Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 2:2
Adam: 3 Days Rediscovering Our Beginning
3 Days
Join pastor and bestselling author Colin Smith on this 3-day overview of the life of Adam. Discover the origin of humanity, our purpose, and the reason why we need redemption.
Three Ways to Keep the Sabbath, According to Jesus
3 Days
Come and learn from Jesus three ways to keep the Sabbath.
Pursuing God's Rest
4 Days
In the world, we live in today, “rest” seems like a foreign word to many of us. We all have so much to deal with, and without proper rest, the door is open for stress to plant its ugly feet and wreak havoc in our lives. But the good news is, God designed rest and it's only in pursuing his presence that true rest can be found.
God’s Design For Your Work
4 Days
Our world is changing faster than it ever has, and with that change comes incredible challenges and temptations. This plan will inspire and equip you to redefine the way you look at and approach your work so you can grow as a leader in transforming the marketplace for God’s kingdom.
Why Eve Sinned - Genesis 3
4 Days
We can learn a lot about why we sin by looking at the first sin ever committed. Drawing from David Bowden's upcoming book, Rewire Your Heart, this study will dive deep into what happened with Eve at the tree and how it reveals to us the root of all sin.
Confessions Of An Unlikely Housewife
4 Days
Do the demands of managing a home, maintaining a marriage and raising kids leave you feeling overworked and overwhelmed? With a mix of witty anecdotes and practical biblical wisdom, this reading plan will help you confidently embrace the ways God has uniquely called, gifted and prepared you to flourish in this season.
Understanding the Sabbath
4 Days
Most of us are overworked and utterly exhausted, so the concept of Sabbath could not be more important. To honor the Sabbath means to “keep it holy,” and holy simply means “set apart.” Our Sabbath should look different than the other six days of our week. In this Plan, we’ll discuss what it is, what it isn’t, how it looks today, and finding our true rest in Jesus.
4 Days
Does life seem exhausting? Do you need to reboot, either physically or spiritually? We've all experienced exhaustion in this crazy busy world, but how often do we refuse to rest because we think it's unimportant or even considered being lazy? God prioritized rest after He created the world, and Jesus promises to give you rest when you come to Him. Jesus invites you to rest now.
Idols and Ideologies
4 Days
Join us as we journey together to gain a kingdom perspective of the current idols and ideologies of our day. We want to help you grasp a gospel orientation of some of the idols most present in our lives today: self, lust and greed.
12 Passages Every Christian Should Know
4 Days
What core truths do you need to thrive in the faith? Around the world, churches are being planted, and new believers are coming into God’s Kingdom every day. Perhaps you're one of them? This four-day reading plan will help you to start building a solid foundation in your faith. The first four passages equip you to embrace the spiritual battle, remember the Creator, understand how we were made in His image, and acknowledge the fall.