Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 15:5
The 8 Great Promises of Jesus
8 Days
Eventually, inevitably, we notice something we lack. We wonder how we’re going to get our needs met. Meet the Jesus who dares you to ask Him to give you each day your daily bread, who makes promises and keeps them, and who does immeasurably more than you can ask or imagine on a regular basis. Pastor Troy Schmidt guides us through eight promises Jesus keeps with us.
8 Days
ONE! is a guide for anyone who wants to share the good news about Jesus to others! Jesus has found you, and He wants you to share the great news about salvation with others. This guide asks you to depend on the Holy Spirit as you take five practical steps to share the good news about salvation through Jesus Christ.
On the Road Home: How to Journey Safely
8 Days
Here on earth we will have experiences of feeling at home, a sense of belonging. We are called to strive for this as much as possible, whether in our private homes or in a church community. Both are images of the heavenly HOME. That heavenly HOME will ultimately and fully fulfill all our longing.
Something Needs to Change by David Platt
8 Days
Traveling through the Himalayan mountains, David Platt was confronted with staggering physical and spiritual needs unlike any he had ever seen. Leaving, Platt asked fundamental questions about his life and ministry. In the Something Needs to Change Bible study, Platt takes you on a life-altering trek through the gospel of Luke asking: What does it mean to follow Jesus in a world filled with urgent physical and spiritual needs?
8 Days
Take a moment and think about your favorite brands, like Nike, Gucci, Apple, etc. If you saw someone wearing that brand, what would you typically associate with them? Being branded can mean either having a brand name or it can also mean being marked. If anyone in the Bible knows what it is like to be branded, it is David in the Old Testament.
Lost! The Parables of Luke 15
9 Days
Luke 15 is a threefold parable, a bit like a three-leafed shamrock clover, that Jesus told about lostness. The Sunday School definition of a parable is that it’s an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. So, when Jesus talks about sheep, coins and sons, He's not just an entertaining storyteller: He's illustrating heaven’s spiritual truths.
Shepherded: Psalm 23 for the Single Christian
9 Days
What does it mean to be shepherded by Jesus as a single Christian? How does God take care of you? We’ll take nine days to see Psalm 23 from a new perspective, looking at timeless truths, applied honestly, to the unique season of singleness. Be refreshed with the reality of the deep affection your Shepherd has for you.
Our Daily Bread: The Promise of Easter
10 Days
The following devotionals are designed to help you in your spiritual journey. Each article has been selected to help you understand more about God's love for you, and we hope that through these readings you will find encouragement, comfort, and true peace this Easter season.
Sorry Not Sorry
10 Days
Sometimes there are things that just need to be said. This Bible plan walks through some of the values that tend to get lost in the local church because, over time, we tend to make church all about ourselves. It's time to get back to the basics. Buckle up: this might hurt a little. Sorry, not sorry.
Stuck In Reverse
10 Days
Do you ever wonder why it seems your life is going nowhere? Have wrong turns and detours prevented you from reaching your goals and dreams? Do fear, sin, and hesitation paralyze you from living the life God has in store for you? Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he explains how you can shift out of reverse and into drive, living an abundant life in Christ full of hope and meaning.