Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 21:9
Fighting Loneliness
7 Days
More men than ever are saying that loneliness is a significant problem in their lives. So what can men do to rise above this problem plaguing guys everywhere? Join us for this practical and down-to-earth look at a biblical approach to the problem! Written by Brad Klassen of Crossview Church.
The 7 Words Of Jesus: A Good Friday And Easter Reflection
8 Days
We all have perspectives. Our perspectives depend on where we are at the moment. The 7 utterances of Jesus are 7 perspectives from the angle of the cross. Each of Jesus’ words summarize the purpose of his life and its implication on our life. This is an 8-day devotional that takes you through the 7 utterances of Jesus from the cross, one utterance a day. We end on the 8th day reflecting on Easter.
Win the Day
8 Days
Instead of fixating on things that lie dimly at a distance, urges pastor and bestselling author Mark Batterson, concentrate on what lies clearly at hand. If yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery, win the day! When you win the day, tomorrow takes care of itself. Do that enough days in a row, and you can accomplish almost anything.
Bible Trek | Easter Series
8 Days
Through a series of short films, trek with Andrew Ollerton (author of The Bible Course) and discover the sites where Bible events took place. With historical notes and reflections, see why these stories matter today. The Easter Series takes you from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection. Experience the story of Easter, visit key locations and experience the week that changed everything. [Watch out for further series’ throughout 2021].
The Day Death Died: A Holy Week Devotional
8 Days
Every year, the whole world comes together for a week-long celebration of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As one church, let’s look through the eyes of different people surrounding the finished work of our Lord and Savior on the day death died and how we too can experience a resurrected life today.
It's All About Love?!
8 Days
The Bible says love is great and indispensable. It tells us to love the people around us. But most of all, the Bible speaks about God’s amazing love for us humans and invites us to love Him back with all our hearts. Do you love God?
Signs of Glory
8 Days
Water into wine. Feeding the multitudes. Walking on water. Jesus did some incredible things throughout His ministry! Let’s discover the eight sign miracles in John's gospel and see what they reveal to us about Jesus.
24/7 Athletes
8 Days
The 24/7 Athletes plan is designed to help competitors go from overwhelmed to overflowing by teaching through the life of Peter. We walk through four themes in this study, Reset, Renew, Refuel and Ready. We need a new perspective on winning. We need to redefine our priorities. We need to take back our time and fill it with the presence of Jesus.
24/7 Coaches
8 Days
The 24/7 Coaches plan is designed to help coaches go from overwhelmed to overflowing by teaching through the life of Peter. We walk through four themes in this study, Reset, Renew, Refuel and Ready. We need a new perspective on winning. We need to redefine our priorities. We need to take back our time and fill it with the presence of Jesus.
How To Neighbor
10 Days
What if we don’t have to travel far to get close to people who are distant from God? What if Christians were the best neighbors? Would your street change? Would heaven be fuller? A long time ago, a religious leader asked Jesus how to get into heaven. Jesus answered with a question, then the story of the Good Neighbor. No surprise, 2000 years later Jesus’ story still explains how to neighbor. Join Pastor Craig Groeschel and Life.Church in a practical, story-filled guide to meeting your neighbors and loving them as yourself. But don’t just read it—live it!