Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Colossians 1:10
Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer
12 Days
Do you long to move closer to God through Christ Jesus, ever toward the abiding Jesus spoke of in John 15? Prayer is the pathway! God is there, He cares, and He listens and responds to our prayers. This 12-day Bible reading and prayer plan will help you grow in intimacy with God, with incremental, inspirational steps to gently move you from “seeking the Lord” to “abiding with Him.”
Walking in the Truth
12 Days
The Bible is a multi-faceted book that covers many different topics. One topic that stands out, is “truth”. Many people are seeking truth or debating whether ultimate truth exists. This Reading Plan studies what the Bible says about truth, and what implications this has for our daily lives.
Finding Freedom in Jesus
12 Days
Jesus says: “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). That sounds good, since freedom is something we are all looking for! This reading plan introduces twelve types of freedom that can all be found in Jesus.
12 Days
Scripture challenges us to seek wisdom above all things. In this plan, you’ll explore several verses each day that speak directly to wisdom—what it is, why it’s important, and how to develop it.
Fresh Fruit
13 Days
It's reinforced a million different ways. We overcommit and wear independence like a crown, modeling for those watching us that busy is synonymous with success. Isn't it ironic that what we're called to is complete dependence? This walk through the Fruits of the Spirit reminds us that as we totally submit to God, only then will we be stronger and more beautiful.
New Day, New You
14 Days
It's so important how you spend those first thoughts of your day - spending just even a few minutes every morning with God is your opportunity to get off on the right foot and set a positive tone. New Day, New You gives you that opportunity. In this exciting devotional, compiled from several of Joyce's most popular books, you'll experience a fresh word from God for each day of the year. Before you take on the challenges that life may bring, start each day with encouragement and strength, reminders of God's mercies, and God's perspective. Become the new you that each new day can bring!
What Does the Bible Say About Calling?
14 Days
We'll examine what the Bible says about calling and give practical tips for exploring your own calling.
Unlimited Kingdom
14 Days
This Unlimited Kingdom reading plan will inspire you with what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and your part both in his kingdom and in the world. Jesus spoke more about the Kingdom of Heaven than anything else. This reading plan goes to the very heart of the teachings of our Lord, and answers some of the most important questions of life: What is the Kingdom of Heaven, and what does it mean for me to live within it?
#Gospel 14 Day Video Devotional
14 Days
The #Gospel Bible plan breaks down Paul's explanation of the Gospel in his letter to the Romans in a way that is accessible and engaging. Much like the book it originates from, this plan is designed to use current culture and compelling narrative to draw us into a thoughtful conversation about what the Gospel really is, and how it radically alters our everyday lives.
Grow Up
14 Days
A lot of emphasis is placed upon making the leap from childhood into adulthood. At some point, it’s going to seem weird or juvenile if we haven’t “grown up”. The Christian faith shares this element of maturing and developing. A steady yet sometimes overlooked part of our Christian faith is “growing up” – and it’s not just a solo pursuit. Christians are called to help each other in maturity.