Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 14:12
Encounter Freedom
10 Days
In this 10-day Bible plan from Matt Muscatell’s book, 40 Days to Freedom, you will embark on a journey as you discover the amazing truth that God has provided everything you need to live in freedom from whatever is defeating you. No matter where you are in life, God is ready and willing to set you free!
House Churches - a Primer
10 Days
There is a growing interest in and movement towards establishing house churches. Even though they date back to the beginning of the New Testament church, they are poorly understood. This Bible plan aims to address that issue and offer the next steps.
Journey Through John: Upper Room Discourse
11 Days
The author of this gospel is the apostle John, one of the three "inner circle" disciples: Peter, James and John. In the next 11 days this reading plan will lead you through the upper room teachings of Jesus, the night before His betrayal and death, and includes the last two "I am" statements. Join us as we reflect on the life and ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
11 Days
God has a great plan for us. He set us free from our sins and its penalty, so we can have a full life and glorify His name. Through this devotion, you are invited to reimagine your life. When we reimagine our lives according to the Word of God, we will gain His perspective and live according to His purpose.
This Is Our Story: Rising Through Injustice
11 Days
Tearfund seeks to transform the lives of those living in poverty. We cannot do this without challenging racial injustice. These reflections speak to people who've been oppressed because of their race or ethnicity. If you've ever felt like you're on a never-ending search for your place in the world, we hope that these words will be a reminder that you are created in the image of God and are loved.
I Am Series
12 Days
In this twelve-segment video series, you will have a chance to examine seven staggering statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, and consider how His statements are relevant to you today.
The Gospel According To John
12 days
This reading plan explores the fourth gospel. John wrote the fourth gospel to assure persecuted Jewish believers that Jesus was the fulfillment of God's ancient promises to the Jews; that Jesus really is the Christ, the Son of God. John wanted to make sure that they would remain faithful to Jesus and enjoy abundant life in him.
Bible Trek | Galilee Series
12 Days
Welcome to Galilee, we hope you experience the importance and significance of this special place. It was here that Jesus began his ministry as he performed miracles, healed people and taught in the synagogue. It was here that he called his first disciples, calmed the storm and walked across the water. It was from the Galilee region that Christianity would emerge and eventually spread across the world.
Following Christ
12 Days
This Bible plan is perfect for you if you have been wondering how to actually follow Jesus every day. Saying yes to Jesus is the first step of course. What follows though, is a lifelong journey of repeatedly saying yes and keeping in step with Him.
Words of Jesus During Passion Week
12 Days
This plan is an invitation to walk with the disciples during the Passion Week—the days leading up to Jesus’ death—and experience some of His most dramatic teachings. Each day’s readings are arranged in parallel passages of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and are filtered chronologically.