Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ephesians 4:1
What The Bible Says About Work: For New Graduates
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan features devotions that help us understand how God has equipped us to live out our faith in all parts of our lives, including in the workplace. Readings are excerpted from the articles in the Faith & Work Bible by David H. Kim, Director for the Center for Faith and Work and editors at Christianity Today.
The Dream of You: A 5-Day YouVersion By Jo Saxton
5 Days
Are you living the life you’ve always dreamed of? For most of us, the answer is no. The world, prejudice, and our own insecurities can make us forget the sense of purpose we once had. Yet God longs to redeem the story of our lives. He wants us to speak again with our true voice, out of our deepest passion. Are you ready to discover again the Dream of You?
Everybody, Always
5 Days
In this five-day plan, Bob Goff addresses what it truly means to love one another, especially when it is difficult. He describes how this love will look when it is put into action, as well as the long-term effect that such love can have on the world.
Calling The Church Of Christ Back To Humility, Integrity And Simplicity
5 Days
As believers we are a part of God’s new humanity, and as a result we are called to walk in distinctiveness. We are called to walk in love, rejecting the idolatry of disordered sexuality. We are called to walk in humility, rejecting the idolatry of power. Walking in integrity, we reject the idolatry of success. And rejecting the power of greed, we are called to walk in simplicity.
Partnering In The Body Of Christ For Unity In Mission
5 Days
Jesus prays for His church to be one in unity, working together to achieve the goal of world evangelization. Global mission today needs men and women in partnership for the gospel, innovative collaboration through theological education, and strategic global connections—all to the glory of God!
Flourish In Identity
5 days
This five-day reading plan helps us understand a powerful truth: what we believe about ourselves will determine the direction of our lives. In these few days, may we believe the truth about who we are as outlined by God alone and believe what He victoriously declares about who we are in Jesus.
Flourish in Your Calling: Exploring God's Ultimate Call
5 Days
This five-day reading plan helps us understand that in every season, and wherever we are on the spectrum of knowing the secondary “callings” of our lives, we are only responsible for our personal answer to God’s ultimate call. When this truth transforms our hearts, it becomes infused into our dreams and desires and helps shape, guide, and even unearth the gifts and talents God has given us.
Order Disorder Reorder Part 1: Order
5 Days
How do I become more than I am now? How am I made new? The journey of transformation takes us from order into disorder and out the other side into reorder. God is with us in all of it. Over the next year, this study will explore these three stages through the lens of scripture and the songs that make up my new project: “Order Disorder Reorder”. First stop: Order.
The Gospel According To Satan
5 Days
Not every lie sounds untrue. Some just sound right. And some are repeated so often that they virtually become "common knowledge." This is what makes lies about God so dangerous. So we have to ask, what might God's enemy want us to believe to lead us astray? And would we even see it happening?
Uncommon Ground 5-Day Devotional by Tim Keller and John Inazu
5 Days
This 5-day devotional reminds Christians how they can respectfully interact with people whose beliefs are radically different and remain faithful to the gospel. Through prayer you will learn how to think deeply and working daily to live with humility, patience, and tolerance in our time.