Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 26:3
Resilience: It’s Time to Get Up
5 Days
In this YouVersion, Colleen Rouse walks us through key pillars of resiliency! When we understand how God wants us to act in the face of difficulty, we can more effectively understand and utilize resiliency whenever we experience an obstacle or decline. We each must come to recognize the power of bouncing back! Let’s get started.
One Word for Today
5 Days
God has clarity and purpose for you today. Each two-minute biblical meditation will inspire you to focus on one word—from God’s Word—and live it out practically through the power of the Holy Spirit. Each day also includes a question for reflection, a prayer, a declaration of faith and a practical action step. You will find strength and direction when you discover one word for a Spirit-led day.
Finding Rest in the Midst of Stress
5 Days
A lot of times people live extremely busy and stressful lives. They work tirelessly trying to meet certain goals in order to better their livelihood. Although this is not a negative desire, the process can cause a lot of stress that can be difficult to manage. If you find yourself overwhelmed with stress, I want to share with you some helpful tips to find true rest in your everyday life.
Resilience: It’s Time to Get Up
5 Days
In this plan, Colleen Rouse walks us through key pillars of resiliency! When we understand how God wants us to act in the face of difficulty, we can more effectively understand and utilize resiliency whenever we experience an obstacle or decline. We each must come to recognize the power of bouncing back! Let’s get started.
Fighting Anxiety
5 Days
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health issues today. Let this 5-day plan help you find peace in the midst of the battle.
Ministering to a Woman’s Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
5 Days
How can you minister to another woman holistically - heart, soul, mind, and strength? How can you care for the emotions, motivations, desires, thoughts, and relationships with yourself and others? In this 5-Day devotional, learn how to minister to another woman in each of these areas - heart, soul, mind and strength - as an extension of loving God.
We’re All Freaking Out (And Why We Don’t Need To)
5 Days
At least 366 times, the Bible tells us not to be anxious. But do those commandments really count in the wake of a pandemic, financial struggles, relational brokenness, or middle-of-the-night fears that seem beyond our control? Absolutely! Freedom from fear doesn’t have anything to do with our personal or global circumstances.
God's Peace in the New Year
5 Days
What does the Bible say about new beginnings and lasting peace? The new year is a wonderful time to remember God’s promises. God’s enduring peace is available to all those who place their trust in Jesus! Join Pastor David Guzik for 5 days of Bible study about God’s peace, and enter the new year with courage. These short devotions were originally published by Enduring Word Bible Commentary.
12 Encouraging Bible Verses
5 Days
When you need encouragement, there is nothing better than to soak in God’s word. As we focus on His truth, the more assured we become that He is carrying us. Over these next five days, keep these verses where you can see them - on a post-it on your computer monitor or textbook - and consistently center your heart, mind, and emotions on them.