Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Acts 17:11
Why Suffering
24 Days
This study is based on the book WHY SUFFERING? written by Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale, Dean of the Zacharias Institute, It is written for the Christian struggling for an answer, the seeker who thinks suffering disproves God’s existence, and the sufferer who needs a glimpse of a loving God.
What the New Testament Says About the Attributes of God
25 Days
Get to know God through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through the Attributes of God.
What the New Testament Says About Who I Am
25 Days
Get to know who you are through Streetlights' 25-Day Bible Study — a New Testament journey through your identity in Christ.
Read To Hear : Acts
28 Days
This plan will guide you in reading the Book of Acts (of the Apostles) and give you opportunity to hear what God is speaking to you personally. We are looking forward to reading and hearing this together with our church.
The Domino Effect
28 Days
You’ve heard of the domino effect, right? The term is used to describe when one event sets off a chain reaction of other events.. Is your life, your choices and your commitments creating a domino line? Our mission and call as believers in Jesus is to continue to build our domino line so generation after generation will be able to proclaim the name of Jesus.
CoJourners: Learning to Share Your Faith
28 Days
Helping another person come to Christ is one of our greatest privileges as a believer. Yet it can also be intimidating for many of us. The Bible provides insights and encouragement to equip and engage us in the process. Three important truths lay the foundation: Everyone is on a spiritual journey, God is already at work, and he wants to use you. Join us for this 28-day journey together.
Acts of the Holy Spirit: A Study in Acts
28 Days
Written by Luke to Theophilus, Acts is a sequel to Luke’s earlier Gospel. Luke writes Acts to provide a historical record of the early church and show the trajectory of God's redemptive plan after the resurrection of Jesus. Acts reorients us to the mission of God today: a diverse church, filled with the Holy Spirit, dedicated to showing and sharing the gospel across the earth.
30K 30 Day Challenge
30 Days
Investing yourself in the Word of God is the best thing you can do for your personal walk with the Lord. And the more you get to know your Bible, the more you get to know your God. The 30K 30 Day Challenge will launch you into the pages of the New Testament with thirty days of supercharged study, giving you a greater grasp of Scripture.
Daily Bible Reading — Sustained By God’s Word Of Spiritual Renewal
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with the Bible. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “Sustained by God’s Word of Spiritual Renewal.”
Peace in Transition
30 Days
Relocation is one of the top stressors in life. With change always comes loss. And learning to be peaceful and content in these circumstances is hard. During these times, it helps to know you belong to an eternal family with a Heavenly Father who is always the same. In this plan, learn how God’s presence and direction during times of transition can bring peace in the midst of change.