Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 17:22
A Gentle Answer
5 Days
In a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to "turn away wrath"?
Fighting for Unity in a Divided World
5 Days
How do you faithfully follow Jesus in a divided world? In a world where every issue has become a battle between “us” and “them,” it is more important than ever to remember that no matter what, Jesus is still on the throne. Learn how to respond to an increasingly divided world as a disciple of Jesus.
Making Disciples
5 Days
Jesus called twelve ordinary men to follow Him closely so He could impart Himself to them. Jesus walked them through a process of development and maturing so that when He left, they could repeat this process with others. This practice of making disciples brings us together today. We’re Jesus’ disciples because twelve brave men spent time with Jesus 2,000 years ago and were sent to make disciples themselves.
Worship Through It, Together
5 Days
Choosing to worship helps us keep our eyes on Jesus, even when life's crazy. When we focus on Him, our brokenness is restored, our anxiety turns into hope, and we become more united. This 5-day plan will give you practical steps to worship through it, whatever IT is, along with how to love one another, even when it's hard. So, today, we hope you'll choose to Worship Through It, Together.
The Journey to Freedom from Sexual Shame
5 Days
This is about more than just lusting less or quitting porn and promiscuous sex. This is about freedom from shame and the liberty to fully delight in God's presence as a beloved son or daughter. This is about finding grace, hope, and joy, and living in the perfect freedom found in relationship with Jesus, our Pure Hope.
The World - In It But Not Of It
5 Days
The world is God's good creation. Humanity has twisted and spoiled the world in many ways. Jesus told his followers to be IN the world but not OF the world. Read what the Bible says about how God's children can be "in, but not of."
Until Unity
5 Days
New York Times best-selling author, Francis Chan, shows readers that the real problem is shallow or even non-existent love for each other. Do we truly understand the gospel? Do we believe in the miracle of the Holy Spirit in us? As believers, Christians are supposed to yield the fruit of supernatural love for one another. Instead, we allow jealousy and selfish ambition to prevail.
5 Days to Becoming a More Effective Leader
5 Days
What does every leader want more than anything else? Results! Every leader wants to know their service means something; that their life has not been wasted; that they have not just been marking time or filling a post. Pastor Mark Croston guides us to understand how God-centered leadership always yields big results.
Becoming a Next-Level Believer
5 Days
Next-level believers are anointed to influence every sphere of society and represent God on the earth. Passionate and proactive rather than passive, they engage the surrounding culture in their cities, regions and nations and push back darkness with the Kingdom of God’s light. With God-given power and authority, next-level believers arise as the Church and enforce the victories Christ won at Calvary, setting the enemy’s captives free along the way.