Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 15:20
Are We There Yet? Devotional by United
7 Days
The Christian journey can often feel like a long waiting game –and can lead us to ask the question “Are We There Yet?” The hope of heaven and promise fulfilled reminds us of our need to trust God in our everyday. Join Hillsong UNITED for a 7 Day Devotional as we journey through 7 songs off the album “ARE WE THERE YET?” and unpack Biblical themes on 7 tracks.
7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ. For more content like this, visit
The Face of Transformation
7 Days
Hebrews 11 highlights many of the heroes of the Bible, including Jacob. The deeper you dig into Jacob's life, you begin to see that he’s a mess. But what if the people in the Bible aren't just heroes to imitate, but people to walk with on their own journey of faith? Let’s walk through the life of Jacob, and see his life transformed by the grace of God.
Anchorage: The Storm of Shame | Part 8 of 8
7 Days
‘Anchorage: The Storm of Shame’ is designed to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to navigate mental health and wellness topics. This seven-day plan incorporates character discussions, reflective questions, and prayers to help participants explore biblical examples of honor. Choose this plan to discover how these realities help us victoriously overcome the storms of life.
Grace to Grow: Release Anxiety and Find Purpose
7 Days
The Christian life isn’t without challenges. It’s easy to wonder, "What if troubles overwhelm me? What if I can’t find my purpose? What if I fail?" Despite the anxieties, God’s abundant grace is always with you. Accepting this undeserved gift equips you to silence the stresses of the day. Through stories and Scripture over seven days Kristel Ward encourages you to let God give you grace to grow.
Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of Jesus
7 Days
How do you hear God’s still small voice? Very few of us experience him speaking audibly. More often we hear him in the quiet. In the stillness. In the moments we are searching for answers and taking the time to listen. As you quiet yourself and meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, you will discover the many facets of his character, his goodness, faithfulness, compassion, and perfect peace.
Child of God
7 Days
The Bible tells us that we are children of God, created in his image, and that to enter into his kingdom we must become like little children. That can be hard to understand, but our relationships with our children can point to God’s relationship with us. Whether you are a parent or not, this 7-day series of devotions will help you reflect on God’s deep, down-to-the-bones love for you.
We Are All God's Children: Embracing Differences
7 Days
The more you understand someone’s history, the better you can see their humanity. This is true for individuals as well as society at large. As we fill in the gaps of our collective knowledge on race relations, we can grow in understanding, empathy, and solidarity. We can pave the way for society to move beyond showing support from a distance toward loving one another in long-term advocacy and friendship.
Open, the Hospitable Heart
7 Days
Hospitality is God’s welcome. As Creator, He enjoys time with us, remembers our preferences and likes who we really are—no need to dress-up or wear a mask. In this plan we will explore the massive, welcoming heart of God and practical ways to extend hospitality to others. Welcome home!
Ordinary Discipleship: How God Wired Us to Make Disciples
7 Days
Jesus said “Go and make disciples of every nation,” but many of us stop before we start because we feel like we don’t have what it takes. But Jesus didn’t ask spiritual superstars to make disciples. He invited ordinary people to follow him. In this 7-day devotional from Jessie Cruickshank, discover a pathway for ordinary disciples of Jesus to become disciplemakers who help others be changed by Jesus too.