Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Colossians 3:15
Reconnect: Refresh Your Marriage
15 Days
Do you feel disconnected from your spouse? Has your marriage lost the closeness you once shared? If so, you are not alone. God’s desire for your marriage is intimacy so close that “two become one.” This 15-day plan from Awesome Marriage Content Editor, Lindsay Few, combines Scripture, practical application steps, and prayer to move you toward that vision.
Becoming Christlike through Renovation of the Heart
15 Days
Reading the New Testament often feels like looking into another world and another life unlike our own experience with God. Dallas Willard believed that the life God presented to us through Jesus was not meant to be an unsolvable puzzle, but a journey of small steps that quietly lead to our own inner transformation. This study, based on Renovation of the Heart, helps us understand that journey.
The Purpose of Christmas
15 Days
With all that noise telling us what Christmas should be about, it can be difficult to get to the point—to the heart of Christmas. That’s why, in this devotional, we’ll work to cut through the noise and discover the real meaning behind the season. We’ll look at what brings real joy and purpose in this holiday. We’ll unpack the incredible story behind the birth of Jesus Himself to understand what the purpose of Christmas really is.
Titus, Part Two
16 Days
The letter to Titus was written by the apostle Paul to teach and encourage his ‘spiritual son.’ His lessons are valuable to this day. This reading plan goes through the letter to Titus step by step to see what God’s Word has to say for our lives.
Life Verses From Inside The Ropes
18 Days
PGA TOUR players share the Bible verses that guide their lives, speaking honestly about the common struggles they face, both professionally and personally – including identity, fear and contentment. They conclude by offering a consistent perspective: Jesus Christ is their ultimate hope and joy.
Our Daily Bread: This Far By Faith
19 Days
Brought to you by Our Daily Bread, this collection of devotional readings in celebration of Black History Month will inspire you to engage in ongoing praise and thanksgiving for what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do for those who rely on Him and trust in His Word.
20 Days Of Relational Health
20 Days
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.
Wellbeing: An Invitation to a Flourishing Life
20 Days
In a post-COVID world, everyone seems to be talking about well-being. Everyone has an opinion on how to look after themselves and live a flourishing life, but what does the Bible have to say? Journey through the different areas of well-being from physical, emotional, and spiritual to relational, financial, and vocational well-being.
The Promise of Christmas
20 Days
The birth of Jesus isn’t just a great story; it’s a real event that shows us not just how God loves us but how God’s people (just like us) had to learn to trust in the face of incredibly difficult and, at times, unbelievable circumstances. We’ll be reminded of the humanity in the story and the faith it takes to believe in the promise of Christmas!
Unwavering Conformity: A 21-day Study in Stewardship
21 Days
As Christ-followers we acknowledge that Jesus is not only our Savior, but also our Lord. We recognize that everything belongs to Him and that we’re only stewards of His good gifts. Through this plan’s devotional content and brief Scripture readings, you’ll discover that being a good steward of those gifts requires that we become more and more like Him—the essence of conformity.