Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 53:5
When I Feel I Am Not Good Enough
9 Days
All of us go through life with much pain, failures, and regrets. So often, we despair of ourselves. We come to a point where we do not feel useful or worthy and also think even God will not waste His time with us. May the following Scriptures and devotions be helpful to you.
The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?
10 Days
It's time to drop your baggage, pick up your freedom, and fulfill your destiny. In this 10-day reading plan, uncover the power in God's Word that gives you the strength to let go of your shame and live a life of complete freedom.
The Greatest Love
10 Days
The Easter season highlights the greatest expression of God’s incomparable love—He did for us what we are not able to do for ourselves. This reading plan focuses on Jesus’ sinless life, His atoning death, and His glorious victory over sin and the grave through His resurrection. And it will help you understand why He did all these things just for you!
C. S. Lewis on Death & Resurrection
10 days
We are again at the time of year when we remember Jesus' great sacrifice for our redemption. As Easter approaches, let us spend time everyday to meditate on Him, His work on the Cross and most importantly, the impact it is meant to have on our lives. Originally excerpts from the works of C.S.Lewis, this 10-day plan is a series of infographics to help us meditate on this theme.
Encounter Freedom
10 Days
In this 10-day Bible plan from Matt Muscatell’s book, 40 Days to Freedom, you will embark on a journey as you discover the amazing truth that God has provided everything you need to live in freedom from whatever is defeating you. No matter where you are in life, God is ready and willing to set you free!
Discover More About Easter
10 Days
Jesus knew He was the Messiah the Jews were waiting for. And we know that Jesus is our hope. In this reading plan we learn more about God's big heart for us.
The Precious Gift of Forgiveness
10 Days
The Bible is clear about it: we humans are sinful and deserve punishment. But, the Bible also explains that God offers forgiveness if we confess and turn away from our sins. God also enables us to forgive ourselves and others, which is very freeing and helps us to restore relationships. This reading plan discusses some key Bible verses about receiving and giving forgiveness.
10 Days
The Bible tells the story of how the kingdom of God will reach out to all the nations of the earth. In this reading plan we will look at some of the most essential aspects of God´s mission and our call to reach out with his gospel.
God's Precious Gifts for You
10 Days
The Lord God is good and loves giving people good gifts. He offers us eternal life, righteousness, and the Holy Spirit in our hearts — and much more. He does not require any payment from our side. This reading plan will help you to learn what precious gifts God has for you!