Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 4:8
The Wisdom of Humility
3 Days
Are you humble? Do you struggle with humility? Why is humility important? These are the questions this series tries to answer.
This Seems Impossible
3 Days
Have you ever faced something in your life that seemed impossible to navigate? - hearing unexpected news, receiving a late-night phone call, encountering the unforeseen. Then you become frozen. Your new reality seems impossible to face. These guided audio meditations will help you find hope when feeling hopeless. They will help you find courage when facing the impossible.
We Have A Choice // Let God Show Us The Way
3 Days
Allow God to frame your perspective—on yourself, on today, on this season. Rather than allowing circumstances, habits, or lies to taint the experiences God is walking through with you, focus on the future and gifts He has promised to you. Begin this three-day plan via Rush from Gather Ministries to begin seeing the pieces of Heaven God is extending even now.
Draw Near to God
3 Days
Charles Spurgeon wrote that “nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” These guided audio meditations will help you draw near to God by turning away from everything else. Your first meditation is a reflection on desiring to be close. The second meditation is about finding what you long for. Finally a reflection on seeking God’s direction.
Reappearing Church - A 3 Day Plan
3 days
This plan is not for everyone. This plan is for those who desire to see God move in a post-Christian culture. It's a plan for those with an audacious hope of renewal with a holy discontent.
Look In The Mirror
3 Days
Humility is a direction in which we travel, not a destination at which we arrive. Mark and Grace Driscoll challenge you to recognize pride in your life, and to learn how grace empowers you to walk in humility.
My Help Comes From the Lord
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, heart transforming devotional. Choose to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord for help. Seek the Lord for guidance. Choose to seek the Lord for direction and instruction. Seek the Lord in every season. Seek the Lord in every circumstance. Seek His Wisdom as you read this timely message.
Ask. Seek. Knock.
3 Days
Jesus Christ declares in Matthew 7:7 that anyone who asks to receive the Holy Spirit, God the Father will give His Good Gift to anyone who asks. It’s simple—just ask. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.
Seek the Lord
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Seek the Lord early. Seek Him while He is near. Seek Him early in the situation. Seek Him early in the morning. Seek Him when you rise. Seek Him out. Pursue His Way. Pursue His Instruction. Pursue Him with all of your heart. Seek His Way. Seek His Heart as you read this powerful message.