Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 17:23
Who Is God?
15 Days
It happens to us all. Conflicting messages cloud our vision. Pain and suffering wear our faith thin. Whether you've been following Him for a few days or a few years, we understand how easy it is to lose sight of who God truly is. Join us on a 15-day journey into the character of God. Be reminded how glorious He is, and how much He cares for you.
Jesus Is King: A Study on the Kingdom
15 Days
In this 15-day devotional study, we'll explore the unshakable truth that brings peace: Jesus is King, and His reign transcends all earthly powers. Discover how the kingdom of God embodies hope, unity, and humility.
Pray and Work, the Inspiring Example of Nehemiah
16 Days
Sometimes we face difficult, seemingly hopeless situations. How can we deal with them? Take an example from Nehemiah, who changed his people's situation for the better through prayer and work. Both were necessary, and they still are!
Our Daily Bread: This Far By Faith
19 Days
Brought to you by Our Daily Bread, this collection of devotional readings in celebration of Black History Month will inspire you to engage in ongoing praise and thanksgiving for what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do for those who rely on Him and trust in His Word.
20 Days Of Relational Health
20 Days
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.
Jesus' Final Visit to Jerusalem
20 Days
God with Us: The Four Gospels Woven Together in One Telling is a captivating new book that looks and feels like a paperback novel. But it’s not a story based on Jesus’ life, with fictionalized embellishment. It is the story of Jesus’ life, told entirely in the words of the four Gospels in the New Living Translation. This reading plan is not the full account of God with Us but takes you through select events during Jesus’ final week as he visits Jerusalem for the last time leading up to his death and resurrection.
Jesus Style Leadership 4 - Sent & Team
20 Days
Jesus-Style Leadership (JSL) offers 80 biblical devotions designed to help young Christian leaders develop a biblical way of leadership that will ensure their leadership calling and gifting is greatly used by God in his kingdom. JSL is all about leading Jesus' way. This final Plan focuses on the need to share the gospel and work in team.
Catalyst - Known: A 21-Day Journey
21 Days
As a team, it is our prayer that Catalyst would spark a life-changing encounter with Jesus that would continue well after the event. Let’s dive deeper into the Holy Scriptures with this reading plan developed with American Bible Society. You’re the fulfillment of answered prayers; a generation desiring to know God and to be known by him. It’s on that foundation alone that we believe we will change the world.
Pray Like Jesus By Pastor Mark Driscoll
21 Days
Pray Like Jesus is a 21-day Bible led journey designed to explain how prayer is talking to your Heavenly Father through Jesus' teaching about prayer as well as his own prayer life. Pray Like Jesus explores what prayer is, who God the Father is, how we should pray, what we should pray for, and when and where we should pray, giving practical steps towards building a prayer life like Jesus’.
Called To Love
21 Days
This devotional is a 21-day study of John 14-17. These are some of the final teachings Jesus gave his disciples before He was crucified. Some of the greatest life lessons and spiritual truths are found in these passages and we believe they will help you walk closer with Jesus, know His Spirit more, and be effective in the world we are called to love.