Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Exodus 33:21
None Greater By Matthew Barrett
7 Days
The God of the Bible is not tame nor is He domesticated; yet our thinking about God is often from the bottom up—that is, we tend to define God’s attributes according to our limitations, thus creating God in our image. Together, with an attitude of faith and humility, we will consider and discover more of God’s perfections and perhaps be surprised by the God we thought we knew.
Faith Is For Weak People By Ray Comfort
7 Days
If you are like many Christians, it’s hard to share your faith. Fear, lack of knowledge, and perhaps uncertainty keep you quiet more than not. As an apologist and evangelist, I’ve spent my entire career sharing the faith and answering people's objections. This week, we’ll learn to do the same. With honest conversations, God’s Word, and a heart for the lost, we will reach in love those who are perishing.
Lessons From Lesser Knowns: Finding God In Overlooked Scripture
7 Days
God finds great value in the forgotten and unseen; He chose unlikely people throughout the Bible to declare His glory. Many of them are in stories and verses that probably won’t make it into sermons or trendy wall decor, but you can discover rich lessons from these lesser-known passages!
Ultimate Favor
7 Days
If illness strikes, finances crumble or your marriage falls apart, do you feel as though God has abandoned you? Does it seem as if others attract His blessing, but not you? Are you resigned to thinking that some sin, or even a curse, must be separating you from God's favor? In this 7-day reading plan, Gary Wilkerson paints a brighter, more biblical picture of what God's favor truly is.
Glimpses of Glory: A 7-Day Devotional
7 Days
Exodus 32–34 chronicles how both Moses and God responded to Israel's creating and worshiping of a golden calf at Sinai. The people’s failure, Moses’s intercession, and God’s revelation reveal key insights into what it looks like to draw near to God, discern His heart, and reflect His image. This seven-day devotional will examine Moses’s interactions with God with a focus on learning how to flee idolatry and model ourselves after Christ.
Open, the Hospitable Heart
7 Days
Hospitality is God’s welcome. As Creator, He enjoys time with us, remembers our preferences and likes who we really are—no need to dress-up or wear a mask. In this plan we will explore the massive, welcoming heart of God and practical ways to extend hospitality to others. Welcome home!
Ready. Set. Grow! Footsteps of Faith for a Life That Flourishes by Heidi St. John
7 Days
It’s easy to put our relationship with God on autopilot, but God has more for you! A life of devotion to Christ always results in growth. Out of the overflow of what God does in our lives, we long to follow Him wherever He leads. If you’re ready to breathe new life into your walk with God, and to see fear replaced with faith, this plan is for you!
Show Me Your Glory: Reflections on God's Multifaceted Heart
7 Days
“Who do you say that I am?” Jesus’ question from 2000 years ago echoes even today, inviting us to explore our heartfelt beliefs about God. In this seven-day series, we’ll join Moses on the mountaintop as he encounters God’s glory. We’ll reflect on each word God uses to describe himself and marvel at the beauty of his multifaceted heart.
God Has a Name
8 Days
What is God like? This plan, from John Mark Comer and Practicing the Way and based on the book God Has a Name, covers in depth the most quoted verse in the Bible by the Bible - Exodus 34v6-7 - showing us the most essential aspects of God's character and what that means for us. The second edition of God Has a Name is available now, with updated content. Find it wherever books are sold.
The Life of Elijah: Faith in the Living God
9 Days
Elijah, an Old Testament prophet of God, lived a life of faith. The Bible says he was a normal person just like us, yet he prayed enormous prayers – and God answered! Elijah saw God’s miraculous provision and heard God’s voice, but also encountered doubt and despair. This 9-day plan by David Guzik will encourage you to follow Elijah’s example and trust in the living God!