mindset transforms from a defeated mindset to a victorious mindset.
Creating a Counter Culture - a Study on the Beatitudes
9 Days
Jesus ushered in a Kingdom that was upside down but needed to be lived from the inside out. In the Sermon on the Mount, He teaches the right interpretation of the law. This plan is by Navaz D'Cruz and Lasya D'Cruz based on a sermon series at Word Of Grace Church.
True Prosperity When You're Suffering
9 Days
Can we prosper even as we suffer? The Bible shows us that Joseph, Jeremiah, Paul, and Jesus suffered with purpose—so that lives would be saved. In their suffering, they modeled for us a true prosperity that exceeds what this world promises. True prosperity in suffering reveals God’s presence and faithfulness, our perseverance, our ransom, our forgiveness, and our hope.
God’s Word
10 Days
God’s Word plays a vital role in the life of every Christian. This Reading Plan studies Bible verses that explain why God’s Word is so important and discusses some of its characteristics.
2 Timothy: Endure, Encourage, Equip
10 Days
From a cold, damp cell in Rome, Paul pens the most intimate letter found in the New Testament in a final effort to fortify Timothy, his fellow servant of the Gospel, before Paul’s impending death. Paul’s letter to Timothy is personal and full of wisdom, warnings, and encouragement as Paul teaches Timothy to be ready to spread the Gospel in and out of season. The question is, are you ready?
The Gospel for Life
11 Days
The word “Gospel” literally means, “Nearly too good to be true good news.” The Gospel is not just the message we need to know for our salvation. It is the life-saving, life-giving, and life-transforming message of our Almighty, Triune God! To study it, to know it, and to be able to articulate the Word of God is not so much our responsibility as it is our privilege!
Leader's Covenant Video Series
11 Days
The Leader's Covenant Video Series is ten aspirational statements complete with Scripture references, to encourage heart transformation in Christian leaders. In the Leaders' Covenant Video Series, we study Jesus and the Apostles and answer the questions, "How did Jesus lead?", "How did he train the Apostles?", and "How do you apply this to your own leadership?"
Virtuous Woman - Excellence
11 Days
Excellence is glorifying God by working wholeheartedly towards all He has given you to do. This Virtuous Woman study is 11 sessions that walk through ideas such as stewardship, dignity, wisdom, attentiveness, legacy, value, faithfulness, power, faith, and fruitfulness. This study was written by Alexandria McCraney who lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas with her husband and three kids and serves with FCA at the University of Arkansas.
So You Think You're Not Good Enough?
12 Days
Have you ever thought, “I’m not good enough?” What about any of these other thoughts? I’m not worthy of being a Christian. Other people are better Christians than I am. I’m the worst sinner ever. God could never forgive what I have done. God isn’t listening to my prayers. These are attacks of the devil. This plan will show how to defeat them all and more.