Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 5:16
Hollywood Prayer Network On Power
7 Days
We know that God is all-powerful, but did you know that we have access to that power? We can experience God’s power in prayer, in being strong witnesses, in doing miracles, to fight Satan, and even in our suffering. We don’t want to miss it, so this week we’ll learn to access and embrace God’s divine power. He did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but one of power!
Learn To Pray For Your Family
7 Days
In this 7-day reading plan, I’d like to talk with you about family. It is, unfortunately, being targeted more and more by the enemy. In the face of this, the Lord has given us a powerful weapon… Prayer! In this plan, you will learn all about this.
GO2020 | ENGAGE: February Week 4 — PRAYER
7 Days
GO2020 is focused on mobilizing people to pray for, care for, and share the gospel with those who don’t know Jesus. This week we will discover through God’s Word the incredible things that happen when God’s people pray.
Living Lust Free – A 7 Day Journey
7 Days
Living Lust-Free is our birthright as Christians. The secular world we live in calls on us to lust daily. God calls us to live a life of sexual integrity - free from lust and sexual sin. This devotional is an invitation for you to start a lust-free lifestyle. You will be equipped with biblical principles that can help you fight and be free from the temptations of lust.
Exposing Seven Lies of Lust
7 Days
Lust attacks Christians every day. These attacks come in many forms. Lust uses images, entertainment, and social media, but also lies to Christian men to keep them trapped in sin. These lies can grow into future problems. Once you understand lust’s lies, you can have the upper hand to fight lust and win! In this plan, we will expose lust's lies so you can live a lust-free lifestyle.
How To Get A Breakthrough
7 Days
Do you need a breakthrough in your life right now? Whether it’s in the realm of your faith, family, health, finance or elsewhere, I believe that the breakthrough God has in store for you is closer than you realize. It’s possible to see God bring the supernatural change you desire in life by partnering with Him, taking hold of His promises and pressing into His plans and purposes.
GLOBAL CRISIS PRAYERS – Praying for Everyone, Everywhere
7 Days
While we’re called to pray at all times, we especially cry out to God in times of global crises—such as poverty, violence, disease. Yet how do we pray globally? How can we pray for everyone, everywhere? Over the next seven days, you'll find practical ways you can talk to God about people near and far, ensuring that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Love Thy Neighbour – hood
7 Days
Jesus said in Matthew 10, "Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood and tell them that the Kingdom is here." What is the "neighbourhood?" People that we can impact in our everyday spaces and lives. What an incredible charge for us all! Let's read together how we can Love Thy Neighbour-hood.
See-Through Marriage By Ryan and Selena Frederick
7 Days
No joy compares with realizing that we are truly known and still truly loved. Yet many of us hide our real selves from our spouse because we fear being rejected in such an intimate relationship. In this week’s devotional, Ryan and Selena Frederick inspire and equip us to be transparent in our marriages so we can discover the richness of reflecting God’s unconditional love to one another.