Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 55:9
Divine Intentions: God’s Plan For Your Future
7 Days
Divine Intentions: God’s Plan For Your Future is a week-long devotional by Doug K. Reed on soul restoration. Most people, even Christ-followers, have soul-level injuries that affect their identity. Doug offers healing for those who are searching for answers to both their identities in Christ and struggling with wounds from the past or present.
The Heart Of Recovery By Deborah and David Beddoe
7 Days
We pray that this weeklong devotional will bring you comfort and encouragement as you walk alongside a spouse, child, parishioner, or friend who is recovering from addiction. You are not alone as you go through recovery beside a loved one. As we have discovered, there is hope for healing in community.
Finding Calm in the Chaos by Jenny Donnelly
7 Days
When you hear the word "rest", do you think of vacationing on a beach, curling up with a good book, or maybe napping? Those are all forms of rest, but this week we’re going to look at an entirely different dimension of rest—one that is available to you today, whatever your circumstances. If you are feeling fearful or overly busy, come find a place of rest right where you are.
In Want + Plenty by Meredith McDaniel
7 Days
When life doesn’t go as we planned, we have a tendency to doubt that God is with us. Thousands of years ago, the Israelites had the same fears as they wandered for a generation in the desert, longing for the land of milk and honey that God promised. In this week’s devotional, Meredith McDaniel reminds us through the Israelites’ journey how God provides in the times we need him most.
Unhindered By Fear
7 Days
Fear has won far too many battles and we’re over it! Unhindered By Fear gives you daily applications for winning against fear so your dreams can have a chance to live.
GO2020 | ENGAGE: February Week 1 - Prayer
7 Days
This week we will discover the incredible invitation of God, the Creator of the universe, for us to be people of prayer.
Suddenly Unemployed – Take It to the Lord in Prayer
7 Days
Job loss is stressful and scary. You question your security and significance. “How will I pay the bills, get health care, find a new job? Do I still have what it takes? Where is God in all this?” Be encouraged. He still has “good works” for you to do (Ephesians 2:10). Let Jesus guide you through the Lord’s Prayer on your way to getting back on your feet again!
From Crisis to Breakthrough: Reimagining Your Work
7 Days
We will all face a crisis in our work at some point. Whether it’s economic uncertainty, a pandemic, or overcoming injustice, crisis doesn’t have to have the last word. A crisis can actually be a powerful catalyst for significant breakthroughs when we turn to God. This plan will walk you through six important steps to transform a crisis at work into a breakthrough through your faith.
A Greater Story with Sam Collier: Our Place In God's Plan
7 Days
One of life's greatest questions are, "How do I discover purpose?" Sam Collier wrote the book A Greater Story: My Rescue, Your Purpose and Our Place in God's Plan to provide an answer to that question, rooted in experience, hardship, triumph and the miraculous!