Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 4:3
James Audio Bible With Music And Commentary
5 Days
Journey through the book of James as orator and author Heather Hair brings the Bible to life in this 5-day reading plan.
James Through African Eyes
5 Days
Get a fresh perspective on the practical wisdom of James. Brothers and sisters from Africa share about children at risk, "tongue meat", favoring the rich, healing, and more. Featuring insight from the Africa Study Bible and questions for reflection or discussion, let the global church encourage you to put your faith to work.
Praying Under an Open Heaven
5 Days
Jesus declared Himself to be more than a prophet, more than a Rabbi, more than a political deliverer, and more than a king. He declared Himself to be the bridge between heaven and earth, the link between God and man, the portal that God has opened on earth giving us direct access to heavenly realms.
How To Live Like a Family That Glorifies God
5 Days
I truly believe that Jesus can make a difference in our families. Home should be one of the sweetest words you will ever hear. “When the home is ruled according to God’s word, angels might be asked to stay with us, and they would not find themselves out of their element” (Charles Spurgeon). God loves FAMILY and wants us to live life as a family that glorifies Him.
Plan Properly, Lose Weight by Healthy by Design
5 Days
You’ll develop the spiritual and practical focus necessary to achieve your weight loss goals by learning how to plan properly. You’ll discover the planning tools that every successful goal-getter must have to accomplish all that God has for you. We will be focusing on your health goals, but it will spill over into all other areas of your life.
Biblical Leadership: Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered
5 Days
As you pray to God for guidance in your leadership, it sometimes seems that God is not listening. Even when you are eager to hear a response, God remains silent. In these readings, we uncover six reasons why God might not be answering your prayers. Each of the reasons comes straight from the Bible and gives you an actionable checklist to ensure your prayer life is on track.
Surfing Through James
5 Days
In surfing, as in life, all kinds of challenges can come your way – from pecking-order battles in the line-up to getting caught in the impact zone. Join Christian Surfers Founder, Brett Davis, to unpack practical wisdom from the Book of James for surf and for life! See how you can rise to life’s challenges, refine your character, and draw closer to the One who made it all – Jesus.
Why Your Prayer Is Not Answered – What the Bible Says
5 Days
As you pray to God for guidance, it sometimes seems that God is not listening. Even when you are eager to hear a response – any response – God remains silent. In these readings, we uncover six reasons why God might not be answering your prayers. Each of the reasons comes straight from the Bible and gives you an actionable checklist to ensure your prayer life is on track.
Developing Godly Self-Confidence
5 Days
The first thing we say when we introduce ourselves is “I am.” We say our names, our occupations, and anything else that communicates who we are. The problem is, we tend to misidentify ourselves. Who we are is not determined by what we do, but rather by to whom we belong. Join Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill as they share how to live with God-sized confidence.
Victory Over Your Sugar Cravings
5 Days
Take control of your sugar cravings and live with greater health, joy, strength, and energy. This 5-day devotional will help you remove sugar from your life now AND equip you to make healthier choices for the rest of your life. God wants you to live life to the fullest. The tools are waiting for you to live your best life, you just need to decide to do it!