Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 61:2
Finding Grace in Disappointment (Lessons from Lazarus)
7 Days
Is there grace to be found in the spaces where Jesus doesn’t come through for us like we thought He would? The name Lazarus means ‘God has helped’, and his story is a deep revelation of grace and truth in the most devastating circumstances. This 7-day devotion will reveal how we can not only discover but wholly trust in the grace and power of Jesus when disappointment comes.
7 Days
We live in tumultuous and uncertain times when the entire world has been shaken by a pandemic. No matter how bad things get we can still look into the word of God to find inspiration on how the men and women in there, faced their fears head on and still lived out their callings in faith.
Hope When Your Heart Is Breaking
7 Days
This plan is a pathway to HOPE—a roadmap through the pain of grief and loss. Whether you’ve lost someone you love, your marriage, your health, or your dreams, you will discover new strength through a new closeness to others and to God. And you will learn how to make the decisions that lead to comfort, growth, and life.
Finding Meaning in the Middle of Change
7 Days
How do we respond when life doesn’t go as we planned or when we take a detour? When we’re experiencing change, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with feelings of confusion, anger, and disappointment. But God has something better for us. Learn how you can start embracing change, even in the middle of the messy process.
Breakthrough- Find Beauty in the Breaking
7 Days
Can beauty really come from the ashes in our life? It's easy to miss God's presence when we are walking though the unknown. This plan will challenge us to look beyond our struggles, move forward in faith and equip us to speak hope + victory over one another. Discover invaluable lessons as you endure the refining process. It's here, in our darkest places God meets us like never before.
Evangelism: Sharing the Good News
7 Days
Evangelism: the very word strikes fear into the hearts of many ordinary Christians. We often might have a legalistic sense of duty to do it; but isn't evangelism just for those unusual people who are gifted at it? This plan seeks to reclaim evangelism as the sharing of good news that can be delightful rather than daunting!
Hope After an Abortion
7 Days
This seven-day Bible plan is designed to help those recovering from abortion process their emotions and find renewed hope in God's love and forgiveness. This plan is adapted by Suzy Silk from a nine-week support group curriculum offered online and in-person by Avail - a non-profit organization that exists to empower women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or with a past abortion.
Love With Skin on It: A Street Psalms Advent Devotional
7 Days
St. Francis once prayed all night, “God, who are you and who am I?” In many ways the Incarnation is God’s answer to that question and the focus of these reflections. The Incarnation is love with skin on it. It is God’s “yes” to a world that has long since forgotten its belovedness, its blessedness. As you celebrate the Incarnation during this advent season, may you know your own blessedness.
When Shame Gets Real
7 Days
A 7-day devotional that walks you through the impact of shame and shows how to live authentically and without shame through the power of Jesus.
Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots by Mary Marantz
7 Days
Mary Marantz knows what it’s like to wonder if she is enough. To be exhausted from performing, from trying to “make the grade.” To be someone she is not. If you identify with those feelings, you’ll find biblical comfort and God-given rest in this devotional. Mary invites us to a journey of unraveling, a coming undone to striving, achieving, and perfection in pursuit of grace, freedom, and purpose.