Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Joshua 6:4

Nothing Is Impossible
7 Days
7 Miracles in 7 Days. This reading plan will inspire you to elevate your faith and thinking to what’s possible with God. His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are beyond our thoughts and focusing on some of the miraculous things He has done will encourage you to believe for greater in your world.

10 Days
It's time to drop your baggage, pick up your freedom, and fulfill your destiny. In this 10-day reading plan, uncover the power in God's Word that gives you the strength to let go of your shame and live a life of complete freedom.

Black History Month And The Bible
10 Days
Black History Month is a time to remember and study the contributions of black Americans to the history and culture of the United States. The Bible has played a significant role in the lives of black Americans. Join Museum of the Bible in a 10-day plan to discover how the Bible impacted people like Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., and Rosa Parks.

Unexpected: Five Women in the Lineage of Jesus
12 Days
Jesus’ story on earth starts long before He was born. It begins in the wombs of women whose stories are complex, messy, and often unexpected. Join us as we dive into the lives of five incredible women—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary—who made up Jesus’ lineage and discover how they made a mark not only within their lifetimes, but also in the years and years to come.

15 Days
This study plan is a complement to the Central Live album titled Greater , and covers some of the scriptural truths that inspired us when writing it. For the next two weeks, let’s explore and savor the personality of God, worship Him through song, and live with fresh gratefulness for our rescue. Greater comes from John 3:30, which is an aim Central Live strives to achieve every day: “He must become greater and I must become less.”

Which Way Do I Go?
15 Days
We all face daily decisions, and we all need divine direction for life. It can be challenging to know where to go and what to do. Join us as we study three examples of God leading and directing. We hope that you will find this study to be a help and encouragement as you seek to follow Christ. All scripture quotations are taken from the Authorized Version (KJV).
Living the Surrendered Life
21 Days
The word surrender doesn’t have very positive connotations in our society. It tends to be seen as a weakness. However, surrendering actually takes more strength than you can even imagine. We don't need to carry shame, worry, ingratitude or fear around on our backs. We need to “give it up completely” as one of the definitions of surrender suggests. I believe that when we surrender our lives to the Lordship of Christ we will find the abundant life promised us in John 10:10. After all, God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him.

Biblical Leadership, the Example of Joshua
21 Days
Joshua was the leader of the people of Israel at a crucial time in their history. After a 40-year journey, the time had come to take possession of their own land, and Joshua led the way. This reading plan is about Joshua's life and leadership and describes valuable lessons for leadership today.

Biblex: The Historical Books
25 Days
In this BibleX study, you will explore the historical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah. You will study portions of Scripture, learn the key points by viewing a short video, and grow by applying the Scripture’s teachings to your life. BibleX is a free resource to help expand your knowledge of the Bible.

Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus
25 Days
As we enter the Christmas season, we are all eager to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the point in history where God descended into humanity to bring life to a broken world. Each day leading up to Christmas, we will provide an overview of the biblical significance of a location in Israel, along with a devotional prompt that will connect that location with the life of Jesus in Scripture.